SaS Seminars
Software and Systems Research Seminar Series
The SaS Seminars are a permanent series of open seminars of the Division of Software and Systems (SaS) at the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA), Linköping University. The objective of the seminars is to present outstanding research and ideas/problems relevant for SaS present and future activities. In particular, seminars cover the SaS research areas software engineering, programming environments, system software, embedded SW/HW systems, computer systems engineering, realtime systems, parallel and distributed computing, and theoretical computer science. - Two kinds of seminars are planned:
talks by invited speakers not affiliated with SaS,
internal seminars presenting lab research to whole SaS.
The speakers are expected to give a broad perspective of the presented research, adressing the audience with a general computer science background but possibly with no specific knowledge in the domain of the presented research. The normal length of a presentation is 60 minutes, including discussion.
Previous SaS Seminars (2018)
Dynamically Adaptive Cross-layer Fault-tolerant System Design
Prof. Dr. Akash Kumar, Technische Universitat Dresden, German.
Thursday, December 20, 10:15, room John von Neumann.
In this talk, I will motivate the need for cross-layer fault-tolerance
and show how such approaches can help us find the right balance
between overheads and application performance. I will then motivate
the need for dynamic adaptation in such cross-layer reliable system
and show the major results obtained in this area.
Bio of speaker:
Akash Kumar is a Professor at Technische Universitat Dresden (TUD),
Germany, where he is directing the chair for Processor Design. From
2009 to 2015, he was with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, NUS. He received the joint Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering in embedded systems from University of Technology (TUe),
Eindhoven and National University of Singapore (NUS), in 2009. He has
published over 130 articles in conference and journals in the area of
design-automation. He has served/is serving on the technical program
committees of top conferences as a member/chair in the area, e.g. DAC,
DATE, ASPDAC, CASES, FPL, FPT. His current research interests include
design, analysis, and resource management of low-power and
fault-tolerant embedded multiprocessor systems.
Enabling Advanced Wireless Communication Network
Dr. Dr. Aloizio P. Silva University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Tuesday, November 13th, 2018 kl 13:15-14:00 room John von Neumann.
In future networks intelligence will be integrated into infrastructure. Cars will drive
themselves, cities will be safer for citizens, houses will be self-cleaning, agriculture will
work sustainably, electrical grids will respond automatically to fluxes in energy demands
and Interplanetary Internet (IPN) will interconnect planets. The reality is that we will live
in a smarter, more connected world.
The evergrowing exploration and demand for wireless data has pushed researchers to search for new technologies in order to significantly expand network capacity and capability. Industry and academia experts universally agree that, even with current and planned infrastructure rollouts, service demand will continue to outpace capacity and shifting the debate from ?where? to ?when? this will occur. Service providers plan to furiously upgrade their networks to enable advanced technologies and beyond, adopting new innovations including network softwarization, along the 3GPP and IETF roadmap. However, it is clear that the current technology trajectory still produces a capacity slope more flat than the demand line.
Embracing this challenge, researchers around the world have begun their journey to investigate new network technologies that will be part of the advanced wireless communication networks. Researchers are not only addressing capacity in their innovations, they also aim to improve coverage and reliability at the cell edges, improve energy efficiency for providing service, and decrease latency - all of which will improve the overall responsiveness of the network. To this end, researchers are focusing on potential technologies (Artificial Intelligence and Network Softwarization) to build advanced testing networks to make 5G and beyond a reality. It is an ambitious undertaking, and getting there will require infrastructure and user equipment that can operate cross-domain within a much broader bandwidth at incomparably higher speeds. It is going to be wonderful, and it is going to change the way the network behaves. This debate is divided into two strands. Firstly, it highlights the industry and researchers collaboration as a single platform to discuss this challenge of tomorrow. It also presents one of the most prominent 5G-test networks deployed at Bristol City Center in the UK and briefly describes two European H2020 projects 5GinFIRE and FLAME platforms. Second, it goes through the Interplanetary Network domain and discusses an intelligent approach for mitigating congestion in dynamic and intermittent networks.
Bio of speaker:
Dr. Aloizio P. Silva is a Research Fellow
and 5G Portfolio Manager at the Smart Internet Lab. for the University
of Bristol in the UK. Mr. Silva currently works with Research and
Development for the UoB advanced wireless communication networks (5G)
platforms with a focus on government, industrial, and academic
research applications. Mr. Silva has more than 10 years of experience
in industry and academia focusing on software engineering, wireless
communication networks and project management. He has a Ph.D. degree
in the Department of Computer and Electronic Engineer Institute
Technological of Aeronautical (ITA); MBA in Project Management at
Fundacao Getulio Vargas and Babson Executive College being PMP
Certified; Masters in Computer Science and Post-doctorate at
Department of Computer Science of Federal University of Minas Gerais
(UFMG). He also worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(JPL-NASA/Caltech) for the Interplanetary Network Laboratory and also
at University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) at Jack Baskin School of
Engineering. Areas of interest includes: advanced wireless
communication (5G and beyond), Software Defined Network (SDN), Network
Function Virtualization (NFV), Software Defined Radio (SDR), Mobile
Edge Computing (MEC), space data systems, Delay and Disruption
Tolerant Networks (DTN) and Interplanetary Networks (IPN).
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Internet of Battle Things
Dr. Edison Pignaton de Freitas Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Informatics Institute, Brazil.
Thursday, September 27th, 2018, kl 13:15 room John von Neumann.
In this talk unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are
discussed as a robotic platform in an experimental setting. The target
applications range over guidance of individual UAV platforms,
navigation and mission control using payload data, and the control of
multi-UAV systems. In addition, efforts in providing computer vision
embedded intelligence so that the UAVs can autonomously perform tasks
are discussed.
The talk will also include an overview of an emerging topic,
i.e. Internet of Battle Things, in which solutions based on Software
Defined Networks, Delay Tolerant Networks and Information Centric
Networks are combined.
Bio of speaker:
Prof. Dr. Edison Pignaton de Freitas
received his Bac. degree in Computer Engineering from the Military
Institute of Engineering, Brazil (2003), and his MSc degree in
Computer Science from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS),
Brazil (2007). He received his PhD from Halmstad University, Sweden,
(2011) in the area of sensor networks. During 2001-2002 he studied in
France, at Institute National des Sciences AppliquÊes, Toulouse, with
a scholarship from the Brazilian National Counsel of Technological and
Scientific Development (CNPq).
Currently his holds a position as Associate Professor at Informatics
Institute at UFRGS since 2014. He worked as Computer Engineer and
Researcher at the Brazilian Army from 2004 to 2013, working in several
areas, such as tactical edge networks and aerospace defence
projects. During his stay in France, he performed an internship at
AIRBUS Central Entity working in the A380 project. His main research
interests are in computer networks, distributed real-time and embedded
systems, wireless sensor networks and (multi-)Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Browser Extensions: Development practices, unwanted behaviors and how to anticipate them
Dr. Aruna Prem Bianzino researcher at Telefonica Digital Espana (Eleven Paths).
Monday, September 17th, 2018, kl 10:15 room Alan Turing.
Browser Extensions: Development practices,
unwanted behaviors and how to anticipate them Browsers represent the
main tool to access web content. Browser extensions increase the
functionalities of browsers, offering any kind of non-standard
solutions and applications to the end user, resulting in a really
popular practice, accessing many resources, and bringing with them
security risks. We analyze the ecosystem of the browser extensions,
and develop a solution to automatically highlight eventual unwanted
behavior, which is eluding the current pre-market analysis. This
solution allows also to increase the transparency and user awareness
and control over the used extensions and their resource usage and
access policy.
Bio of speaker:
Dr.Aruna Prem Bianzino is a researcher in the
innovation department of the security area of Telefonica, he
participates in the ideation and proof of concept of new ideas, as
well as in the management of the corresponding intellectual property
rights. He developed an expertise in innovation and innovation
funding, with a background in computer networks and a Ph.D. in energy
Towards next-generation collaborative network defense
Dr. Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis, Technical university of Darmstadt, Germany.
Tuesday, June 19th, 2018, kl 13:15 room Alan Turing.
Cyber-attacks have nowadays become more
frightening than ever before. The growing dependency of our society on
networked systems aggravates these threats; from interconnected
corporate networks and industrial control systems to smart households,
the attack surface for the adversaries is increasing. I argue that
network security requires, besides traditional methods, more out of
the box and (pro)active research. In this talk, I will discuss the
three main pillars of my current and future research, namely: i)
offensive security, ii) attacker deception, and iii) collaborative
intrusion detection. In particular, the first part of the talk will
focus on offensive security (e.g., taking the perspective of an
adversary to anticipate new attacks) and attacker deception (e.g.,
honeypots) and will examine the motivation, the challenges and
possible next steps for this line of research. The second part of the
talk will be emphasizing on collaborative intrusion detection and will
combine a discussion of research challenges along with lessons learned
from a number of projects that I have been involved to date.
Bio of speaker:
Dr. Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis is a senior
researcher at Technische Universität Darmstadt. His research interests
include collaborative intrusion detection, honeypots and botnet
monitoring. Emmanouil received a PhD, for his thesis "On Collaborative
Intrusion Detection", from the Technische Universität Darmstadt
(Germany) in 2016 and a diploma (Dipl.-Inform.) and MSc (IT Security)
from the University of the Aegean (Greece) in 2008 and 2011
Customization methodologies for embedded systems
Dr. Lazaros Papadopoulos National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
Thursday, May 24th, 2018, kl 13:15 room Alan Turing.
The efficient deployment of applications in
embedded devices is challenging, due to the limited resources that the
embedded systems provide and the high requirements of embedded
applications. Customizing applications based on underlying platform
specifications often provides significant gains in terms of
performance and energy efficiency. In this presentation, various
customization methodologies for dynamic applications and Convolutional
Neural Networks will be described, which are applicable in various
levels of abstraction.
Bio of speaker:
Dr. Lazaros Papadopoulos is a Research
associate in Microprocessors and Digital Systems Lab of the School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University
of Athens. His research interests include runtime optimisation
methodologies for low energy consumption in embedded systems and
special-purpose embedded processors. He co-authored 17 publications in
international journals and conferences and participated in several EC
projects (MNEEME, 2PARMA, AEGLE).
Fog Computing with Reference Attribute Grammars
Prof. Dr. Uwe Aßmann Technical University of Dresden, Germany.
Friday, April 20th, 2018, kl 14:15 room Alan Turing.
Fog Computing is a new reference architecture for sensor networks at the
edge of the cloud. Its basic idea is to process data locally, in complex
sensor nodes, gateways and routers, before moving them into the cloud.
Thereby, it protects privacy by default and delivers speed
(low latency, high bandwidth). Its business perspectives for European
companies are tremendous, because starting from the sensor markets, they
can penetrate the future cloud computing markets.
Fog Computing has a very interesting application area, Robotic
Co-Working. The talk reports about a case study in fog computing: the
Chair of Software Engineering has combined several co-working robots,
such as the KUKA LBR iiwa or the UR-10, with a sensor-equipped jacket
and glove. A fog collects and aggregates all sensor data via a
gateway, a laptop, and a robot server. Starting from this example, we
show how to program a fog, with a world statechart and an adaptive
software platform based on contexts and roles. Fog computing will
enable life with wearables and machines in smarter rooms. Fogs mean
Fogs can be programmed with event-based RAGs if events are admitted as
input to an attributed tree. We give some examples of the models that
are required for modeling fogs.
Bio of speaker:
Uwe Assmann is professor for software engineering at the Technical
University of Dresden, Germany. He is also a former member of PELAB.
More information can be found at
Real-Time Fault Localisation using Machine Learning and Microservices Principles
Armin Catovic Technology Specialist, Systems & Technology, Ericsson AB.
Monday, January 22nd, 2018, 13:15 room Alan Turing.
Linnaeus is a lightweight microservice that implements
simple yet powerful machine learning principles for fault detection
and localisation on a continuous log stream. It can be used in both
standalone telecom nodes as well as virtualised network functions
(VNFs). This seminar covers both the machine learning aspects as well
as software design principles. In terms of software design, Linnaeus
exposes the current microservices trend seen in the telecom industry,
as a natural next step in network function virtualisation and general
software architecture.
Bio of speaker:
Armin has been at Ericsson last 10
years. Originally from Melbourne (Australia) he completed a double
degree in Computer Science and Telecom Engineering. Armin started his
career as a contract Delphi programmer and consultant, before finally
entering Ericsson. He worked in Ericsson's global services unit on
large-scale 3G/WCDMA radio integration projects in Australia,
Singapore, Indonesia and Bangladesh, before moving to Linköping R&D on
the then-new 4G/LTE radio system. He worked as a system tester,
developer and systems engineer in Linköping, before moving to
Stockholm where he is currently working as a senior developer in the
context of machine learning and AI.
Previous SaS Seminars
Page responsible: Christoph Kessler
Last updated: 2020-01-17