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Erik Sandewall

Erik Sandewall 2005

* 1945 † 2024

Erik Sandewall, Professor of Computer Science at Linköping University, Sweden, from 1975 to 2024. His research activities were in two areas: first, artificial intelligence methods for cognitive robotics and their use in systems for human-computer and human-robot interaction and, secondly, new methods for communication of scientific results, including electronic publication.

Personal history (summary written by Erik himself)

  • I was born in 1945 in Oskarshamn, a small town on the south-east coast of Sweden,
  • ... but I grew up and went to school in Uppsala, Sweden (70 km north of Stockholm).
  • I continued at once with studies in math and computer science at Uppsala University,
  • ... and spent one year (1966-67) at the Stanford A.I. laboratory.
  • This led to a Ph.D. in Uppsala in 1969.
  • Margareta and I married in 1972. We have stuck together since, and have two boys: Anton (born in 1973) and Örjan (born in 1976).
  • I spent one year (1974-75) as visiting associate professor at the MIT AI Laboratory, and then continued to...
  • a position as professor of computer science at Linköping university(since 1975).
  • I also spent a one-year sabbatical at LAAS (Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes) in Toulouse, France (1993-94).

Sidansvarig: Webmaster
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-05-13