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TDDI17 Programmeringsprojekt




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Trello is officially available in the web browser or as a stand-alone application on several platforms, including Android and iOS. If you want to install a stand-alone application, download links are available here: https://trello.com/en/platforms

There is currently no official stand-alone application for Linux systems. If you still want one though, do the following:

  1. Go to https://github.com/danielchatfield/trello-desktop and download the Linux desktop version, an unofficial app created by Daniel Chatfield.
  2. Extract the contents to any subfolder of your 'home' directory.
You can technically run the Trello executable as is, but if you want it more accessible, you can do one or both of:
  • Create an alias - Run the terminal. Open file ~/.bashrc . Append the line alias trello="/Trello" with the right path at the bottom. Save your edit. Next time you log on to your account you'll be able to use the command trello to run the app in any working directory in the terminal.
  • Create a symlink - Run the terminal. Enter the command ln -s /Trello ~/Desktop/Trello . This puts a Trello shortcut on your desktop. You can change the destination part as you wish.
Plug ins

Sidansvarig: Annika Silvervarg
Senast uppdaterad: 2022-08-24