
Niklas Carlsson

Senior Associate Professor
Linkoping University, Dept of Comp & Info Science (IDA)

Contact Info


2025 (or later)
  • Minh-Ha Le and Niklas Carlsson, DiffPrivate: Facial Privacy Protection with Diffusion Models, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), volume 2, 2025. (Will also appear at the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), July 2025.) (pdf, code)

  • Alireza Mohammadinodooshan and Niklas Carlsson, Successful Rhetorics: How Do Linguistic Dimensions Affect User Engagement with Different News Categories on Twitter?, Proc. AAAI International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2025. (pdf)

  • Lukas Olof Ingemarsson, Karl Duckert Karlsson, and Niklas Carlsson, Using Venom to Flip the Coin and Peel the Onion: Measurement Tool and Dataset for Studying the Bitcoin - Dark Web Synergy, Proc. ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY), Pittsburgh, PA , June 2025. (pdf)

  • Alireza Mohammadinodooshan and Niklas Carlsson, Public versus Less-Public News Engagement on Facebook: Patterns Across Bias and Reliability, Proc. ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci), New Brunswick, NJ, May 2025. (pdf)

  • Patrick Lambrix, Niklas Carlsson, and Rasmus Säfvenberg, Goal-based Performance Metrics for Ice Hockey Accounting for Goal Importance, Journal of Sports Analytics, Jan. 2025. (doi)
  • August Carlson, David Hasselquist, Ethan Witwer, Niklas Johansson, Niklas Carlsson, Understanding and Improving Video Fingerprinting Attack Accuracy under Challenging Conditions, Proc. ACM CCS Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (ACM WPES @CCS), Salt Lake City, UT, Oct. 2024. (pdf, source code + datasets)

  • Simon Malm, Viktor Rönnbäck, Amanda Håkansson, Minh-ha Le, Karol Wojtulewicz, Niklas Carlsson, RAD: Realistic Anonymization of Images Using Stable Diffusion, Proc. ACM CCS Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (ACM WPES @CCS), Salt Lake City, UT, Oct. 2024. (pdf, source code + dataset)

  • David Hasselquist, János Dani, and Niklas Carlsson, Homomorphic Encryption Enabled Delta Encoding, Proc. International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), Krakow, Poland, Oct. 2024. (pdf, doi)

  • Alireza Mohammadinodooshan and Niklas Carlsson, Understanding Engagement Dynamics with (Un)Reliable News Publishers on Twitter, Proc. International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Calabria, Italy, Sept. 2024. (pdf, doi)

  • David Hasselquist, Ethan Witwer, August Carlson, Niklas Johansson, Niklas Carlsson, Raising the Bar: Improved Fingerprinting Attacks and Defenses for Video Streaming Traffic, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), volume 4, 2024. (Will also appear at the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), July 2024.) (pdf, source code + datasets)

  • Minh-Ha Le and Niklas Carlsson, StyleAdv: A Usable Privacy Framework Against Facial Recognition with Adversarial Image Editing, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), volume 2, 2024. (Will also appear at the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), July 2024.) (pdf, source code + colab examples)

  • Rasmus Säfvenberg, Anders Nordgaard, Ola Lidmark Eriksson, Niklas Carlsson, Patrick Lambrix, Age of Peak Performance among Soccer Players in Sweden, Proc. International Sports Analytics Conference and Exhibition (ISACE), Paris, France, July 2024. (pdf)

  • Marcus Döberl, York Freiherr von Wangenheim, Carl Magnus Bruhner, David Hasselquist, Martin Arlitt, Niklas Carlsson, Chain-Sawing: A Longitudinal Analysis of Certificate Chains, Proc. IFIP Networking, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2024. (pdf, doi)

  • Elin Thorgren, Alireza Mohammadinodooshan, and Niklas Carlsson, Temporal Dynamics of User Engagement on Instagram: A Comparative Analysis of Album, Photo, and Video Interactions, Proc. ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci), Stuttgart, Germany, May 2024. (pdf)

  • Hampus Rosenquist, David Hasselquist, Martin Arlitt, Niklas Carlsson, On the Dark Side of the Coin: Characterizing Bitcoin use for Illicit Activities, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Mar. 2024. (pdf, dataset)

  • David Cerenius, Martin Kaller, Carl Magnus Bruhner, Martin Arlitt, Niklas Carlsson, Trust Issue(r)s: Certificate Revocation and Replacement Practices in the Wild, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Mar. 2024. (pdf)
  • Alireza Mohammadinodooshan, William Holmgren, Martin Christensson, and Niklas Carlsson, A Clone-based Analysis of the Content-Agnostic Factors Driving News Article Popularity on Twitter, Proc. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Kusadasi, Turkey, Nov. 2023. (pdf)

  • David Hasselquist, Niklas Johansson, and Niklas Carlsson, Now is the Time: Scalable and Cloud-supported Audio Conferencing using End-to-End Homomorphic Encryption, Proc. ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop at CCS (CCSW @ CCS), Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov. 2023. (pdf, doi)

  • Rasmus Safvenberg, Niklas Carlsson, and Patrick Lambrix, Identifying Player Roles in Ice Hockey, Proc. ECML/PKDD Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA @ECML/PKDD), Turin, Italy, Sept. 2023. (pdf, doi)

  • David Hasselquist, Jacob Wahlman, and Niklas Carlsson, PET-Exchange: A Privacy Enhanced Trading Exchange using Homomorphic Encryption, Proc. International Conference on Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST), Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 2023. (pdf, doi)

  • Antonia Arvanitaki, George J. Stamatakis, Niklas Carlsson, Parthajit Mohapatra, and Nikolaos Pappas, Deep Reinforcement Learning for Power Control in Secure Broadcast Channels, Proc. WiOpt Workshop on Machine Learning in Wireless Communications (WMLC @WiOpt), Singapore, Aug. 2023. (doi)

  • Minh-Ha Le and Niklas Carlsson, StyleID: Identity Disentanglement for Anonymizing Faces, Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), July 2023. (Will also appear in Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), volume 1, 2023.) (pdf, source code + colab examples)

  • David Hasselquist, Elsa Kihlberg Gawell, Axel Karlstrom, and Niklas Carlsson, Phishing in Style: Characterizing Phishing Websites in the Wild, Proc. Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Napoli, Italy, June 2023.

  • David Hasselquist, Ludvig Bolin, Emil Carlsson, Adam Hylander, Martin Larsson, Erik Voldstad, and Niklas Carlsson, Longitudinal Analysis of Wildcard Certificates in the WebPKI, Proc. IFIP Networking, Barcelona, Spain, June 2023. (pdf)

  • Minh-Ha Le and Niklas Carlsson, IdDecoder: A Face Embedding Inversion Tool and its Privacy and Security Implications on Facial Recognition Systems, Proc. ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY), Charlotte, NC, Apr. 2023. (pdf, doi, source code)

  • Alireza Mohammadinodooshan and Niklas Carlsson, Effects of Political Bias and Reliability on Temporal User Engagement with News Articles Shared on Facebook, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Mar. 2023. (pdf, code, video, doi)

  • Carl Magnus Bruhner, David Hasselquist, Niklas Carlsson, Bridging the Privacy Gap: Enhanced User Consent Mechanisms on the Web, Proc. NDSS Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb @NDSS), Mar. 2023. (pdf, doi) ** Best paper runner-up award **

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek Eager, Cross-user Similarities in Viewing Behavior for 360° Video and Caching Implications, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (ACM TOMM), Volume 19, Issue 5, Mar. 2023, pp. 1--24. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek Eager, Optimized Dynamic Cache Instantiation and Accurate LRU Approximations under Time-varying Request Volume, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (IEEE TCC), Volume 11, Issue 1, Jan/Mar. 2023, pp. 779-797. (pdf, doi)

  • David Hasselquist, Christoffer Lindstrom, Nikita Korzhitskii, Niklas Carlsson, and Andrei Gurtov, QUIC Throughput and Fairness over Dual Connectivity, Computer Networks, Volume 219, Dec. 2022. (pdf) (Open access: doi)

  • Alireza Mohammadinodooshan and Niklas Carlsson, Temporal Dynamics of User Engagement with U.S. News Sources on Facebook, Proc. International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), Milan, Italy, Nov/Dec. 2022. (pdf)

  • Carl Terve, Mattias Erlingsson, Alireza Mohammadinodooshan, and Niklas Carlsson, Social Media Dynamics of Shorted Companies, Proc. International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), Milan, Italy, Nov/Dec. 2022. (pdf)

  • Philip Gunnarsson, Adam Jakobsson and Niklas Carlsson, On the Impact of Internal Webpage Selection when Evaluating Ad Blocker Performance, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), Nice, France, Oct. 2022. (pdf)

  • David Hasselquist, Christian Vestlund, Niklas Johansson, and Niklas Carlsson, Twitch Chat Fingerprinting, Proc. IFIP Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Enschede, The Netherlands, June 2022. (pdf, slides)

  • David Hasselquist, Martin Lindblom, and Niklas Carlsson, Lightweight Fingerprint Attack and Encrypted Traffic Analysis on News Articles, Proc. IFIP Networking, Catania, Italy, June 2022. (pdf, slides, doi) ** Best Paper Award **

  • Oscar Jarpehult, Fredrik Josefsson Agren, Madeleine Backstrom, Linn Hallonqvist, and Niklas Carlsson, A Longitudinal Characterization of the Third-Party Authentication Landscape, Proc. IFIP Networking, Catania, Italy, June 2022. (pdf, code, datasets, doi)

  • Adam Halim, Max Danielsson, Martin Arlitt and Niklas Carlsson, Temporal Analysis of X.509 Revocations and their Statuses, Proc. International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC) @ IEEE EuroS&P, Genoa, Italy, June 2022. (pdf, code, data, doi)

  • Carl Magnus Bruhner, Oscar Linnarsson, Matus Nemec, Martin Arlitt, Niklas Carlsson, Changing of the Guards: Certificate and Public Key Management on the Internet, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Mar. 2022. (pdf, doi)
  • Sofia Bertmar, Johanna Gerhardsen, Alice Ekblad, Anna Hoglund, Julia Mineur, Isabell Oknegard Enavall, Minh-Ha Le, and Niklas Carlsson, Who's Most Targeted and Does My New Adblocker Really Help: A Profile-based Evaluation of Personalized Advertising, Proc. ACM CCS Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (ACM WPES @CCS), Nov. 2021. (pdf, doi)

  • Albin Vogel, Erik Kronberg, Niklas Carlsson, Fast-forwarding, Rewinding, and Path Exploration in Interactive Branched Video Streaming, Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia), Oct. 2021. (pdf, code, video, doi)

  • Eric Lindskog and Niklas Carlsson, REEFT-360: Real-time Emulation and Evaluation Framework for Tile-based 360 Streaming under Time-varying Conditions, Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (ACM MMSys), Istanbul, Turkey, Sept/Oct. 2021. (pdf, code+dataset, video, doi)

  • Antonia Arvanitaki, Nikolaos Pappas, Niklas Carlsson, Parthajit Mohapatra, Oleg Burdakov, Performance Analysis of Congestion-Aware Secure Broadcast Channels, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2021:178. (doi, OA link).

  • Martin Lindblom, Oscar Jarpehult, Mathilda Mostrom, Alexander Edberg, and Niklas Carlsson, Third-party Link Shortener Usage on Twitter, Proc. IFIP Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Sept. 2021. (pdf)

  • Teno Gonzales dos Santos, Chunyan Wang, Niklas Carlsson, and Patrick Lambrix, Predicting Season Outcomes for the NBA, Proc. ECML/PKDD Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA @ECML/PKDD), Sept. 2021.

  • Antonia Arvanitaki, Nikolaos Pappas, Niklas Carlsson, and Parthajit Mohapatra, Secrecy in Congestion-Aware Broadcast Channels, Proc. Wireless Days Conference (WD), June/July 2021. (doi)

  • Jon Vik, Min-Chun Shih, Rabnawaz Jansher, Niklas Carlsson, and Patrick Lambrix, Not all goals are equally important - a study for the NHL, Proc. MathSport International Conference (MathSport), June 2021. (pdf)

  • Nikita Korzhitskii and Niklas Carlsson, Revocation Statuses on the Internet, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Mar/Apr. 2021. (pdf, datasets, video)
  • Sebastian Flinck Lindstrom, Markus Wetterberg, and Niklas Carlsson, Cloud Gaming: A QoE Study of Fast-paced Single-player and Multiplayer Gaming, Proc. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (IEEE/ACM UCC), Dec. 2020. (pdf, doi)

  • Minh-Ha Le, Md Sakib Nizam Khan, Georgia Tsaloli, Niklas Carlsson, and Sonja Buchegger, AnonFACES: Anonymizing Faces Adjusted to Constraints on Efficacy and Security, Proc. ACM CCS Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (ACM WPES @CCS), Nov. 2020, pp. 87--100. (pdf, code, video, doi)

  • David Hasselquist, Christoffer Lindstrom, Nikita Korzhitskii, Niklas Carlsson and Andrei Gurtov, QUIC Throughput and Fairness over Dual Connectivity, Proc. IEEE Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS) Workshop, Nov. 2020. (pdf, slides, doi, extended journal version)

  • David Hasselquist, Christian Wahl, Otto Bergdal and Niklas Carlsson, Hypothesis-based Comparison of IPv6 and IPv4 Path Distances, Proc. IEEE Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS) Workshop, Nov. 2020. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Gustav Aaro, Daniel Roos and Niklas Carlsson, Toolset for Run-time Dataset Collection of Deep-scene Information, Proc. IEEE Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS) Workshop, Nov. 2020. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Timmy Lehmus Persson, Haris Kozlica, Niklas Carlsson and Patrick Lambrix, Prediction of Tiers in the Ranking of Ice Hockey Players, Proc. ECML/PKDD Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA @ECML/PKDD), Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 2020. (pdf, video, doi)

  • Nikita Korzhitskii and Niklas Carlsson, Characterizing the Root Landscape of Certificate Transparency Logs, Proc. IFIP Networking, Paris, France, June 2020, pp. 190--198. (pdf, tool)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek Eager, Optimized Dynamic Cache Instantiation, Proc. IFIP Networking, Paris, France, June 2020, pp. 145--153. (pdf, extended version published in IEEE TCC)

  • Daniel Persson Proos and Niklas Carlsson, Performance Comparison of Messaging Protocols and Serialization Formats for Digital Twins in IoV, Proc. IFIP Networking, Paris, France, June 2020, pp. 10--18. (pdf)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek Eager, Had You Looked Where I'm Looking? Cross-user Similarities in Viewing Behavior for 360-degree Video and Caching Implications, Proc. ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ACM/SPEC ICPE), Edmonton, Canada, Apr. 2020. (pdf, slides, video, doi, extended version published in ACM TOMM)

  • Raoufeh Hashemian, Diwakar Krishnamurthy, Niklas Carlsson, and Martin Arlitt, A Contention Aware Web of Things (WoT) Benchmarking Testbed, Proc. ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ACM/SPEC ICPE), Edmonton, Canada, Apr. 2020. (pdf, video, doi)

  • Antonia Arvanitaki, Nikolaos Pappas, Parthajit Mohapatra, and Niklas Carlsson, Delay Performance of a Two-User Broadcast Channel with Security Constraints, SN Computer Science, volume 1, issue 1, article 53, 2020. (doi)
  • Eric Henziger and Niklas Carlsson, The Overhead of Confidentiality and Client-side Encryption in Cloud Storage Systems, Proc. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (IEEE/ACM UCC), Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 2019. (pdf, slides, doi) ** Runner up for Best Research Paper **

  • Eric Henziger and Niklas Carlsson, Delta Encoding Overhead Analysis of Cloud Storage Systems using Client-side Encryption, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom), Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2019. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Eric Lindskog, Jesper Wrang, Madeleine Backstrom, Linn Hallonqvist, and Niklas Carlsson, Generalized Playback Bar for Interactive Branched Video, Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia), Nice, France, Oct. 2019. (pdf, slides, doi, code)

  • Raoufeh Hashemian, Niklas Carlsson, Diwakar Krishnamurthy, and Martin Arlitt, WoTbench: A Benchmarking Framework for the Web of Things, Proc. International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT), Bilbao, Spain, Oct. 2019. (pdf, doi)

  • Robin Keskisarkka, Huanyu Li, Sijin Cheng, Niklas Carlsson, and Patrick Lambrix, An Ontology for Ice Hockey, Proc. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Auckland, New Zealand, Oct. 2019. (pdf, poster paper)

  • Per Lindstrom, Ludwig Jacobsson, Niklas Carlsson, and Patrick Lambrix, Predicting Player Trajectories in Shot Situations in Soccer, Proc. ECML/PKDD Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA @ECML/PKDD), Wurzburg, Germany, Sept. 2019. (pdf, doi))

  • Jesper Holmstrom, Daniel Jonsson, Filip Polbratt, Olav Nilsson, Linnea Lundstrom, Sebastian Ragnarsson, Anton Forsberg, Karl Andersson, and Niklas Carlsson. Do we Read what we Share? Analyzing the Click Dynamic of News Articles Shared on Twitter, Proc. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (IEEE/ACM ASONAM), Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 2019. (pdf, slides, code/data, doi)

  • Carles Sans Fuentes, Niklas Carlsson, Patrick Lambrix, Player Impact Measures for Scoring in Ice Hockey, Proc. MathSport International Conference (MathSport), Athens, Greece, July 2019, pp. 307--317. (pdf)

  • Erik Arestrom and Niklas Carlsson, Early Online Classification of Encrypted Traffic Streams using Multi-fractal Features, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking (IEEE ICCN @INFOCOM), Paris, France, Apr/May 2019. (pdf, slides, doi)
  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek Eager, Worst-case Bounds and Optimized Cache on M-th Request Cache Insertion Policies under Elastic Conditions, Proc. IFIP International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (IFIP Performance), Toulouse, France, Dec. 2018. (Special issue of Performance Evaluation, Vol. 127-128 (Nov. 2018), Pages 70--92.) (pdf, doi, slides)

  • Dennis Ljung, Niklas Carlsson, and Patrick Lambrix, Player Pairs Valuation in Ice Hockey, Proc. ECML/PKDD Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA @ECML/PKDD), Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2018. (Appears as book chapter in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol 11330. Springer. 2019.) (pdf, doi)

  • Edward Nsolo, Patrick Lambrix, and Niklas Carlsson, Player Valuation in European Football, Proc. ECML/PKDD Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA @ECML/PKDD), Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2018. (Appears as book chapter in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol 11330. Springer. 2019.) (pdf, doi)

  • Mathias Almquist, Viktor Almquist, Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Niklas Carlsson, and Derek Eager, The Prefetch Aggressiveness Tradeoff in 360o Video Streaming, Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems (ACM MMSys), Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2018. (pdf, slides, doi, extended arXiv version)

  • Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Niklas Carlsson, and Emir Halepovic, Slow but Steady: Cap-based Client-Network Interaction for Improved Streaming Experience, Proc. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IEEE/ACM IWQoS), Banff, Canada, June 2018. (pdf, doi)

  • Daniel de Leng, Mattias Tiger, Mathias Almquist, Viktor Almquist, Niklas Carlsson, A Second Screen Journey to the Cup: Twitter Dynamics during the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Proc. IEEE/IFIP Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Vienna, Austria, June 2018. (pdf,slides, doi)

  • Carl Nykvist, Linus Sjostrom, Josef Gustafsson, and Niklas Carlsson, Server-side Adoption of Certificate Transparency, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2018. (pdf, slides, code, doi)
  • Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, and Tatiana Polishchuk, Optimized Adaptive Streaming of Multi-video Stream Bundles, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE TMM), volume 19, issues 7, July 2017, pp. 1637--1653. (pdf, doi, code)

  • Gustaf Ouvrier, Michel Laterman, Martin Arlitt, and Niklas Carlsson, Characterizing the HTTPS Trust Landscape: A Passive View from the Edge, IEEE Communications Magazine, volume 55, issue 7, July 2017, pp. 36--42. (pdf, doi)

  • Rahul Hiran, Niklas Carlsson and Nahid Shahmehri, Collaborative Framework for Protection Against Attacks Targeting BGP and Edge Networks, Computer Networks, Volume 122, July 2017, pp. 120--137. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek Eager, Ephemeral Content Popularity at the Edge and Implications for On-Demand Caching, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS), Volume 28, Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 1621-1634. (pdf, doi)

  • Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Niklas Carlsson, Emir Halepovic and Eric Petajan, BUFFEST: Predicting Buffer Conditions and Real-time Requirements of HTTP(S) Adaptive Streaming Clients, Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems (ACM MMSys), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2017, pp. 76--87. (pdf, doi)

  • Josef Gustafsson, Rahul Hiran, Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, and Niklas Carlsson, The Hidden Mailman and His Mailbag: Routing Path Analysis from a European Perspective, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), Paris, France, May 2017. (pdf, doi)

  • Raoufeh Hashemian, Niklas Carlsson, Diwakar Krishnamurthy, and Martin Arlitt, IRIS: Iterative and Intelligent Experiment Selection, Proc. ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ACM/SPEC ICPE), L'Aquila, Italy, Apr. 2017, pp. 143-154. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Josef Gustafsson, Gustaf Overier, Martin Arlitt, and Niklas Carlsson, A First Look at the CT Landscape: Certificate Transparency Logs in Practice, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Sydney, Australia, Mar. 2017, pp. 87-99. (pdf, slides, doi) ** Runner up for Best Research Paper **
  • Fredrik Saveros, Mingwei Gong, Niklas Carlsson, Aniket Mahanti, An Energy-efficient Handover Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2016, pp 1-8. (doi)

  • Joel Purra and Niklas Carlsson, Third-party Tracking on the Web: A Swedish Perspective, Proc. IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN), Dubai, Nov. 2016. (pdf, slides, data, doi)

  • Georgios Rizothanasis, Niklas Carlsson, and Aniket Mahanti, Identifying User Actions From HTTP(S) Traffic, Proc. IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN), Dubai, Nov. 2016. (pdf, doi)

  • Rahul Hiran, Niklas Carlsson, and Nahid Shahmehri, Does Scale, Size, and Locality Matter? Evaluation of Collaborative BGP Security Mechanisms, Proc. IFIP Networking, Vienna, Austria, May 2016, pp. 261--269. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Anna Vapen, Niklas Carlsson, Anirban Mahanti, and Nahid Shahmehri, A Look at the Third-Party Identity Management Landscape, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 20, No. 2, Mar/Apr. 2016, pp. 18--25. (doi, pdf, extended version)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Optimized eeeBond: Energy Efficiency with non-Proportional Router Network Interfaces, Proc. ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ACM/SPEC ICPE), Delft, the Netherlands, Mar. 2016, pp. 215--223. (pdf, doi, slides) ** Runner up for Best Research Paper **

  • Anna Vapen, Niklas Carlsson, and Nahid Shahmehri, Longitudinal Analysis of the Third-party Authentication Landscape, Proc. NDSS Workshop on Understanding and Enhancing Online Privacy (UEOP@NDSS), San Diego, CA, Feb. 2016. (pdf, slides)

  • Ajay Gopinathan, Niklas Carlsson, Zongpeng Li, and Chuan Wu, Revenue-maximizing and Truthful Online Auctions for Dynamic Spectrum Access, Proc. IEEE/IFIP Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference (IEEE/IFIP WONS), Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, Jan. 2016, pp. 1--8. (pdf, slides)

  • Tova Linder, Pontus Persson, Anton Forsberg, Jakob Danielsson, and Niklas Carlsson, On Using Crowd-sourced Network Measurements for Performance Prediction, Proc. IEEE/IFIP Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference (IEEE/IFIP WONS), Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, Jan. 2016, pp. 33--40. (pdf, slides)
  • Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, Anirban Mahanti, and Nahid Shahmehri, Bandwidth-aware Prefetching for Proactive Multi-video Preloading and Improved HAS Performance, Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia), Brisbane, Australia, Oct. 2015, pp. 551--560. (pdf, doi, slides, code)

  • Rahul Hiran, Niklas Carlsson, and Nahid Shahmehri, Crowd-based Detection of Routing Anomalies on the Internet, Proc. IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS), Florence, Italy, Sept. 2015, pp. 388--396. (pdf, doi)

  • Anna Vapen, Niklas Carlsson, Anirban Mahanti, and Nahid Shahmehri, Information Sharing and User Privacy in the Third-party Identity Management Landscape, Proc. IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference (IFIP SEC), Hamburg, Germany, May 2015, pp. 174--188. (pdf, doi, slides)

  • Anna Vapen, Niklas Carlsson, Anirban Mahanti, and Nahid Shahmehri, Information Sharing and User Privacy in the Third-party Identity Management Landscape, Proc. ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (ACM CODASPY), San Antonio, TX, Mar. 2015. (pdf, doi, poster paper) ** Outstanding Poster Award **

  • Cyriac James and Niklas Carlsson, Green Domino Incentives: Impact of Energy-aware Adaptive Link Rate Policies in Routers, Proc. ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ACM/SPEC ICPE), Austin, TX, Jan/Feb. 2015, pp. 211--221. (pdf, doi, slides)
  • Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, Anirban Mahanti, and Nahid Shahmehri, Quality-adaptive Prefetching for Interactive Branched Video using HTTP-based Adaptive Streaming, Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia), Orlando, FL, Nov. 2014, pp. 317--326. (pdf, doi, slides, code)

  • Rahul Hiran, Niklas Carlsson, and Nahid Shahmehri, PrefiSec: A Distributed Alliance Framework for Collaborative BGP Monitoring and Prefix-based Security, Proc. ACM CCS Workshop on Information Sharing and Collaborative Security (ACM WISCS @CCS), Scottsdale, AZ, Nov. 2014, pp. 3--12. (pdf, doi, slides)

  • Benoy Varghese, Niklas Carlsson, Guillaume Jourjon, Anirban Mahanti, and Prashant Shenoy, Greening Web Servers: A Case for Ultra Low-power Web Servers, Proc. International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), Dallas, TX, Nov. 2014. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, Ajay Gopinathan, and Zongpeng Li, Caching and Optimized Request Routing in Cloud-based Content Delivery Systems, Proc. IFIP International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (IFIP Performance), Turin, Italy, Oct. 2014. (Special issue Performance Evaluation, Vol. 79 (Sept. 2014), pp. 38--55.) (pdf, doi, slides)

  • Raoufehsadat Hashemian, Diwakar Krishnamurthy, Martin Arlitt, and Niklas Carlsson, Characterizing the Scalability of a Web Application on a Multi-core Server, Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience (CCPE), Wiley, Volume 26, Issue 12, Aug. 2014, pp. 2027--2052. (pdf, doi).

  • Gyorgy Dan and Niklas Carlsson, Dynamic Content Allocation for Cloud-assisted Service of Periodic Workloads, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), Toronto, Canada, Apr/May 2014, pp. 853--861. (pdf, doi, slides)

  • Alberto Garcia Estavez and Niklas Carlsson, Geo-location-aware Emulations for Performance Evaluation of Mobile Applications, Proc. IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (IEEE/IFIP WONS), Obergurgl, Austria, Apr. 2014, pp. 73--76. (pdf, doi, code, slides)

  • Anna Vapen, Niklas Carlsson, Anirban Mahanti, and Nahid Shahmehri, Third-party Identity Management Usage on the Web, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Los Angeles, CA, Mar. 2014, pp. 151--262. (pdf, doi, data, slides)
  • Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Patrik Bergstrom, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, Anirban Mahanti, and Nahid Shahmehri, Empowering the Creative User: Personalized HTTP-based Adaptive Streaming of Multi-path Nonlinear Video, Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Future Human-Centric Multimedia Networking (FhMN), Hong Kong, Aug. 2013, pp. 53--58. (This paper also appeared in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (ACM CCR), Volume 43, Issue 4, Oct. 2013, pp. 591--596.) (pdf, doi, slides+video, slides) ** Best Paper Award **

  • Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, Anirban Mahanti, and Nahid Shahmehri, Helping Hand or Hidden Hurdle: Proxy-assisted HTTP-based Adaptive Streaming Performance, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE MASCOTS), San Francisco, CA, Aug. 2013, pp. 182--191. (pdf, doi, slides)

  • Carey Williamson and Niklas Carlsson, On Zipf Models for Probabilistic Piece Selection in P2P Stored Media Streaming, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE MASCOTS), San Francisco, CA, Aug. 2013, pp. 161--171. (pdf, doi)

  • M. Aminul Islam, Derek Eager, Niklas Carlsson, and Anirban Mahanti, Revisiting Popularity Characterization and Modeling for User-generated Videos, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE MASCOTS), San Francisco, CA, Aug. 2013, pp. 350--354. (pdf, doi)

  • Klara Stokes and Niklas Carlsson, A Peer-to-Peer Agent Community for Digital Oblivion in Online Social Networks, Proc. International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), Tarragona, Spain, July 2013, pp. 103--110. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Raoufehsadat Hashemian, Diwakar Krishnamurthy, Martin Arlitt, and Niklas Carlsson, Improving the Scalability of a Multi-core Web Server, Proc. ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ACM/SPEC ICPE), Prague, Czech Republic, Apr. 2013, pp. 161--172. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Rahul Hiran, Niklas Carlsson, and Phillipa Gill, Characterizing Large-scale Routing Anomalies: A Case Study of the China Telecom Incident, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Hong Kong, China, Mar. 2013, pp. 229--238. (pdf, slides, data, doi)

  • Gyorgy Dan and Niklas Carlsson, Centralized and Distributed Protocols for Tracker-based Dynamic Swarm Management, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM ToN), Vol. 21, No. 1 (Feb. 2013), 297--310. (pdf, doi)

  • Aniket Mahanti, Niklas Carlsson, Anirban Mahanti, Martin Arlitt, and Carey Williamson, A Tale of the Tails: Power-laws in Internet Measurements, IEEE Network, Vol. 27, No. 1, Jan/Feb. 2013, pp. 59--64. (pdf, doi)
  • Niklas Carlsson, Carey Williamson, Andreas Hirt, and Michael Jacobson, Performance Modeling of Anonymity Protocols, Performance Evaluation, Vol. 69, No. 12 (Dec. 2012), pp. 643--661. (pdf, doi)

  • Song Zhang, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, Zongpeng Li, and Anirban Mahanti, Dynamic File Bundling for Large-scale Content Distribution, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN), Clearwater, FL, Oct. 2012, pp. 601--609. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Aniket Mahanti, Niklas Carlsson, Martin Arlitt, and Carey Williamson, Characterizing Cyberlocker Traffic Flows, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN), Clearwater, FL, Oct. 2012, pp. 410--418. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Gyorgy Dan, Derek Eager, Anirban Mahanti, Tradeoffs in Cloud and Peer-assisted Content Delivery Systems, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (IEEE P2P), Tarragona, Spain, Sept. 2012, pp. 249--260. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Youmna Borghol, Sebastien Ardon, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, and Anirban Mahanti, The Untold Story of the Clones: Content-agnostic Factors that Impact YouTube Video Popularity, Proc. ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM KDD), Beijing, China, Aug. 2012, pp. 1186--1194. (pdf, data, slides, doi)

  • Aniket Mahanti, Niklas Carlsson, and Carey Williamson, Content Sharing Dynamics in the Global File Hosting Landscape, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE MASCOTS), Arlington, VA, Aug. 2012, pp. 219--228. (pdf, doi)

  • Nadim Parvez, Carey Williamson, Anirban Mahanti, and Niklas Carlsson, Insights on Media Streaming Progress using BitTorrent-like Protocols for On-Demand Streaming, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM ToN), Vol. 20, No. 3 (June 2012), pp. 637--650. (pdf, doi)

  • Martin Arlitt, Niklas Carlsson, Carey Williamson, and Jerry Rolia, Passive Crowd-based Monitoring of World Wide Web Infrastructure and its Performance, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), Ottawa, Canada, June 2012, pp. 2689--2694. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Gyorgy Dan, Martin Arlitt, Anirban Mahanti, A Longitudinal Characterization of Local and Global BitTorrent Workload Dynamics, Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Vienna, Austria, Mar. 2012, pp. 252--262. (pdf, slides, doi)
  • Aniket Mahanti, Carey Williamson, Niklas Carlsson, Martin Arlitt, Anirban Mahanti, Characterizing the File Hosting Ecosystem: A View from the Edge, Proc. IFIP International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (IFIP Performance), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2011. (Special issue Performance Evaluation, Vol. 68, No. 11 (Nov. 2011), pp. 1085--1102.) (pdf, doi)

  • Youmna Borghol, Siddharth Mitra, Sebastien Ardon, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, and Anirban Mahanti, Characterizing and Modeling Popularity of User-generated Videos, Proc. IFIP International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (IFIP Performance), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2011. (Special issue Performance Evaluation, Vol. 68, No. 11 (Nov. 2011), pp. 1037--1055.) (pdf, data, doi)

  • Phillipa Gill, Martin Arlitt, Niklas Carlsson, Anirban Mahanti, Carey Williamson, Characterizing Organizational Use of Web-based Services: Methodology, Challenges, Observations, and Insights, ACM Transactions on the Web (ACM TWEB), Vol. 5, No. 4 (Oct. 2011), pp. 19:1--19:23. (pdf, doi)

  • Gyorgy Dan, Niklas Carlsson, and Ilias Chatzidrossos, Efficient and Highly Available Peer Discovery: A Case for Independent Trackers and Gossiping, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (IEEE P2P), Kyoto, Japan, Aug/Sept. 2011, pp. 290--299. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Martin Arlitt, Niklas Carlsson, Phillipa Gill, Aniket Mahanti, Carey Williamson, Characterizing Intelligence Gathering and Control on an Edge Network, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ACM TOIT), Vol. 11, No. 1 (July 2011), pp. 2:1--2:26. (pdf, doi)

  • Song Zhang, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, Zongpeng Li, and Anirban Mahanti, Towards a Dynamic File Bundling System for Large-scale Content Distribution, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE/ACM MASCOTS), Singapore, July 2011. (pdf, doi, short paper)

  • Siddharth Mitra, Mayank Agrawal, Amit Yadav, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, and Anirban Mahanti, Characterizing Web-based Video Sharing Workloads, ACM Transactions on the Web (ACM TWEB), Vol. 5, No. 2 (May 2011), pp. 8:1-8:27. (pdf, data, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Martin Arlitt, Towards More Effective Utilization of Computer Systems, Proc. ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ACM/SPEC ICPE), Karlsruhe, Germany, Mar. 2011, pp. 235--246. (pdf, slides, doi)
  • Aniket Mahanti, Carey Williamson, and Niklas Carlsson, Characterizing the File Hosting Service Ecosystem, Proc. ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop (ACM CoNEXT), Philadelphia, PA, Nov/Dec. 2010. (pdf, doi, poster paper)

  • Niklas Carlsson, and Derek Eager, Content Delivery using Replicated Digital Fountains, Proc. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE/ACM MASCOTS), Miami Beach, FL, August 2010, pp. 338--348. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, and Martin Arlitt, Leveraging Organizational Etiquette to Improve Internet Security, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (IEEE ICCCN), Zurich, Switzerland, August 2010. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Nissan Lev-tov, Niklas Carlsson, Zongpeng Li, Carey Williamson, and Song Zhang, Dynamic File-selection Policies for Bundling in BitTorrent-like Systems, Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IEEE IWQoS), Beijing, China, June 2010, pp. 1--9. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Derek L. Eager, and Anirban Mahanti, Using Torrent Inflation to Efficiently Serve the Long Tail in Peer-assisted Content Delivery Systems, Proc. IFIP/TC6 Networking (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6091, edited by M. Crovella et al., Springer), Chennai, India, May 2010, pp. 1--14. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Aniket Mahanti, Niklas Carlsson, Carey Williamson, and Martin Arlitt, Ambient Interference Effects in Wi-Fi Networks, Proc. IFIP/TC6 Networking (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6091, edited by M. Crovella et al., Springer), Chennai, India, May 2010, pp. 160--173. (pdf, doi)

  • Youmna Borghol, Sebastien Ardon, Niklas Carlsson, and Anirban Mahanti, Toward Efficient On-demand Streaming with BitTorrent, Proc. IFIP/TC6 Networking (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6091, edited by M. Crovella et al., Springer), Chennai, India, May 2010, pp. 53--66. (pdf, doi)

  • Gyorgy Dan and Niklas Carlsson, Power-law Revisited: A Large Scale Measurement Study of P2P Content Popularity, Proc. International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS), San Jose, CA, Apr. 2010. (pdf)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek L. Eager, Server Selection in Large-scale Video-on-Demand Systems, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (ACM TOMCAPP), Vol. 6, No. 1 (Feb. 2010), pp. 1:1-1:26. (pdf doi)

  • Sanchit Garg, Trinabh Gupta, Niklas Carlsson, and Anirban Mahanti, Evolution of an Online Social Aggregation Network: An Empirical Study, Proc. ACM Internet Measurement Conference (ACM IMC), Chicago, IL, Nov. 2009, pp. 315--321. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Derek L. Eager, and Anirban Mahanti, Peer-assisted On-demand Video Streaming with Selfish Peers, Proc. IFIP/TC6 Networking (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5550, edited by L. Fratta et al., Springer), Aachen, Germany, May 2009, pp. 586--599. (pdf, slides, doi)

  • Trinabh Gupta, Sanchit Garg, Anirban Mahanti, Niklas Carlsson, and Martin Arlitt, Characterization of FriendFeed - A Web-based Social Aggregation Service, Proc. AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (AAAI ICWSM), San Jose, CA, May 2009. (pdf, short paper)

  • Gyorgy Dan and Niklas Carlsson, Dynamic Swarm Management for Improved BitTorrent Performance, Proc. International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS), Boston, MA, Apr. 2009. (pdf)

  • Siddharth Mitra, Mayank Agrawal, Amit Yadav, Niklas Carlsson, Derek Eager, and Anirban Mahanti, Characterizing Web-based Video Sharing Workloads, Proc. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Madrid, Spain, Apr. 2009. (pdf, doi, poster paper)

  • Amit Dvir and Niklas Carlsson, Power-aware Recovery for Geographic Routing, Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2009, pp. 1--6. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Anirban Mahanti, Zongpeng Li, and Derek L. Eager, Optimized Periodic Broadcast of Non-linear Media, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE TMM), Vol. 10, No. 5 (Aug. 2008), pp. 871--884. (pdf, doi)

  • Nadim Parvez, Carey Williamson, Anirban Mahanti, and Niklas Carlsson, Analysis of BitTorrent-like Protocols for On-demand Stored Media Streaming, Proc. ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM SIGMETRICS), Annapolis, MD, June 2008, pp. 301--312. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek L. Eager, Modeling Priority-based Incentive Policies for Peer-assisted Content Delivery Systems, Proc. IFIP/TC6 Networking (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4982, edited by A. Das et al., Springer), Singapore, May 2008, pp. 421--432. (pdf)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek L. Eager, Non-Euclidian Geographic Routing in Wireless Networks, Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 5, No. 7 (Sept. 2007), pp. 1173--1193. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson and Derek L. Eager, Peer-assisted On-demand Streaming of Stored Media using BitTorrent-like Protocols, Proc. IFIP/TC6 Networking (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4479, edited by I. F. Akyildiz et al., Springer), Atlanta, GA, May 2007, pp. 570--581. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Derek L. Eager, and Mary K. Vernon, Multicast Protocols for Scalable On-demand Download, Performance Evaluation, Vol. 63, No. 9/10 (Oct. 2006), pp. 864--891. (pdf, doi)

  • Niklas Carlsson, Derek L. Eager, and Mary K. Vernon, Multicast Protocols for Scalable On-demand Download, Proc. ACM International Conference on Measurements and Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM SIGMETRICS), New York, NY, June 2004, pp. 428--429. (pdf, doi, extended abstract)

Tech report(s)

  • Nikita Korzhitskii, Matus Nemec, and Niklas Carlsson, Postcertificates for Revocation Transparency, Tech report (arXiv), Mar. 2022. (pdf, arXiv)


  • Niklas Carlsson, Scalable Download Protocols, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, Dec. 2006. (pdf)

  • Niklas Carlsson, The Linearized Characteristics for the Case of Subsonic and Supersonic Flows Around Slender Bodies of Revolution, Inclined at Small Angles of Attack, M.Sc. Thesis, Umea University, Umea, Sweden, June 2000.


  • Emir Halepovic, Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Niklas Carlsson, Cap-based Client-network Interaction for Improved Streaming Experience, US 11,490,149 B2, Issued Nov. 2022.

  • Emir Halepovic, Eric Petajan, Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Niklas Carlsson, System for Determining a Predicted Buffer Condition based on Flow Metrics and Classifier Rules Generated in Response to the Creation of Training Data Sets, US 10,778,547 B2, Issued Sept. 2020.