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TDDE35 Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Networks


Course Overview

This course will aim to foster "system thinking" with a focus on scalability.
  • Overall system perspective (layers, components, etc.)
  • Large distributed systems and services down to smaller components
  • Networks and distributed systems "hand in hand"
  • Single to multi-core; single to a million machines / users
  • Scalable methods and architectures
  • Modeling and abstration of large systems (including simple mathematical modeling)
Mix of theory and practice
  • "The knowledge is not yours until you use it ..."
  • "You can't understand what you can't meaure ..."
  • Using experiments and measurement data to increase understanding of how "reality" looks, but also discuss the future

Figure 1: Overview of the teaching blocks and the examination done in the course.

In the course you will be evaluated based on four components:
  • Exams: Your two individually written exams: TEN1 (vt1) and TEN2 (vt2).
  • Project (PRA1): Your written project reports, your feedback to other groups, the seminar, and your potential summary video.
  • Assignments (LAB1): You must also pass all assignments (A1+A2+A3+A4).
The final grade in the course will be based on your performance in all these components. See examination for details.

Figure 2: Overview of the timeline of the course (2024 dates).

In broad terms, the course is split into four semi-interconnected blocks.
  • VT1: Computer Networks (TEN1) and Distributed Systems (part A of TEN2).
  • VT2, theory: Methodologies (part B of TEN2 and part of PRA1), Multicore (part C of TEN2), Embedded Systems (part D of TEN2)
  • VT2, labs: There will be five mandatory assignments (A1, A2, A3, and A4). The assignments are done in pairs.
  • VT2, project: There will be a class projects with 3-4 students per group, for which there will be four milestones (M0, M1, M2, and M3), a seminar, and a final report, as well as feedback reports to be written (M0, M1, M2, M3, seminar, and final report).

Page responsible: Niklas Carlsson
Last updated: 2024-02-21