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TDDB68 Concurrent programming and Operating Systems


The examination of TDDB68 consists of the following parts:
  • A written exam, 3 hp = 3 ECTS
  • A series of lab assignments, 3 hp = 3 ECTS

Distance exam

The examination in August will be in distance mode. The examination will follow the general LiU guidelines, and it is our ambition that it should be fair and capture the learning goals of the course.

Description of the distance exam

General principles

  • You must sign up to the exam in the student portal to be allowed to take the exam.
  • We will assume that everyone will have access to the course book and other (non-interactive) online resources, including lecture slides. So it is allowed to use (read) such material. This also means that other restrictions must be done with regards to for example timing.
  • All your answers must be formulated using your own words. You are not allowed to copy text from any external source.
  • The exam must be carried out individually. It will not be allowed to communicate with others while doing the exam, in person or online.
  • The exam will take place on the day of the exam between 14.00 and 18.30 (same as the written exam was scheduled, but with a bit more time at the end). Parts of the exam will have an even smaller time window.
  • The exam will be composed of three parts, A, B, and C. Everyone should answer parts A and B, whereas C is intended for those who aim for a higher grade (4 or 5).
  • There will be some variation in questions between individuals.
  • Any information during the exam will be sent out by email so you are expected to check your student mail at least every 30 minutes.
  • The exam will be perfomed in Lisam (in the 2021 instance), everyone who registers to the exam will be given access to the course room. There are guides for Lisam here

Part A

For part A of the exam the following applies.

  • It is intended to test the learning goal "Show basic knowledge of concepts, problems and methods for concurrent programming and operating systems."
  • It will be composed of 10 multiple choice questions (similar to the ones used in written exams from previous years).
  • It will be performed as a Quiz in Lisam called "Exam (exam date) part A"
  • You will have a strict time limit of 30 minutes to answer this part. The reason for the time limit is to be able to test that you have basic knowledge of the area without being able to google all answers.
  • The timer will start when you begin the quiz, but you must be done by 15.00. So you should not start later than 14.30.
  • It will give at most 10 points.
  • It will be automatically corrected

Part B

For part B of the exam the following applies.

  • This part will test that the learning goals "Identify concurrency problems, design solutions to these problems and analyse trade-offs of design choices." and "Describe and analyse different requirements, functionality, and architectures for operating systems." are met on a basic level (corresponding to grade 3).
  • The questsions are either of a type where you answer using a predefined format (e.g., numeric value) or a textual answer. No figures will be required.
  • It will be performed as a Quiz in Lisam called "Exam (exam date) part B"
  • You will have a strict time limit of 120 minutes to answer this part.
  • The timer will start when you begin the quiz, but you must be done by 17.00. So you should not start later than 15.00.
  • It will give at most 20 points.
  • It will be partly corrected automatically, and partly manually.

Part C

For part C of the exam the following applies.

  • This part will test that the learning goals "Identify concurrency problems, design solutions to these problems and analyse trade-offs of design choices." and "Describe and analyse different requirements, functionality, and architectures for operating systems." are met to a high degree.
  • It will be composed of three questions that require more in-depth reasoning and knowledge.
  • You can answer this in any word processing tool of you choice and use figures if needed.
  • Your answers should be provided as a single PDF file as a submission in LISAM.
  • The questions will become available at 14.00, and the deadline to submit the file will be at 18.30 the same day (20.00 if you have prolonged writing time).
  • Each question will get a score 0-3p.
  • Correction will be restricted to only those that pass parts A and B.
  • Urkund will be used to detect plagiarism.

Grading criteria

The following grading criteria will be used, with reservations for adjustments.

  • Grade 3: At least 15 points on parts A+B (this corresponds to 50% of the points on A+B).
  • Grade 4: At least 22 points on parts A+B and 5 points on part C.
  • Grade 5: At least 22 points on parts A+B and 7 points on part C.

Lab bonus points

3p will be counted on parts A+B for those who has passed UPG1 in Ladok by finishing the labs on time.

Dates for next written exam

See the central exam date search engine for TDDB68.

The main exam is in march. Re-exams are usually in June and August.

Old Exams

Previous exams can be found here (Exams from 2020 only show part C). Note that the exams for TDDB68 and TDDE47 will be identical.

Part B for the March and June exam in 2020 as pdfs:


All information related to the labs can be found in the lab information.

Page responsible: M. Asplund and K. Arvidsson
Last updated: 2024-01-08