Publications of Andrei Gurtov

Check out my books at Amazon and papers in Google Scholar.


D. Martintoni, V. Senni, G. Singh and A. Gurtov. On the role of SecRAM catalogues in ATM Cyber Risk Assessment and improvement opportunities, to appear in Proc. of ICNS'25. 2025.

R. Moskowitz, S. Card, A. Wiethuechter and A. Gurtov, Secure UAS Network RID and C2 Transport,

R. Moskowitz, S. W. Card, A. Gurtov. Aircraft to Anything AdHoc Broadcasts and Session,

R. Moskowitz, S. W. Card, A. Gurtov. Efficient Air-Ground Communications,


S.K. Jagatheesaperumal, I. Ahmad, M. Hoyhtya, S. Khan, A. Gurtov. Deep learning frameworks for cognitive radio networks: Review and open research challenges, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2024, 104051, ISSN 1084-8045,

E. Larsson-Kapp, V. A. Kniivila, Z. Wang, M. Wzorek, A. Lemetti and A. Gurtov. Trust-Based Collision Avoidance for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In Proc. of IEEE INCAS'24, 2024.

A. Attin, S. Bonnedahl, Z. Wang, M. Wzorek, A. Lemetti and A. Gurtov. Secure Remote ID and Detect-and-Avoid in Unmanned Aerial Systems: Modeling The Maximum Safe Speed. In Proc. of IEEE INCAS'24, 2024.

C. Jensen, M. Karresand, GS Gaba, A. Gurtov and E. Ohrn. Are Swedish Passwords Tougher Than the Rest? In Proc. of Nordsec'24, 2024.

S. Khan, GS Gaba, A. Gurtov, L. Jansen, N. Maurer, C. Schmitt. Post Quantum Secure Handover Mechanism for Next Generation Aviation Communication Networks, in IEEE Trans. on Green Communications and Networking, 2024.

M. Borhani, GS. Gaba, J. Basaez, I. Avgouleas, A. Gurtov. A Critical Analysis of the Industrial Device Scanners' Potentials, Risks, and Preventives, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2024.

S. Khan, Y. Wang, GS. Gaba, A. Gurtov, P. Kumar. A Lightweight, Reliable Authentication, Key Agreement, and Secure Handover Protocol for Controller Pilot Data link Communication, in Proc. of IEEE/AIAA 43rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), September 2024.

E. Carlsson, R. Lindkvist, A. Gurtov. Detecting Ship Satellite Communication Systems on the Open Internet, in Proc. of IEEE BlackseaCom, June 2024.

A. Lindback, Y. Javid, A. Gurtov. Demonstration of Digital Selective Call Spoofing, in Proc. of IEEE BlackseaCom, June 2024.

S. Khan, GS. Gaba, F. Boeira, A. Gurtov. Formal Verification and Security Assessment of the Drone Remote Identification Protocol. In Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS-Oman), IEEE, February 2024.

R. Moskowitz, SW Card, A. Wiethuechter, S. Khan, A. Gurtov. Trustworthy Device Identifiers For Unmanned Aircraft and Other Mobile Things. In Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS-Oman), IEEE, February 2024.

S. Khan, J. Thorn, A. Wahlgren, A. Gurtov. Intrusion Detection in Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Using Machine Learning, TransportForum, 2024.

A. Rehaimi, Y. Sadqi, Y. Maleh, GS Gaba, A. Gurtov. Towards a Federated and Hybrid Cloud Computing Environment for Sustainable and Effective Provisioning of Cyber Security Virtual Laboratories, J. on Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier, 2024.

A. Zineddine, O. Chakir, Y. Sadqi, Y. Maleh, GS Gaba, A. Gurtov, K. Dev. A Systematic Review of Cybersecurity Assessment Methods for HTTPS, J. of Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, 2024.

K. Zerhouni, G. S. Gaba, M. Hedabou, T. Maksymyuk, A. Gurtov and E. M. Amhoud, GAN-based Evasion Attack in Filtered Multicarrier Waveforms Systems, in IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, doi: 10.1109/TMLCN.2024.3361834.


I. Avgouleas, N. Pappas, A. Gurtov. A Wireless Caching Helper System Serving Heterogeneous Traffic With Secrecy Constraints, in Proc. of IEEE Chilecon'23, 2023

L. Nee, G. S. Gaba, A. Gurtov. Peer-to-Peer Misbehavior Reporting Using Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs For Intelligent Transport Systems, in Proc. of IEEE Chilecon'23, 2023

A. Gurtov (ed). Report on cybersecurity threats for the EMS scenarios. Deliverable 3.5. EU AiRMOUR, August 2023.

S. Khan, GS Gaba, A. Braeken, P. Kumar, and A. Gurtov. AKAASH: A Realizable Authentication, Key Agreement, and Secure Handover Approach for Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2023.

S. Khan, GS Gaba, A. Gurtov, N. Maurer, T. Graupl, C. Schmitt, Enhancing Cybersecurity for LDACS: A Secure and Lightweight Mutual Authentication and Handover Protocol. In Proc. of IEEE DASC'23, 2023

M. Borhani, I. Avgouleas, M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov. KDC Placement Problem in Secure VPLS Networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2023.

R. Moskowitz, S. Card, A. Wiethuechter and A. Gurtov, DRIP Entity Tag (DET) for Unmanned Aircraft System Remote ID (UAS RID), RFC 9374, IETF, March 2023. (Proposed Standard)

S. Card, A. Wiethuechter, R. Moskowitz, S. Zhao and A. Gurtov, Drone Remote Identification Protocol (DRIP) Architecture, RFC9434, July 2023.

O. Chakir, A. Rehaimi, Y. Sadqi, E. Alaoui, GS. Gaba, A. Gurtov. An Empirical Assessment of Ensemble Methods and Traditional Machine Learning Techniques for Web-based Attack Detection in Industry 5.0. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2023.


D. Hasselquist, C. Lindstrom, N. Korzhitskii, N. Carlsson, A. Gurtov, QUIC Throughput and Fairness over Dual Connectivity, Computer Networks, 2022.

M. Masud, GS Gaba, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, A User-Centric Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol For IoT-AmI Environments, Computer Communications, vol, 196, p. 45-54, December 2022.

I. Ahmad, J. Suomalainen, P. Porambage, A. Gurtov, J. Huusko, M. Hoyhtya, Security of Satellite-Terrestrial Communications: Challenges and Potential Solutions, IEEE Access, 2022.

S. Khan, GS. Gaba, A. Gurtov, A Federated Learning Based Security For Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication, in Proc. of the 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), September 2022.

P. Singh, GS. Gaba, M. Hedabou, A. Gurtov, Dew-Cloud-Based Hierarchical Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoMT, IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS, 2022.

M. Borhani, I. Avgouleas, A. Gurtov, Optimization of Relay Placement for Scalable Virtual Private LAN Services, in Proc. of 1st ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Future of Internet Routing & Addressing (FIRA), August 2022.

D. Osorio, I. Ahmad, J. Sanchez, A. Gurtov, J. Scholliers, M. Kutila, and P. Porambage. Towards 6G-enabled Internet of Vehicles: Security and Privacy, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2022.

Card, S., Ed., Wiethuechter, A., Moskowitz, R., and A. Gurtov, "Drone Remote Identification Protocol (DRIP) Requirements and Terminology", RFC 9153, DOI 10.17487/RFC9153, February 2022.

S. Khan, A. Braeken, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, POSTER: FL-Guard: A Federated Learning Based Ground-Air Secure Communication Model For Future Aviation Network, in Proc. of NDSS, 2022.


Y. Hashem, E. Zildzic, A. Gurtov, Secure Drone Identification with Iroha Hyperledger, in DIVANet '21: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications, November 2021.

S. Khan, A. Gurtov, A. Braeken, P. Kumar, Detection of Evils Flies: Securing Air-Ground Aviation Communication, poster at ACM Mobicom'21, 2021.

K. Gaur, A. Kalla, J. Grover, M. Borhani, A. Gurtov, M. Liyanage. A Survey of Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS): Past, Present and Future, Computer Networks, vol 196, September 2021.

S. Khan, J. Thorn, A. Wahlgren, A. Gurtov, Intrusion Detection in Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) with Machine Learning, in Proc. of IEEE DASC'21, 2021.

J. Jacobsson, A. Sodhro, A. Gurtov, Implementation and Evaluation of the ACE DTLS Framework over Internet of Things Devices, In Proc. of the Second IEEE International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2021), 2021.

S. Moledo, A. Rawat, A. Gurtov, Vendor-Independent Software-Defined Networking, In Proc. of the Second IEEE International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC 2021), 2021.

P. Porambage, G. Gur, D. P. M. Osorio, M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila. The Roadmap to 6G Security and Privacy, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol 2, pp 1094 - 1122, May 2021.

A. Fuchs, A. Stulman and A. Gurtov, "IoT and HIP's Opportunistic Mode," in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1434-1448, 1 April 2021, doi: 10.1109/TMC.2020.2967044.

A. Rawat, M. Khodari, M. Asplund, A. Gurtov, Decentralized Firmware Attestation for In-Vehicle Networks, ACM Trans. Cyber-Phys. Syst. 5, 1, Article 7 (January 2021), 23 pages. DOI:

A. Lehto, I. Sestorp, S. Khan, A. Gurtov, Controller Pilot Data Link Communication Security: A Practical Study, in Proc. of ICNS'21, 2021.

S. Khan, A. Gurtov, A. Braeken, P. Kumar, A Security Model For Controller-Pilot Data Communication Link, in Proc. of ICNS'21, 2021.

S. Card, A. Wiethuechter, R. Moskowitz and A. Gurtov, Drone Remote Identification Protocol (DRIP) Requirements,

D. Hasselquist, C. Lindstrom, N. Korzhitskii, N. Carlsson, A. Gurtov, QUIC Throughput and Fairness over Dual Connectivity, in Proc. of IEEE MASCOTS Workshop'20. LNCS 12527, pp. 1-16, 2021.


I. Ahmad, S. Shahabuddin, H. Malik, E. Harjula, T. Leppanen, L. Loven, A. Anttonen, A. Sodhro, M. Alam, M. Juntti, A. Yla-Jaaski, T. Sauter, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, J. Riekki, Machine Learning Meets Communication Networks: Current Trends and Future Challenges, in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 223418-223460, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3041765.

A. Blaberg, G. Lindahl, A. Gurtov, B. Josefsson, Simulating ADS-B Attacks in Air Traffic Management, in Proc. of IEEE/AIAA 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2020.

Taleb, T., R.L. Aguiar, I. Grida Ben Yahia, B. Chatras, G. Christensen, U. Chunduri, A. Clemm, X. COsta, L. Dong, J. Elmirghani, B. Yosuf, X. Foukas, A. Galis, M. Giordani, A. Gurtov, A. Hecker, C.-W. Huang, C. Jacquenet, W. Kellerer, S. Kuklinski, R. Li, W. Liao, K. Makhijani, A. Manzalini, Ingrid Moerman, K. Samdanis, K. Seppanen, D. Trossen, F. Xie, C;-K. Yen, and M. Zorzi. 2020. WHITE PAPER ON 6G NETWORKING. doi:

E. Matti, O. Johns, S. Khan, A. Gurtov, B. Josefsson, Aviation Scenarios for 5G and Beyond, in Proc. of IEEE/AIAA 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2020.

S. Eskilsson, H. Gustafsson, S. Khan, A. Gurtov, Demonstrating ADS-B And CPDLC Attacks With Software-Defined Radio, in Proc. of Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS), 2020.

A. Kashevnik, I. Lashkov, A. Gurtov, Methodology and Mobile Application for Driver Behavior Analysis and Accident Prevention, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(6):2427-2436, June 2020.

M. Ylianttila, R. Kantola, A. Gurtov, L. Mucchi, I. Oppermann (eds), 6G White paper: Trust, Security and Privacy. 6G Flagship, University of Oulu, June 2020.

A. Kashevnik, I. Lashkov, A. Ponomarev, N. Teslya, and A. Gurtov, Cloud-Based Driver Monitoring System Using a Smartphone, IEEE Sensors, 20(12), JUNE 15, 2020.

C. Mas-Machuca, F. Musumeci, P. Vizaretta, D. Pezaros, S. Jouet, M. Tornatore, A. Hmaity, M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, A. Braeken, Reliable Control and Data Planes for Softwarized Networks. In J. Rak, D. Hutchison (eds), Guide to Disaster-resilient Communication Networks, Springer, 2020.

M. Borhani, M. Liyanage, A. Sodhro, P. Kumar, A. Jurcut, and A. Gurtov, Secure and Resilient Communications in the Industrial Internet, In J. Rak, D. Hutchison (eds), Guide to Disaster-resilient Communication Networks, Springer, 2020.

S. Khan, K. Kifayat, A. Bashir, A. Gurtov, M. Hassan, Intelligent Intrusion Detection System in Smart Grid Using Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley, 2020.

C. Nykvist, M. Larsson, A. Sodhro, A. Gurtov, A Lightweight Portable Intrusion Detection Communication System for Auditing Applications, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, 33(7), May 2020.


D. Hasselquist, A. Rawat, A. Gurtov, Trends and Detection Avoidance of Internet-Connected Industrial Control Systems, IEEE Access 7: 155504-155512, 2019.

I. Ahmad, S. Shahabbuddin, T. Kumar, J. Okwube, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Security for 5G and Beyond, IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, 21(4): 3682-3722, 2019.

M. Khodari, A. Rawat, M. Asplund, A. Gurtov, Decentralized Firmware Attestation for In-Vehicle Networks, in Proc. of 5th ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS 2019), July 2019.

H. Islam, D. Lagutin, A. Yla-Jaaski, N. Fotiou, A. Gurtov, Transparent CoAP Services to IoT Endpoints through ICN Operator Network, MDPI Sensors, 2019.

A. Rajakaruna, A. Manzoor, P. Porambage, M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov. Enabling End-to-End Secure Connectivity for Low-Power IoT Devices with UAVs, in Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Computing and Caching at the Network Edge, IEEE WCNC'19, 2019.

D. Bhattacherjee, A. Gurtov, T. Aura, Watch your step! Detecting stepping stones in programmable networks, in Proc. IEEE ICC'19, May 2019.

P. Porambage, A. Manzoor, M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Managing Mobile Relays for Secure E2E Connectivity of Low-Power IoT Devices, in Proc. of IEEE CCNC'19, January 2019.

P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Sain, A. Martin, P. Hoai, Lightweight Authentication and Key Agreement for Smart Metering in Smart Energy Networks, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, 10(4): 4349-4359, July 2019.

A. Sodhro, S. Pirbhulal, G. Sodhro, A. Gurtov, M. Muzammal, Z. Luo. A Joint Transmission Power Control and Duty-Cycle Approach for Smart Healthcare System, IEEE Sensors, 19(19): 8479-8486, October 2019.


V. Mazalov, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, Location-Price Competition in Mobile Operator Market, International Game Theory Review, 2018.

A. Gurtov, T. Polishchuk and M. Wernberg, Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication Security, MDPI Sensors 2018, 18(5), 1636.

M. Liyanage, I. Ahmad, A. Abro, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila (eds). A comprehensive Guide to 5G Security, Wiley&Sons, ISBN 9781119293040, March 2018.

I. Ahmad, T. Kumar, M. Liyanage, J. Okwuibe, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Overview of 5G Security Challenges and Solutions. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 2(1): 36-43 (2018)

A. Gurtov, J. Koskela, D. Korzun. Cyclic ranking in single-resource peer-to-peer exchange. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11(3): 632-643 (2018)

M. Manzoor, P. Porambage, M. Liyanage, M. Yliantila, A. Gurtov, DEMO: Mobile Relay Architecture for Low-Power IoT Devices, in Proc. of IEEE WoWMoM, 2018.

C. Esposito, A. Gouglidis, D. Hutchison, A. Gurtov, B. E. Helvik, P. E. Heegaard, G. Rizzo, J. Rak, On the Disaster Resiliency Within the Context of 5G Networks: The RECODIS Experience, in Proc. of EUCNC'18, June 2018.

A. Hansson, M. Khodari, A. Gurtov, Analyzing Internet-Connected Industrial Equipment, in Proc. of ICSigSys'18, IEEE, 2018.


M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Software Defined VPLS Architectures: Opportunities and Challenges, in Proc. of IEEE PIMRC'17, 2017.

I. Hasan, D. Lagutin, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, A. Yla-Jaaski, CIDOR: Content Distribution and Retrieval in Disaster Networks for Public Protection, in Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Emergency Networks for Public Protection and Disaster Relief, 2017

P. Porambage, A. Braeken, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov and M. Ylianttila, CHIP: Collaborative Host Identity Protocol with Efficient Key Establishment for Constrained Devices in Internet of Things, Wireless Personal Communications, 2017.

M. Liyanage, A. Braeken, A. Jurcut, M. Yliantila, A. Gurtov, Secure Communication Channel Architecture for Software Defined Mobile Networks, Computer Networks, Vol. 114, pp 32-50, February 2017.

P. Kumar, A. Braeken, A. Gurtov, J. Iinatti, P. H. Ha, Anonymous Secure Framework in Connected Smart Home Environments, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 12(4):968-979, April 2017.

A. Fuchs, A. Stulman, A. Gurtov, Hardening Opportunistic HIP, in ACM MSWiM'17, 2017.

A. Gurtov, A. Lukyanenko, and V. Mazalov, Virtual operator market as a congestion game, in Proc. of the 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GAME THEORY AND MANAGEMENT, 2017.

I. Ahmad, T. Kumar, M. Liyanage, J Okwuibe, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, 5G Security: Analysis of Threats and Solutions, in Proc. of IEEE CSCN'17, September 2017.

M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov and M. Ylianttila, Enhancing Security, Scalability and Flexibility of Virtual Private LAN Services, in Proc. of IEEE SecureEdge'17, 2017

M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov and M. Ylianttila, Fast Transmission Mechanism for Secure VPLS Architectures, in Proc. of IEEE CIT'17, 2017

I. Ahmad, M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Analysis of Deployment Challenges of Host Identity Protocol, in Proc. of EuCNC'2017, 2017.


A. Gurtov, M. Liyanage, D. Korzun, Secure Communication and Data Processing Challenges in the Industrial Internet, Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, vol 4, December 2016.

I. Nikolaevskiy, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, Nash Bargaining Solution Allocation is Not Suitable for Datacenter Jobs, International Game Theory Review, December 2016.

M. Monshizadeh, V. Khatri, A. Gurtov, NFV Security Considerations for Cloud-Based Mobile Virtual Network Operators, in Proc. of SoftCom'16, 2016.

K. Borisenko, A. Rukavitsyn, A. Gurtov, A. Shorov. Detecting the Origin of DDoS Attacks in OpenStack Cloud Platform Using Data Mining Techniques. NEW2AN 2016: 303-315, LNCS, 2016.

E. Harjula, T. Koskela, T. Ojala, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Energy-Aware Load Monitoring for Improving Battery Life of Mobile Peer-to-Peer Nodes, in Sustainable Computing, Informatics and Systems, Elsevier, 2016.

M. Chiesa, I. Nikolaevskiy, S. Mitrovic, A. Gurtov, A. Madry, M. Schapira, S. Shenker. On Resiliency of Static Forwarding Tables, in ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 2016.

P. Kumar, P. Ha, A. Gurtov, J. Inatti, M. Sain, Access Control Protocol with Node Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensors, 2016.

D. Korzun, I. Nikolaevskiy, A. Gurtov, Service Intelligence and Communication Security for Ambient Assisted Living, International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS), 6(1):76-100, 2016.

M. Chiesa, A. Gurtov, A. Madry, S. Mitrovic, I. Nikolaevskiy, M. Schapira, and S. Shenker, Better Resiliency with Randomized Routing, in Proc. of ICALP, 2016

P. Porambage, A. Heikkinen, E. Harjula, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Quantitative Power Consumption Analysis of a Multi-tier Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network, in Proc. of European Wireless, May 2016.

M. Liyanage, P. Kumar, S. Soderi, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Performance and Security Evaluation of Intra-Vehicular Communication Architecture, in Proc. of Workshop on Convergent Internet of Things (Convergent IoT), IEEE ICC'16, May 2016.

P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, P. Ha, An Efficient Authentication Model in Smart Grid Networks, in Proc. of 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 2016 (poster abstract).

I. Ahmad, M. Liyanage, S. Namal, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, M. Eckert, T. Bauschert, Z. Faigl, L. Bokor, E. Saygun, H. A. Akyildiz, O. L. Perez, M. U. Itzazelaia, B. Ozbek and A. Ulas, New Concepts for Traffic, Resource and Mobility Management in Software-Defined Mobile Networks, 12th IFIP/IEEE Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference, January 2016

P. Porambage, C. Schmitt, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, A. Vasilakos, The Quest for Privacy in Internet of Things Solutions and Future Research Directions: A Holistic Perspective, IEEE Cloud Computing, 3(2): 36-45, 2016.

S. Namal, I. Ahmad, S. Saud, M. Jokinen, A. Gurtov, Implementation of OpenFlow based Cognitive Radio Network Architecture: SDN&R, Wireless Networks 22(2): 663-677, Springer, 2016.

A. Braeken, P. Porambage, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Secure and Efficient Reactive Video Surveillance for Patient Monitoring, MDPI Sensors, 16(1), January 2016.

M. Chiesa, I. Nikolaevskiy, S. Mitrovic, A. Panda, A. Gurtov, A. Madry, M. Schapira, S. Shenker, The Quest for Resilient (Static) Forwarding Tables, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, April 2016.

M. Liyanage, P. Kumar, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Novel Secure VPN Architectures for LTE Backhaul Networks, Security and Communication Networks, 9(10): 1198-1215, July 2016.

M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Improving the Tunnel Management Performance of Secure VPLS Architectures with SDN, in Proc. of IEEE CCNC'16, 2016.

P. Porambage, A. Braeken, M. Carlier, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Secure and Efficient Automatic Ruling in Three-Level Network Architecture, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 399, pp 185-194, 2016

P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, J. Iinatti, M. Ylianttila, M. Sain, Lightweight and Secure Session-Key Establishment Scheme in Smart Home Environments, IEEE Sensors, 16(1):254 - 264, January 2016.

M. Liyanage, A. Abro, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Opportunities and Challenges of Software-Defined Mobile Networks in Network Security Perspective, IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, 14(4), August 2016.


P. Porambage, A. Braeken, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, S. Spinsante, Secure End-to-End Communication for Constrained Devices in IoT-enabled Ambient Assisted Living Systems, in Proc. of the 2nd IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things WF-IoT, December 2015.

P. Porambage, A. Braeken, C. Schmitt, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, B. Stiller, Group Key Establishment for Enabling Secure Multicast Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks Deployed for IoT Applications, IEEE Access, vol 3, pages 1503-1511, September 2015.

I. Nikolaevskiy, M. Palonen, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, Hypervisor-based Traffic Observation for Fair Bandwidth Allocations in Datacenters, In Proc. of IRTF & ISOC Workshop on Research and Applications of Internet Measurements (RAIM), October 2015.

D. Korzun, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, A Simulation Study of the Stochastic Compensation Effect for Packet Reordering in Multipath Data Streaming, in Proc. of 9th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation (EMS'15), October 2015.

I. Ahmad, S. Namal, M. Ylianttila and A. Gurtov, Security in Software Defined Networks: A Survey, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 17(4):2317-2346, 2015. IF=6.49

P. Porambage, A. Braeken, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Efficient Key Establishment for Constrained IoT Devices with Collaborative HIP-based Approach, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom, December 2015.

P. Porambage, A. Braeken, C. Schmitt, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, B. Stiller, Group Key Establishment for Secure Multicasting in IoT-enabled Wireless Sensor Networks , in Proc. IEEE LCN, October 2015.

D. Korzun, I. Nikolaevskiy, A. Gurtov, Service Intelligence Support for Medical Sensor Networks in Personalized Mobile Health Systems, in Proc. of ruSmart'15, LNCS Springer, volume 9247, pp 116-127, August 2015.

M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Secure Hierarchical VPLS Architecture for Provider Provisioned Networks, IEEE Access, 3: 967-984, 2015.

I. Nikolaevskiy, A. Lukyanenko, T. Polishchuk, V. Polishchuk, and A. Gurtov. isBF: Scalable In-Packet Bloom Filter Based Multicast. Computer Communications, vol. 70C:79-85, 2015.

I. Ahmad, S. Namal, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Towards Software Defined Cognitive Networking, in IFIP-IEEE NTMS'2015, July 2015.

I. Nikolaevskiy, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, STEM+: Allocating Bandwidth Fairly to Tasks, IEEE INFOCOM'15, poster, April 2015.

M. Liyanage, J. Okwuibe, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Secure Virtual Private LAN Services: An Overview with Performance Evaluation, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2015 - Workshop on Advanced PHY and MAC Techniques for Super Dense Wireless Networks, June 2015

P. Porambage, A. Braeken, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Proxy-based End-to-End Key Establishment Protocol for the Internet of Things, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2015 - First Workshop on Security and Privacy for Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, June 2015.

M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila (eds), Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN): Beyond LTE Network Architecture , Wiley and Sons, August 2015.


P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, J. Iinatti, S.-G. Lee, Delegation-Based Robust Authentication Model for Wireless Roaming using Portable Communication Devices, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, November 2014.

M. Chiesa, A. Gurtov, A. Madry, S. Mitrovic, I. Nikolaevkiy, A. Panda, M. Schapira, S. Shenker, Exploring the Limits of Static Failover Routing, arXiv:1409.0034, August 2014.

D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, How Penalty Leads to Improvement: a Measurement Study of Wireless Backoff, Computer Networks, Volume 75, Part A, pages 37-57, December 2014.

S. Namal, I. Ahmad, M. Jokinen, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, SDN Core for Mobility between Cognitive Radio and 802.11 Networks, in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services, and Technologies (NGMAST'14), 2014

I. Zikratov, I. Lebedev, A. Gurtov, Trust and Reputation Mechanisms for Multi-agent Robotic Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8638, 2014, pp 106-120. (Proc. of the Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems)

P. Porambage, C. Schmitt, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, PAuthKey: A Pervasive Authentication Protocol and Key Establishment Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks in Distributed IoT Applications, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Article ID 357430, 2014.

M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Securing the Control Channel of Software-Defined Mobile Networks, in Proc. of the 1st IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Software Defined Networking Architecture and Applications, June 2014.

M. Liyanage, J. V. Chirkova, A. Gurtov, Access Point Selection Game for Mobile Wireless Users, in Proc. of the 8th IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications, June 2014.

I. Nikolaevskiy, D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Security for Medical Sensor Networks in Mobile Health Systems, in Proc. of the Third IEEE Workshop on the Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services 2014 (IEEE IoT-SoS 2014), June 2014.

A. Gurtov, I. Nikolaevskiy, P. Porambage, Secure Lightweight Protocols for Medical Device Monitoring, in Proc. of FRUCT'15, April 2014.

A. Lukyanenko, I. Nikolaevskiy, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, A. Ghodsi, S. Shenker, STEM+: Allocating Bandwidth Fairly To Tasks, ICSI Technical Report TR-14-001, April 2014.

P. Kumar, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, S.-G. Lee, H.-J. Lee, An Efficient and Adaptive Mutual Authentication Framework for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks-based Applications, MDPI Sensors, 14(2), 2732-2755, 2014.

P. Porambage, C. Schmitt, A. Gurtov, S. Gerdes, X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificates for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP): draft-porambage-core-ace-x509-00, February 2014.

M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, A Novel Distributed Spanning Tree Protocol for Provider Provisioned VPLS Networks, in Proc. of IEEE ICC'14, 2014.

P. Porambage, C. Schmitt, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Two-phase Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in Distributed IoT Applications, in Proc. of IEEE WCNC'14, April 2014.

P. Kumar, P. Porambage, M. Yalianttila, A. Gurtov, H-J Lee, M. Sain, Addressing a Secure Session Key Scheme for Mobility Supported e-Healthcare Systems, in Proc. of ICACT 2014, February 2014.

P. Kumar, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, M. Sain, An Efficient and Simple Key Distribution Scheme for Smart Environments, in Proc. of IEEE ICCE'14, January 2014.

M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, IP based Virtual Private Network implementations in Future Cellular Networks, book chapter, in M.A. Matin (ed), Handbook of Research on Progressive Trends in Wireless Communications and Networking, IGI Global, ISBN 1466651709, 2014.

Z. Faigl, J. Pellikka, L.Bokor, A. Gurtov, Performance Evaluation of Current and Emerging Authentication Schemes for Future 3GPP Network Architectures. Computer Networks, 60:60-74, February 2014.

M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, Securing Virtual Private LAN Service by Efficient Key Management, Wiley J. on Security and Communication Networks, 7(1):1-13, 2014.

B. Nechaev, A. Gurtov, Internet Botnets: A Survey of Detection Techniques, book chapter, in B. Issac (ed.), Case Studies in Secure Computing - Achievements and Trends, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 978-1-4822-0706-4, 2014.

M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, A case study on security issues in LTE backhaul and core networks, Book Chapter, in B. Issac (ed.) "Case Studies in Secure Computing - Achievements and Trends", Taylor & Francis, ISBN 978-1-4822-0706-4, 2014.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Hierarchical Architectures in Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks, in P2P Networks and Applications, 7(4):359-395, December 2014.


P. Kumar, P. Porambage, M. Ylianttila. A. Gurtov, A Mobile Object-based Secret Key Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. of IEEE UIC'13, 2013.

S. Namal, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Enabling Secure Controller Mobility in OpenFlow, in Proc. of IEEE Software Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services 2013 - SDN4FNS 2013, November 2013.

S. Namal, I. Ahmad, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, SDN as an enabler for inter-technology load balancing and admission control, in Proc. of IEEE Software Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services 2013 - SDN4FNS 2013, November 2013.

S. Soderi, H. Viittala, J. Saloranta, M. Hamalainen, J. Iinatti, A. Gurtov, Security of Wi-Fi On-board Intra-vehicular Communication: Field Trials of Tunnel Scenario, in proc. of ITST, November 2013.

P. Porambage, P. Kumar, C. Schmitt, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, Certificate Based Pairwise Key Establishment Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. of IEEE 10th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS2013), December 2013.

B. Nechaev, V. Paxson, M. Allman, M. Bennett, A. Gurtov. Towards Methodical Calibration: A Case Study of Enterprise Switch Measurements. ICSI Technical Report TR-13-005, September 2013.

Z. Faigl, L. Bokor, J. Pellikka, A. Gurtov, Suitability Analysis of Existing and New Authentication Methods for Future 3GPP Evolved Packet Core, Computer Networks, 57(17):3370-3388, December 2013.

P. Porambage, P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, E. Harjula, Certificate based keying scheme for DTLS secured IoT, draft-pporamba-dtls-certkey-00.txt, June 2013.

M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, A. Gurtov, Secure Hierarchical Virtual Private LAN Services for Provider Provisioned Networks, in Proc. of 1st IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security'13, October 2013.

D. Korzun, S. Balandin, A. Gurtov, Deployment of Smart Spaces in Internet of Things: Overview of the Design Challenges, in Proc. of ruSMART'13, LNCS 8121, pp. 48-59, 2013.

E. Balandina, Y. Koucheryavy, A. Gurtov, Computing the Retransmission Timeout in COAP, in Proc. of NEW2AN'13, 2013.

P. Kumar, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, S.-G. Lee, and H.-J. Lee, A Strong Authentication Scheme with User Privacy for Wireless Sensor Networks, ETRI Journal, vol. 35, no. 5, Oct. 2013, pp. 889-899.

O. Garcia-Morchon, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, K. Wehrle. Cooperative security in distributed networks, Elsevier Computer Communications (COMCOM), 36(12):1284-1297, July 2013.

M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, A Scalable and Secure VPLS Architecture for Provider Provisioned Networks, in Proc. of IEEE WCNC'13.

S. Namal, K. Georgantas, A. Gurtov, Lightweight Authentication and Key Management on 802.11 with Elliptic Curve Cryptography, in Proc. of IEEE WCNC'13.

D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, A Novel Demand-Aware Fairness Metric for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks, in Proc. of ACM SAC, March 2013.

I. Nikolaevskiy, T. Polishchuk, A. Lukyanenko, V. Polishchuk, A. Gurtov, isBF: Scalable In-Packet Bloom Filter Multicast, in Proc. of ACM SAC, March 2013.

H. Cao, P. Zhu, X. Lu, A. Gurtov, A Layered Encryption Mechanism for Networked Critical Infrastructures, IEEE Network, 27(1): 12-18, January 2013.

S. Namal, M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov. Realization of Mobile Femtocells: Operational and Protocol Requirements. Wireless Personal Communications 71(1): 339-364 (2013)


D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov How Penalty Leads to Improvement: a Measurement Study of Wireless Backoff, arXiv:1208.6318, September 2012.

V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, Queuing System with On-Demand Number of Servers, Mathematica Applicanda, 40(2) 2012, p. 3-14.

I. Nikolaevskiy, D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Securing Interactions of Smart Objects in Smart-M3 Spaces, in Proc. of FRUCT'12, November 2012. (extended abstract)

D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, A. Gurtov, Demand-Aware Flow Allocation in Data Center Networks, in Proc. of Capacity Sharing Workshop 2012 (CSWS'12), ACM CoNEXT'12, December 2012.

M. Karl, T. Polishchuk, T. Herfet, A. Gurtov, Mediating multimedia traffic with strict delivery constraints, in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, December 2012.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Structured P2P Systems: Fundamentals of Hierarchical Organization, Routing, Scaling, and Security, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-5482-3, November 2012 (388 p). Amazon

V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, Queueing System with On-Demand Number of Servers, in Proc. of International Workshop on Networking Games and Management, Petrozavodsk, June 2012. (extended abstract)

E. Dashkova, A. Gurtov, Survey on Congestion Control Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. of ruSmart'12, August 2012.

M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, Secured VPN Models for LTE Backhaul Networks, in Proc. of IEEE VTC'12 Fall, September 2012.

J. Pellikka, Z. Faigl, A. Gurtov, Lightweight Host and User Authentication Protocol for All-IP Telecom Networks, in Proc. of 3rd IEEE Workshop on Data Security and PrivAcy in wireless Networks (D-SPAN), June 2012.

M. Skowron, S. Namal, J. Pellikka, A. Gurtov, Inter Technology Load Balancing Algorithm for Evolved Packet System, in Proc. of IEEE VTC'12 Fall, September 2012.

T. Polishchuk, M. Karl, T. Herfet, A. Gurtov, Scalable Architecture for Multimedia Multicast Internet Applications, in Proc. of IEEE WoWMoM'12, June 2012.

M. Komu, S. Varjonen, S. Tarkoma and A. Gurtov. Sockets and Beyond: Assessing the Source Code of Network Applications. In Proc. of Ottawa Linux Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, July 2012.

T. Henderson, A. Gurtov, HIP Experiment Report, RFC6538, March 2012.

A. Gurtov, I. Nikolaevsky, A. Lukyanenko, Using HIP DEX For Key Management And Access Control In Smart Objects, in Proc. of Workshop on Smart Object Security, March 2012

J. Chuyko, T. Polishchuk, V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, Wardrop Equilibria and Price of Anarchy in Multipath Routing Games with TCP Traffic International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, 20(4), 2012.

S. Namal, J. Pellikka, A. Gurtov. Secure and Multihomed Vehicular Femtocells, in Proc. of IEEE VTC'12 Spring.

S. Namal, A. Gurtov, Security and Mobility Aspects of Femtocell Networks, book chapter, in R. Saeed, B. S. Chaudhari and R. Mokhtar (eds), Femtocell Communications: Business Opportunities and Deployment Challenges, IGI Global, January 2012. ISBN10: 1466600926

A. Lukyanenko, E. Morozov, A. Gurtov, An adaptive backoff protocol with Markovian contention window control, in Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Volume 41, issue 7, 2012.

T. Henderson, S. Floyd, A. Gurtov, Y. Nishida, The NewReno Modification to TCP's Fast Recovery Algorithm, RFC 6582, March 2012.

J. Chuyko, T. Polishchuk, V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, Wardrop Equilibria and Price of Anarchy in Multipath Routing Games with Elastic Traffic. Book chapter, in L. Petrosjan and V. Mazalov (eds), Game Theory and Applications. Volume 15, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-61470-187-3


H. Ailisto, J. Arkko, A. Evesti, A. Gurtov, V. Hirvisalo, J. Huusko, R. Jantti, E. Kaasinen, Y. Kaipainen, R. Kantola, K. Kettunen, M. Komu, J. Korhonen, P. Kosonen, E. Kucheryavy, S. Leminen, J. Lilius, J. Numminen, J. Ott, Z. Ou, E. Ovaska, S. Pantsar-Syvaniemi, K. Pehkonen, P. Pietikainen, I. Porres, J. Riekki, J. Roning, H. Saikkonen, R. Savola, J. Soininen, J. Torsner, T. Tuikka, M.Turunen, Internet of Things Strategic Research Agenda (IoT-SRA), Finnish Strategic Centre for Science, Technology, and Innovation: For Information and Communications (ICT) Services, businesses, and technologies, September 2011.

D. Korzun, S. Balandin, V. Luukkala, P. Liuha, A. Gurtov, Overview of Smart-M3 Principles for Application Development, in Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (IS&IT), September 2011.

D. Kuptsov, B. Nechaev, and A. Gurtov, Securing Medical Sensor Network with HIP, in Proc. of the 2nd International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth'11), October 2011.

P. Nie, J. Vaha-Herttua, T. Aura and A. Gurtov, Performance Analysis of HIP Diet Exchange for WSN Security Establishment, in Proc. of 7th ACM Annual International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks, November 2011.

S. Varjonen, T. Heer, K. Rimey, A. Gurtov, Secure Resolution of End-Host Identifiers for Mobile Clients, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom'11, December 2011. Best paper award!

A. Gurtov, Painopiste teknologiasta käyttäjätarpeisiin, Aktuumi, 2, 2011.

Project group 5, R. Savola (ed.), Finland: Towards a leading light in information security dissemination of Finnish information security competence and active participation towards the development of global standards, Ministry of Transport and Communications, report 17, 2011. ISBN 978-952-243-236-0

J. Chuyko and A. Gurtov, Selfish routing problem in wireless network, in Proc. of The Fifth International Conference On Game Theory And Management (GTM'11), June 2011.

B. Nechaev, D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, CR-Chord: Improving Lookup Availability in the Presence of Malicious DHT Nodes , Computer Networks, 55(13):2914-2928, September 2011.

T. Polishchuk and A. Gurtov, Improving TCP-friendliness and Fairness for mHIP, Infocommunications Journal, 3(1):26-34, February 2011.

S. Namal, A. Gurtov, M. Bennis, Securing the Internet Backhaul for Mobile and Multihomed Femtocells, in Proc. of European Workshop on Broadband Femtocell Networks, June 2011.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, A. Yla-Jaaski, DISPUTE: Distributed Puzzle Tussle, in Proc. of IEEE ISCC'11, June 2011.

D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, D. Zhang, Hierarchical Host Identity Tags (HHIT) Verification Architecture, draft-kuptsov-hhit-05, March 2011.

J. Pellikka, M. Skowron, A. Gurtov, Comparison and Analysis of Secure Mobile Architecture (SMA) and Evolved Packet System, in Proc. of IEEE VTC'11 Spring, May 2011

P. Nikander, A. Gurtov, T. Henderson, HIP: Host Identity Protocol, book chapter, in B. Ramamurthy, G. Rouskas, K. Sivalingam (eds), Next-Generation Internet Architectures and Protocols, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9780521113687, February 2011 (434 pages).

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, Survey on Hierarchical Routing Schemes in "Flat" Distributed Hash Tables, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 4(4):346-375, 2011.


A. Khurri, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, On Application of Host Identity Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. of 6th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks Security, November 2010.

T. Polishchuk, A. Gurtov, Improving TCP-friendliness for mHIP , in Proc. of 5th International Conference on Access Networks (ACCESSNETS'10), November 2010.

J. Koskela, K. Karvonen, T. Kilinkaridis, A. Gurtov, Secure and usable P2P VoIP for mobile devices, In Proc. of the 12th ACM international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services (MobileHCI), September 2010 (extended demo abstract).

D. Kuptsov, O. Garcia-Morchon, K. Wehrle, A. Gurtov, Brief Announcement: Distributed Trust Management and Revocation: Voting Strategies and Consensus, in Proc. of Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC'10), July 2010.

S. Varjonen, A. Gurtov, Separating Friends from Spitters, in Proc. of Workshop on Mobile Collaboration Systems (at COOP2010), May 2010.

J. Koskela, A. Gurtov, A Secure Peer-to-Peer Web Framework, in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Data Security and PrivAcy in wireless Networks (D-SPAN 2010), June 2010.

B. Nechaev, M. Allman, V. Paxson, A. Gurtov, A Preliminary Analysis of TCP Performance in an Enterprise Network , in Proc. of Internet Network Management Workshop/Workshop on Research on Enterprise Networking, (INM/WREN '10), April 2010.

A. Lukyanenko, V. Mazalov, A. Gurtov, I. Falko, Playing Defense by Offense: Equilibrium in the DoS-attack Problem, in Proc. of IEEE ISCC'10, June 2010.

J. Chuyko, T. Polishchuk, V. Mazalov and A. Gurtov, Multipath multiuser scheduling game for elastic traffic, in Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Game Theory and Management (GTM2010), June 2010.

D. Kuptsov, O. Garcia-Morchon, K. Wehrle, A. Gurtov, On Applications of Cooperative Security in Distributed Networks , in Proc. of the 4th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, June 2010.

S. Varjonen, M. Komu, A. Gurtov, Secure and Efficient IPv4/v6 Handovers Using Host-Based Identifier-Location Split, Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 6(1), 2010.

P. Nikander, A. Gurtov, T. Henderson, Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Connectivity, Mobility, Multi-homing, Security, and Privacy over IPv4 and IPv6 networks, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 12 (2), 2010.

A. Lukyanenko, E. Morozov, A. Gurtov, Analysis of a link protocol with a general contention window backoff function, Informatics and its Applications, 4(2), 2010.

O. Ponomarev, A. Khurri, A. Gurtov, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for Host Identity Protocol (HIP), in Proc. of The Ninth International Conference on Networks (ICN 2010), April 2010.


J. Koskela, N. Weaver, A. Gurtov, M. Allman, Securing Web Content, in Proc. of ACM ReArch'09, December 2009.

B. Nechaev, V. Paxson, M. Allman, A. Gurtov, On Calibrating Enterprise Switch Measurements, in Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, November 2009

S. Varjonen, M. Komu, A. Gurtov, Secure and Efficient IPv4/IPv6 Handovers Using Host-Based Identifier-Locator Split, in Proc. of The 17th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2009), 2009.

R. Zhang, A. Gurtov, Collaborative Reputation-based Spam Defense for VoIP Systems, in Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Defence against Spam in Electronic Communication (DaSECo'09), September 2009.

A. Gurtov, T. Polishchuk, Secure Multipath Transport for Legacy Internet Applications, in Proc. of BROADNETS'09, September 2009.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, A Local Equilibrium Model for P2P Resource Ranking, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 37(2): 27-29, September 2009. (Revised extended abstract from MAMA'09 with proofs)

A. Lukyanenko, I. Falko and A. Gurtov, N-Player Game in a Multiple Access Channel is Selfish, in Proc. of Workshop on Networking Games and Management, June 2009.

O. Ponomarev, A. Gurtov, Stress Testing of HIP Implementations, in Proc. of Third International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA'09), September 2009.

J. Heikkila, A. Gurtov, Filtering SPAM in P2PSIP communities with web of trust, in Proc. of MobiSec'09, June 2009.

D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, SAVAH: Source Address Validation with Host Identity Protocol, in Proc. of MobiSec'09, June 2009.

D. Kuptsov, A. Khurri, A. Gurtov, Distributed authentication architecture in Wireless LANs, in Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'09), June 2009.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, E. Morozov, An adaptive backoff protocol with Markovian contention window control, in Proc. of the 6th SPB Workshop on Simulation, June 2009.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, V. Mazalov, Applying a reputation metric in a two-player resource sharing game, in Proc. of The Third International Conference on Game Theory and Management (GTM'09), June 2009.

D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, J. Bi, SAVAH: Source address validation architecture with Host Identity Protocol, draft-kuptsov-sava-hip-01, March 2009.

J. Koskela, J. Heikkila, A. Gurtov, A secure P2P SIP system with SPAM prevention, ACM Mobile Computer Communications Review, 13(3):26-29, July 2009.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, Towards behavioral control in multi-player network games, in Proc. of GameNets'09, May 2009.

A. Gurtov, M. Komu, R. Moskowitz, Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Identifier/Locator Split for Host Mobility and Multihoming, Internet Protocol Journal, 12(1):27-32, March 2009.

A. Pathak, M. Komu, A. Gurtov, Host Identity Protocol for Linux: HIPL gives your Linux box a name, Linux Journal, issue 187, November 2009.

A. Khurri, D. Kuptsov, A. Gurtov, Performance of Host Identity Protocol on Symbian OS, in Proc. of IEEE ICC'09, June 2009.

K. Karvonen, M. Komu, A. Gurtov, Usable Security Management with Host Identity Protocol, in Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, May 2009.

D. Korzun, B. Nechaev, A. Gurtov, Cyclic Routing: Generalizing Look-ahead in Peer-to-Peer Networks, in Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, May 2009.

O. Ponomarev, A. Gurtov, Embedding Host Identity Tags Data in DNS, draft-ponomarev-hip-hit2ip-04, July 2009.


D. Korzun, B. Nechaev, A. Gurtov, CR-Chord: Improving Lookup Availability in the Presence of Malicious DHT Nodes, HIIT Technical Report 2008-2, December 2008.

A. Gurtov, Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Towards the Secure Mobile Internet, ISBN 978-0-470-99790-1, Wiley and Sons, June 2008. (Hardcover, 332 p).

J. Koskela, J. Heikkila, A. Gurtov, A secure P2PSIP system with SPAM prevention, poster at ACM Mobicom, September 2008.

V. Mazalov, I. Falko, A. Gurtov, A. Pechnikov, Arbitration in a P2P-system, in Proc. of 13-th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, July 2008.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, A Diophantine Model of Routes in Structured P2P Overlays , ACM Performance Evaluation Review, 35(4), p. 52-61, March 2008.

A. Lukyanenko, A. Gurtov, Performance analysis of general backoff protocols, Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 4(1), March 2008.

A. Gurtov, D. Korzun, A. Lukyanenko, P. Nikander, Hi3: An Efficient and Secure Networking Architecture for Mobile Hosts, Computer Communications, 31 (2008), p.2457-2467.


O. Ponomarev, A. Gurtov, Using DNS as an Access Protocol for Mapping Host Identifiers to Locators, in Proc. of Workshop on Routing in Next Generation, December 2007.

V.V.Mazalov, I.A.Falko, A.V.Gurtov, A.A.Pechnikov, Equilibrium in a P2P-system, in Proc. of AMICT'07, June 2007.

A. Khurri, E. Vorobyeva, A. Gurtov, Performance of Host Identity Protocol on Lightweight Hardware, in Proceedings of ACM MobiArch, August 2007.

B. Ahlgren, L. Eggert, A. Feldmann, A. Gurtov, T. R. Henderson (eds.), Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, No 6441, 06441 Abstracts Collection - Naming and Addressing for Next Generation Internetworks. Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fur Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2007.


D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, On Scalability Properties of the Hi3 Control Plane, Elsevier Computer Communications, 29(17):3591-3601, November 2006.

D. Korzun, A. Gurtov, On Applying Linear Diophantine Equations to Route Modeling in Self-Organizing Networks, Elektrosvyaz, 6:34-38, June 2006. ISSN 0013-5771. (in Russian)


M. Komu, S. Tarkoma, J. Kangasharju, A. Gurtov, Applying a Cryptographic Namespace to Applications, in Proc. of First International ACM Workshop on Dynamic Interconnection of Networks, September 2005.

H. Tschofenig, A. Gurtov, J. Ylitalo, A. Nagarajan, M. Shanmugam, Traversing Middleboxes with the Host Identity Protocol , in Proc. of the 10th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP), July 2005. AR 24%

T. Aura, A. Nagarajan, A. Gurtov, Analysis of the HIP Base Exchange Protocol , in Proc. of the 10th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP), July 2005. AR 24%

A. Gurtov, D. Korzun, P. Nikander, Hi3: An Efficient and Secure Networking Architecture for Mobile Hosts, HIIT Technical Report, TR-2005-2, June 2005.

R. Ludwig, A. Gurtov, The Eifel Response Algorithm for TCP, RFC 4015, February 2005. Proposed standard. pdf

T. Koponen, A. Gurtov, P. Nikander, Application mobility with HIP , in Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications, May 2005.
Extended abstract in Proc. of NDSS'05 Workshop, February 2005.


A. Gurtov, A. D. Joseph, Friends or Rivals: Insights from Integrating HIP and i3, Workshop on HIP and Related Architectures, November 2004.

A. Gurtov, J. Korhonen, Effect of Vertical Handovers on Performance of TCP-Friendly Rate Control, ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 8(3):73-87, July 2004.

S. Floyd, T. Henderson, A. Gurtov, The NewReno Modification to TCP's Fast Recovery Algorithm, RFC 3782, April 2004. Proposed standard. pdf

A. Gurtov, S. Floyd, Modeling Wireless Links for Transport Protocols, ACM CCR, 34(2):85-96, April 2004. Simulation scripts.

A. Gurtov, S. Floyd, Resolving Acknowledgment Ambiguity in non-SACK TCP, In Proc. of the Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (NEW2AN'04), February 2004. Simulation scripts for Figure 1 to 4, Figure 5.


A. Gurtov, NS2 Simulation Tests for Modeling Wireless Links, Technical report, December 2003. Simulation scripts.

A. Gurtov, R. Ludwig, Lifetime Packet Discard for Efficient Real-Time Transport over Cellular Links, ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 7(4):32-45, October 2003. Simulation scripts.

A. Gurtov, Eliminating Aborted Data Delivery over Cellular Links. Poster at ACM Mobicom'03, September 2003. Extended abstract in ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 7(4):53-54, October 2003.

A. Gurtov, R. Ludwig, Responding to Spurious Timeouts in TCP, In Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM'03, March 2003.

H. Inamura, G. Montenegro, R. Ludwig, A. Gurtov, F. Khafizov, TCP over Second (2.5G) and Third (3G) Generation Wireless Networks, RFC 3481 (BCP 71), February 2003. pdf

A. Gurtov, I. Bogoiavlenski, TCP Profile for Next Generation Wireless Networks, in Proc. of FDPW'03, June 2003. pdf


A. Gurtov, M. Passoja, O. Aalto, M. Raitola, Multi-Layer Protocol Tracing in a GPRS Network, In Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'02), September 2002.

A. Gurtov, R. Ludwig, Evaluating the Eifel Algorithm for TCP in a GPRS network, In Proc. of European Wireless'02, February 2002.

A. Gurtov, On Treating DUPACKs in TCP, draft-gurtov-tsvwg-tcp-delay-spikes-01.txt (expired), work in progress.


M. Kojo, A. Gurtov, J. Manner, P. Sarolahti, T. Alanko, and K. Raatikainen. Seawind: a Wireless Network Emulator, In Proc. of 11th GI/ITG Conference on Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB'01), September 2001.

A. Gurtov, Making TCP Robust Against Delay Spikes, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report, No C-2001-53, November 2001.

A. Gurtov, Effect of Delays on TCP Performance, In Proceedings of IFIP Personal Wireless Communications (PWC'01), August 2001.

J. Korhonen, O. Aalto, A. Gurtov, H. Laamanen, Measured Performance of GSM HSCSD and GPRS, In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'01), June 2001.


A. Gurtov, TCP Performance in the Presence of Congestion and Corruption Losses, In Proc. of Finnish Data Processing Week (FDPW'00), June 2000. pdf


A. Gurtov, Technical Issues of Real-Time Simulation on Linux, In Proc. of Finnish Data Processing Week (FDPW'99), June 1999. pdf



Efficient Data Transport in Wireless Overlay Networks, PhD thesis, University of Helsinki/ICSI, April 2004.

Efficient Transport in 2.5G3G Wireless Wide Area Networks, Licentiate Thesis, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, Report C-2002-42, September 2002.

TCP Performance in the Presence of Congestion and Corruption Losses, Master's Thesis, University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, December 2000.

Technical Issues of Real-Time Simulation on Linux, Bachelor's Thesis, Petrozavodsk State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Computer Science, May 1999.