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TDDB68 Concurrent programming and Operating Systems


The examination of TDDB68 consists of the following parts:
  • A written exam, 3 hp = 3 ECTS
  • A series of lab assignments, 3 hp = 3 ECTS

Written exam

The questions and instructions will be given in English.
You may write the answers in Swedish or in English.

Part A

The following applies to part A:

  • Consists of 24 points.
  • Focuses on demonstrating knowledge and designing solutions related to concurrency and operating sytems.
  • 10 points out of the 24 will be multiple choice questions (similar to previous exams).
  • Requirements for passing: 12p. If you pass part A, then you will receive at least grade 3 on the exam.
  • 2.5 out of the 4 bonus points are added to this part.

Part B

The following applies to part B:

  • Consists of 16 points.
  • Focuses on analysing requiements, functionality, architectures and design trade-offs related to concurrency and operating systems.
  • 1.5 out of the 4 bonus points are added to this part.

Grading criteria

These are preliminary formulations, to be confirmed

To achieve Grade 3, the student must have fulfilled the following criteria (based on the intended learning outcomes form the course syllabus):

  1. Show basic knowledge of concepts, problems and methods for concurrent programming and operating systems.
    Demonstrated by passing the lab series (LAB1), and passing part A of the written exam (TEN1)
  2. Identify concurrency problems and design solutions to these problems.
    Demonstrated by passing part A of the written exam (TEN1)
  3. Describe different requirements, functionality, and architectures for operating systems..
    Demonstrated by passing part A of the written exam (TEN1)
  4. Get acquainted with an existing operating system and design improvements according to set requirements.
    Demonstrated by passing the lab series (LAB1)
  5. Implement, test and systematically debug complex system software.
    Demonstrated by passing the lab series (LAB1)

To achieve Grade 5, all criteria for grade 3 must be met as well as the following additional criteria:

  1. Show comprehensive knowledge of concepts, problems and methods for concurrent programming and operating systems, where comprehensive is to be understood in relation to the course literature.
  2. Design non-trivial solutions to concurrency problems, and analyse trade-offs of design choices.
  3. Analyse different requirements, functionality, and architectures for operating systems.

Fulfilment of these criteria is demonstrated by correctly answering at least 85% of the written exam (TEN1). Achieving grade 4 requires partly fulfilling the grade 5 critera, demonstrated by correctly answering at least 70% of the written exam.

In practice, this means that to pass the course, both LAB1 and TEN1 must be passed and the grade will be decided as follows

  • Grade 3: At least 12 points on part A of the exam.
  • Grade 4: At least 28 points on the exam.
  • Grade 5: At least 34 points on the exam.

Allowed aids in the written exam

  • dictionary between English and your native language
No books, no notes, no papers.

Lab bonus

If you have passed the entire lab series by the deadline provided in the lab information in webreg, you will receive in the three exams of the currrent year a bonus of 4p (i.e., 20% towards the threshold for passing).
Only students who pass the lab course within deadline the same spring as their first-time course registration are eligible for this bonus.

Dates for next written exam

See the central exam date search engine for TDDB68.

The main exam is in march. Re-exams are usually in June and August.

Old Exams

Previous exams can be found here (Exams from 2020 only show part C). Note that the exams for TDDB68 and TDDE47 will be identical.

Part B for the March and June exam in 2020 as pdfs:


All information related to the labs can be found in the lab information.

Page responsible: M. Asplund and K. Arvidsson
Last updated: 2024-06-25