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TDDB68 Concurrent programming and Operating Systems

Lectures and Lessons
Slides and Reading directions

This page contains the lecture series and links to the slides to be used in the lectures and lab lessons.

Lectures and lessons

Note: The reading guidelines refer to the 10th edition. If you have an older copy of he book you can find the table of contents from the newer editions here, and through that find the corresponding sections in your book. Also, for the 9th edition there is a dedicated page with reading guidelines from 2020.

The table below contains the preliminary course schedule (lectures and lessons). For an up to date schedule check the course time table. Updated slides will come after each lecture.

Date Lecture topics By Material Reading (10e)
2024-01-15 Lecture 1: Introduction. Interrupts and system calls. M. Asplund slides Ch. 1.1-1.5, 2.3-2.4
2024-01-16 Lecture 2: Introduction to system programming in C Pointer programming, Storage classes, Compiling, Linking, Debugging. D. Jönsson slides, C code, Makefile, VSCode
[previous year]
see slide material
2024-01-18 Lesson 1 (Labs 0-2) D. Jönsson slides
Lab 0 GDB notes
2024-01-22 Lecture 3: Processes and threads and file system intro K. Arvidsson slides, Ch. 3.1-3.4, 4.1-4.3,4.5, 13.1, 14.1-2
2024-01-25 Lecture 4: Scheduling K. Arvidsson slides, Ch. 5.1-5.5, 5.8
2024-01-29 Lecture 5: Synchronisation K. Arvidsson slides, Python code (2023)
Examples in Progviz (On lab computer or Thinlinc: /courses/TDDE47/progviz.sh, File -> Open example -> concurrency/buffer/...)
Ch. 6.1-6.7 + 7.1-7.3
2024-02-01 Lecture 6: Deadlocks K. Arvidsson slides, Chapter 8
2024-02-02 Lesson 2 (Labs 3-4) D. Jönsson slides
2024-02-08 CANCELLED K. Arvidsson
2024-02-12 Lecture 7: Memory management I K. Arvidsson slides Ch. 9, 10.1-1.3
2024-02-22 Lesson 3 (Labs 5, 6) D. Jönsson slides
Dining philosophers problem
Lesson result (partial solution, commented, with homework suggestions)
2024-02-26 Lecture 8: Memory management II + File systems II K. Arvidsson slides Ch. 10.4, 10.6, 10.7, 14.2-14.7
2024-03-07 Lecture 9: Virtualization + Synchronization II K. Arvidsson slides, Ch. 2.8, Ch. 18

Page responsible: M. Asplund and K. Arvidsson
Last updated: 2024-06-25