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TDDE35 Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Networks


For detailed time and place of individual lectures, please see timedit.

See overview for a preliminary high-level timeline of when the different parts will be covered.

Below is a preliminary lecture schedule for vt1 (last updated 15/1/2024):
Date Instructor Layer/topic (chapter) Exam
16/1 (Tue) Niklas Welcome. Intro. (ch 1) TEN1
17/1 (Wed) Niklas Intro/Applications (ch 1+2) TEN1
22/1 (Mon) Niklas Applications (ch 2) TEN1
23/1 (Tue) Andrei Transport (ch 3) TEN1
24/1 (Wed) Andrei Transport (ch 3) TEN1
29/1 (Mon) Andrei Network, data plane (ch 4) TEN1
30/1 (Tue) Andrei Network, data+control plane (ch 4+5) TEN1
1/1 (Wed) Andrei Network, control plane (ch 5) TEN1
5/2 (Mon) Nikos Link (ch 6) TEN1
6/2 (Tue) Niklas Distributed systems TEN2(*)
7/2 (Wed) Niklas Distributed systems TEN2(*)
12/2 (Mon) Niklas Distributed systems TEN2(*)
19/2 (Mon) Niklas Distributed systems TEN2(*)
20/2 (Tue) Nikos Wireless (ch 7) TEN1
21/2 (Wed) Nikos Security (ch 8) TEN1
26/2 (Mon) Niklas Multimedia (ch 9 or ch 1) TEN1
27/2 (Tue) Niklas (Andrei) Review TEN1
5/3 (Tue) Sectra Guest lecture
Note: Changes to schedule may take place.

* Please note that although the Distributed systems above primarily will be examined during TEN2 some of the parts will be beneficial also during TEN1 (e.g., slides called "part A4").

Computer Networking (TEN1)

Textbook for computer network part:

Kurose, James F. & Ross, Keith W. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th Edition (2016), Pearson Education.
Or the 8th edition (2021). Both versions work equally well.
The textbook also has its own website, including applets, powerpoint slides and wireshark labs. We strongly encourage students to take advantage of the many available learning resources.
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 1
Application layer
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 2
Transport layer
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 3
Network layer:Data Plane
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 4 Network layer: Control Plane
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 5
Link layer
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 6
Wireless and mobile networks
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 7
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 8.
Multimedia networking
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 9 in 7th Ed. (and part of Chapter 2 in 8th Ed.) Overview lecture (including exam hints for TEN1)
Reading: Kurose and Ross, Chapter 1-9. Guest lecture
Slides: 2024 (Sectra), 2022 (Ericsson 5G security)

Distributed Systems (part A of TEN2)

The four lectures will primarily be based on content from the textbook "Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms", by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten Van Steen. We will cover roughly the same content as in last year's course. As such, you may benefit from having a look at the following topics:
  • Introduction (Ch. 1)
  • Architectures (Ch 2 - 2.2)
  • Processes and communication (Ch 3 - 3.4.2, 4 - 4.3, 11 - 11.3.1)
  • Synchronization, replication, and consistency (Ch 6 - 6.3, 6.5 - 6.5.3, 7.4, 7.5.2-7.6)
  • Object-based and Web-based systems (Ch 10 - 10.7, 12 - 12.7)
Note that we may not cover all the above material in class.
  • Slides 2023/2024: part A1; part A2; part A3; part A4
  • Slides 2020: partA1; partA2; partA3; p2p examples; mapreduce examples
  • B. Cohen, "Incentives build robustness in BitTorrent", Proc. Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems, Berkeley, CA, June 2003. (pdf)
  • Extra resource (for log claims/discussion): I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Karger, M. F. Kaashoek, and H. Balakrishnan, "Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for Internet applications", Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2001. (doi)

Methodologies and Scale (part B of TEN2)


Multicore (part C of TEN2)

  • Slides 2024: Introduction (2024) Parallel Computer Architecture Concepts (lecture 1), Parallel Programming with Processes, Threads and Message Passing (lecture 2), Design and Analysis of Parallel Programs (lectures 3-4)

Embedded Systems (part D of TEN2)

  • Slides 2024: Embedded systems (2024)

Summary lecture and example questions for exam

  • Old exams can be obtained from IDA's student office and their online archive. The TDDE35/TEN1 exams pre-, during, and post-covid should all work well for study preparations. (Also, note that TDDE35/TEN1 will look similar to pre-covid exams in TDTS11, which were joint between TDTS11+TDDD93 or TDTS11+TDDE35. During and post-covid, the TDTS11 and TDTS04 exams follow a different format.)
  • Slides for summary lecture for TEN2 can be found here: 2021/2022, 2020,
  • Slides used for discussion about some recent research project can be found here: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
  • Thesis projects and other project opportunities: I always have several projects on a broad range of topics; See my website for example projects, recent publications, and examples of papers published with past thesis students. If you interested in discussing potential projects, please send me an email (although for thesis projects an email in year 4 or 5 may be enough :).

Page responsible: Niklas Carlsson
Last updated: 2024-04-20