Courses ordered by course name
The list include courses given autumn semester 2024 until autumn semester 2025. For more information about a course, click the course code.
732A60 | Advanced Academic Studies, 3 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDI03 | Advanced Computer Architecture, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDTS08 | Advanced Computer Architecture, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A75 | Advanced Data Mining, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD43 | Advanced Data Models and Databases, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
769A18 | Advanced Interaction Design, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD53 | Advanced Interaction Design, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A96 | Advanced Machine Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE15 | Advanced Machine Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDTS21 | Advanced Networking, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
726G82 | Advanced Programming in C++, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD38 | Advanced Programming in C++, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A94 | Advanced Programming in R, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE19 | Advanced Project Course - AI and Machine Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE20 | Advanced Project Course - Game, App and Web Development, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE63 | Advanced Project Course: Information Security, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE21 | Advanced Project Course: Secure Distributed and Embedded Systems, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD27 | Advanced Web Programming, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE05 | AI Robotics, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD95 | Algorithmic Problem Solving, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G81 | Applied Cognitive Science, 15 credits (Grundnivå) |
729G82 | Applied Cognitive Science, 15 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD92 | Artificial Intelligence - Project, 5 credits (Grundnivå) |
729G78 | Artificial Intelligence, 9 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDC17 | Artificial Intelligence, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD48 | Automated Planning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G40 | Bachelor Thesis in Cognitive Science, 18 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G47 | Bachelor's Thesis in Statistics, 15 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A73 | Bayesian Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A91 | Bayesian Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE07 | Bayesian Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G43 | Bayesian Statistics, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A54 | Big Data Analytics, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE31 | Big Data Analytics, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A51 | Bioinformatics, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G41 | Capstone Course in Undergraduate Cognitive Science, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE29 | Codesign, Tools and Approaches, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
769A21 | Cognitive Science - Methods, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G39 | Cognitive Science Introductory Course, 9 credits (Grundnivå) |
769A36 | Cognitive Science Project II, 12 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G83 | Cognitive Technology and Artificial Intelligence, 9 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP017 | Company Project, 10 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE66 | Compiler Construction, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD55 | Compilers and Interpreters, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A72 | Computational Statistics, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A89 | Computational Statistics, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A90 | Computational Statistics, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDTS10 | Computer Architecture, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD83 | Computer Engineering - Bachelor Project, 18 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP007 | Computer Language Construction, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDTS04 | Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDTS11 | Computer Networks and Internet Protocols, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDTS06 | Computer Networks, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDIU16 | Concurrent and Operating Systems Programming, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE47 | Concurrent Programming and Operating Systems, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE68 | Concurrent Programming and Operating Systems, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE28 | Contemporary Perspective on Value Creation, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
ETE352 | Cybersecurity – fundamentals and awareness, 3 credits (Grundnivå) |
NBIB53 | Data analysis, visualization and statistical inference, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD41 | Data Mining - Clustering and Association Analysis, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G12 | Data Mining, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
725G97 | Data Structures and Algorithms, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE22 | Data Structures and Algorithms, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDI16 | Data Structures and Algorithms, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD86 | Data Structures, Algorithms and Programming Paradigms, 11 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A57 | Database Technology, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD12 | Database Technology, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD37 | Database Technology, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD81 | Database Technology, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE49 | Databases and information security for bioinformatics, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G16 | Databases: Design and Programming, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A66 | Decision Theory, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A82 | Deep Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE70 | Deep Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TQPR10 | Degree project - Bachelor's Thesis, 16 credits (G2) |
TDDD20 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE43 | Design and Development of Interactive Systems, 12 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD23 | Design and Programming of Computer Games, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE03 | Design Studio II, 12 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDC75 | Discrete Structures, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
729G12 | Distributed and Situated Cognition, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD25 | Distributed Systems, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
ETE337 | Elements of AI, Part 2: Building AI, 2 credits (Grundnivå) |
ETE318 | Elements of AI, 2 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDI11 | Embedded Software, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDI08 | Embedded Systems Design, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP024 | Enterprise Systems, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE61 | Ethical hacking, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD14 | Formal Languages and Automata Theory, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD85 | Formal Languages and Automata Theory, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE56 | Foundations of AI and machine learning, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
ETE370 | Foundations of machine learning, 3 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE23 | Functional and Imperative Programming, Part 1, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE24 | Functional and Imperative Programming, Part 2, 5 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD50 | Green Computing, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
769A19 | Human Factors, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G84 | Humans in Complex Systems, 9 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE60 | Humans in Cybersecurity, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP002 | Imperative Programming, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE62 | Information Security: Privacy, System and Network Security, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G46 | Information Technology and Programming, 12 credits (Grundnivå) |
769A32 | Intelligent Virtual Agents and Social Robots, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G85 | Interaction Design and User Experience, 9 credits (Grundnivå) |
769A34 | Interaction Design, studio course, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
729G87 | Interaction Programming, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDC73 | Interaction Programming, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD90 | Interactive Products, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD60 | Interactive Systems, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDIU14 | Introduction to Bachelor Thesis, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE44 | Introduction to Computer Programming, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A68 | Introduction to Machine Learning, 9 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE04 | Introduction to Programming and Computational Thinking, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE67 | Introduction to Programming, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A70 | Introduction to Python, 3 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G55 | Introduction to SAS Programming, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDI41 | Introduction to System Administration, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP031 | Introduction to System Administration, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G49 | Introductory Statistics and Data Analysis: Inference, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G48 | Introductory Statistics and Data Analysis, 20 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G01 | Introductory Statistics, basic course, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G50 | Introductory Statistics, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G70 | Introductory Statistics, 7 credits (Grundnivå) |
729G49 | Language and Computers, 9 credits (Grundnivå) |
729G86 | Language Technology, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP030 | Language Technology, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE35 | Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Networks, 11 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G53 | Linear Models in Statistics 1, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G54 | Linear Models in Statistics 2, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD08 | Logic Programming, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD72 | Logic, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD88 | Logic, 5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G57 | Machine Learning for Statisticians, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE69 | Machine Learning, basic course, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A99 | Machine Learning, 9 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE01 | Machine Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDP001 | Management of Computer Environment, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
769A40 | Master Thesis in Cognitive Science, 30 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
91MAXX | Mathematics: Programming with a Mathematical and Didactical Perspective, 0 credits (Grundnivå) |
92MAXX | Mathematics: Programming with a Mathematical and Didactical Perspective, 0 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP015 | Mathematics, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE51 | Methods and tools for large distributed projects, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE48 | Mobile Networks, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE13 | Multi Agent Systems, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD56 | Multicore and GPU Programming, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G71 | Multiple Regression and Time Series Analysis, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G93 | Multiple Regression and Time Series Analysis, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G08 | Multivariate Methods, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A88 | Multivariate Statistical Methods, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
ETE387 | Natural Language Processing (NLP), 3 credits (A) |
TDDE09 | Natural Language Processing, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDI82 | Object Oriented Problem Solving, 10 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD78 | Object Oriented Programming and Java, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE30 | Object Oriented Programming and Java, 7 credits (Grundnivå) |
725G90 | Object Oriented Programming in Java, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE10 | Object Oriented Programming in Java, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
729G90 | Object Oriented Programming, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDC77 | Object Oriented Programming, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDIU20 | Object Oriented Programming, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP004 | Object Oriented Programming, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDIU11 | Operating Systems, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE57 | Performance Analysis and Evaluation of Communication Networks, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD39 | Perspectives on Information Technology, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE25 | Perspectives to Computer and Software Technology, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD57 | Physical Interaction and Game Programming, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDAB01 | Probability and Statistics, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A63 | Probability Theory, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
725G92 | Problem Solving and Programming, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDIU08 | Problem Solving and Programming, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD70 | Professionalism for Engineers, part 1, 1 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD84 | Professionalism for Engineers, part 3, 1 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD91 | Professionalism for Engineers, part 5, 1 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD98 | Professionalism for Engineers, part 6, 1 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD99 | Professionalism for Engineers, parts 1 to 6, credits (G1) |
TDDE32 | Professionalism in Computer Science, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE59 | Professionalism in Cybersecurity, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDI17 | Program Development Project, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE71 | Programming and Data Structures, 8 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE54 | Programming and problem solving, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE18 | Programming C++, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD49 | Programming in C# and .NET Framework, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
725G66 | Programming in C# and the NET Framework, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
726G77 | Programming in C++, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G33 | Programming in R, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G83 | Programming in R, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE52 | Programming Project with Open Source Code, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE73 | Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP032 | Project: Agile System Development, 10 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP019 | Project: Computer Language, 10 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP028 | Project: Entrepreneurial Programming, 10 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD80 | Project: Mobile and Social Applications, 11 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP005 | Project: Object Oriented System, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP003 | Project: Personal Computer Environment, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD07 | Real Time Systems, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G51 | Research Methods: Statistical sampling and design, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A76 | Research Project, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
769A22 | Risk and Accident Analysis, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDP026 | Scientific Method in Programming, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD89 | Scientific Method, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE53 | Secure Systems: Project Semester including Bachelor Thesis Project, 26 credits (Grundnivå) |
769A25 | Service Design, Studio Course, 12 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
769A31 | Simulators and Simulator Usage, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE45 | Software Design and Construction, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD96 | Software Engineering - Bachelor Project, 15 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDD69 | Software Engineering - Company Project, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDC93 | Software Engineering Theory, 4 credits (Grundnivå) |
725G64 | Software Engineering, 12 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDC88 | Software Engineering, 12 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
726A85 | Software Entrepreneurship, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE02 | Software Entrepreneurship, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDC90 | Software Security, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
726A88 | Software Testing, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD04 | Software Testing, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE64 | Sports Analytics, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G34 | Statistical Methods for Complex Data, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A83 | Statistical Methods, 9 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G56 | Statistical Project, 9 credits (Grundnivå) |
732G81 | Statistics, 11 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE37 | Studio 2, 12 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G92 | Survey Methods, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDTS07 | System Design and Methodology, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732A81 | Text Mining, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE16 | Text Mining, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G20 | Theory of Statistics, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
769A23 | Thinking with Representations, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE38 | Thinking with Representations, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
732G52 | Time Series Analysis, 7.5 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A80 | Time Series and Sequence Learning, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE33 | User Driven Product Development, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE36 | User Experience and Interaction Design, 12 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A98 | Visualization, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDE42 | Web Production with Dynamic Layout, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
729G28 | Web Programming and Databases, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDP013 | Web Programming and Interactivity, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
732A56 | Web programming, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
TDDD97 | Web Programming, 6 credits (Grundnivå) |
TDDE58 | Wireless Connectivity, 6 credits (Avancerad nivå) |
Courses by course code
Educational Sciences Faculty
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Technical Faculty
All, except Health Sciences
Courses by course name
Educational Sciences Faculty
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Technical Faculty
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Page responsible: Undergraduate education