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729G78 Artificiell intelligens

Laboration 6: Beslutträdsinlärning


The goal in this lab is to get a better understandning och the various pros and cons of decision trees. You will do this by performing a set of simple experiments within a small domain.


Read ch. 18 in the course book. Try to understand how decision trees and information gain work.

Getting started

  1. Create a directory for this lab and navigate into from a terminal
  2. Copy the lab files from the course directory:
    ~/Lab6$ cp -r /courses/729G78/Lab6/* .
  3. Rename Lab6-LiU-ID-1_LiU-ID-2.ipynb to match your group's LiU IDs
  4. Rename and open the exercises document Lab6Exercises_LiU-ID-1_LiU-ID-2.odt to match your group's LiU-IDs.
  5. Activate the lab environment. The environment needs to be activated again if the terminal is closed.
    ~/Lab6$ source /courses/729G78/labs/environment/bin/activate
  6. Run the notebook:
    ~/Lab6$ jupyter notebook Lab6-LiU-ID-1_LiU-ID-2.ipynb

Working on your own computer

  • Use the virtual environment created in lab 1
  • Download and unzip the lab files: Lab6.zip
  • Navigate into the unzipped directory and run the notebook using:
    $ python3 -m notebook Lab6-LiU-ID-1_LiU-ID-2.ipynb
    (Windows Power Shell)
    $ python -m notebook Lab6-LiU-ID-1_LiU-ID-2.ipynb
  • Note: The environment will need to be activated again every time you close the terminal.


  1. Complete the exercises listed in the Jupyter Notebook.
  2. The discussion in the exercises must be relevant, relate to the course literature, and be sufficiently motivated.
  3. Upload your notebook (the .ipynb file, do not convert it to PDF) and exercises document (as PDF) to Lisam.

Sidansvarig: Robin Keskisärkkä