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TDDE34 Software Verification

Plan for the lectures and the lessons

Explicit Model Checking

Lecture 1: Course organization. Introduction to verification, Model Checking and Temporal Logic.


Lecture 2: Büchi acceptance. Explicit model checking. Spin.


Tutorial 1: based on lectures 1 and 2 with discussions on temporal logic and Spin.

Symbolic verification

Lecture 3:Binary Decision Diagrams, Sat solvers


Lecture 4: Satisfiability Modulo Theory. Symbolic execution.


Tutorial 2: based on lectures 3 and 4 with discussions of NuSMV and KLEE.

Axiomatic reasoning

Lecture 5: Hoare logic. Weakest preconditions. Invariants.


Lecture 6: Cont. Verification of vs. partial total correctness. Dafny.

Abstraction and over-approximations

Lecture 7:Introduction to Abstract interpretation.


Lecture 8: Introduction to Predicate abstraction.

Recapitulation, exam discussion

Page responsible: Ahmed Rezine
Last updated: 2022-03-28