Project overview
Welcome to the software engineering project part of this course! In this project course, you will:
- get a practical experience of the theory part of the course.
- understand the concrete meaning and dependencies between parts of a software life cycle model.
- understand why relevant documentation is critical in a software project.
- gain a basic experience of working in a larger software project.
- understand the fundamental constraints in a project (calendar time, man-hours, computer resources, etc.)
- experience different challenges in a software engineering projects, such as organization and communication challenges.
- have some fun (both at the kick-off and while trying to fit the system together before customer deadline...)
Hence, this is not an ordinary course where the teacher feeds you with knowledge, to be absorbed rapidly. Instead, this project aims at giving you some experience of "real life", which will be useful later in your career.
By default, all software produced will be licensed under an open-source license.
Information about the project can be found on the following links:
- Our Company - How the company is organized.
- Project and Product - Description of the project and the product we shall produce.
- Schedule - Overview of this semester's project schedule and its main milestones.
- VSSE - Valla Software and Systems Expo. Final presentation of version 1.0 of the product.
- Supervisors - The supervisors who will support you in the project work
- Project Grade - Criteria for setting the project grade for the company and for individuals
- Individual Reflection Report - Instructions for the individual reports that should be submitted during the project.
- Peer- and self-assessment - Information about the rating of individual contributions amongst the team members themselves.
Page responsible: Kristian Sandahl
Last updated: 2022-08-25