Division for Software and Systems (SaS)
The research at SaS is carried out mainly in its three research labs.
The division research is partly funded from Linköping University and also receives significant contributions from the European Commission, from the Swedish research council (VR), VINNOVA, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), ELLIIT, WASP, and from the CENIIT/ZENITH programme at Linköping University.
Nine full professors, 8 associate/assistant professors and several postdocs are involved in the research, together with about 25 PhD students.
The division for Software and Systems (SaS) conducts research and education in the following areas: Software Engineering, Programming Models and Environments, Software and System Modeling and Simulation, System Software, Embedded SW/HW Systems, Computer Systems Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Software and Systems, Real-Time Systems, System Dependability, and Software and System Verification and Testing.
The research covers both basic research and projects in cooperation with industry - projects that are or have been conducted in cooperation with ABB Robotics, ABB Industrial Systems, Ericsson Softlab AB, Ericsson Radio Systems, Ericsson Telecom, SKF, Saab, Saab Dynamics, Saab Combitech and several other companies.
The research activities at SaS also include several long-term open-source system development efforts, such as the OpenModelica framework for object-oriented equation-based modeling and simulation of cyberphysical systems, and the SkePU high-level programming framework for heterogeneous parallel systems.
SaS Research Seminars
The SaS division runs a permanent series of open monthly seminars. These present outstanding research relevant for/done at SaS and include:
- talks by invited speakers not affiliated with SaS,
- presentation of research done at SaS.
For the current seminar program see the SaS seminar page.
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Last updated: 2023-02-20