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TDDD55 Compilers and Interpreters


Lesson material to be added during the course. The goal of the lessons is to give some introduction and hints for the laboratory assignments, do exercises on background theory, as well as prepare for the final exam.

Lessons 2023

Lesson Overview: PDF

Lesson 1: Introduction to formal languages and automata theory
Introduction: PDF
Exercises Part 1: PDF
Animations: 2.6b alternative graphical solution

Lesson 2: Formal languages and automata theory continued
Exercises Part 2: PDF. Solution proposal: PDF

Lesson 3: Bison parser generator tool and intermediate code generation

Lesson 4: Exam preparation
Example exam (August 2015) PDF, (solution proposal)

Extra resources: Video tutorials for the lessons
(Tutorials for TDDD55)

Page responsible: Adrian Pop
Last updated: 2023-11-04