SaS Seminars 2015
Software and Systems Research Seminar Series
The SaS Seminars are a permanent series of open seminars of the Division of Software and Systems (SaS) at the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA), Linköping University. The objective of the seminars is to present outstanding research and ideas/problems relevant for SaS present and future activities. In particular, seminars cover the SaS research areas software engineering, programming environments, system software, embedded SW/HW systems, computer systems engineering, realtime systems, parallel and distributed computing, and theoretical computer science. - Two kinds of seminars are planned:
talks by invited speakers not affiliated with SaS,
internal seminars presenting lab research to whole SaS.
The speakers are expected to give a broad perspective of the presented research, adressing the audience with a general computer science background but possibly with no specific knowledge in the domain of the presented research. The normal length of a presentation is 60 minutes, including discussion.
The SaS seminars are coordinated by Christoph Kessler.
Recent / Upcoming SaS Seminars (2015)
A class of precomputation-based distance-bounding protocols
Prof. Sjouke Mauw, University of Luxembourg
Friday, 18 Dec. 2015, 13.15, room Donald Knuth
Distance-bounding protocols serve to thwart various types of proximity-based attacks, such as relay attacks. A particular class of distance-bounding protocols measures round trip times of a series of one-bit challenge-response cycles, during which the proving party must have minimal computational overhead. This can be achieved by precomputing the responses to the various possible challenges. In this paper we study this class of precomputation-based distance-bounding protocols. By designing an abstract model for these protocols, we can study their generic properties, such as security lower bounds in relation to space complexity. Further, we develop a novel family of protocols in this class that resists well to mafia fraud attacks.
Side-Channel Analysis for Embedded Devices: Challenges and Pitfalls
Associate Prof. Lejla Batina, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Tuesday, 27 October 2015, 15:15, room John von Neumann
In this talk we give an overview of side-channel attacks and some well-known countermeasures. As an example, we discuss S-boxes of block-ciphers that are usual targets of side-channel attacks and it is an interesting challenge to come up with design techniques to improve their side-channel resistance. Several metrics were proposed in attempt to characterize the resilience of S-boxes against DPA, most notably the transparency order metric. Recently, some new metrics and new results appear showing that this problem is far from being solved.
Speaker's profile:
Lejla Batina is an Associate Professor at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands and a free researcher at KU Leuven, Belgium. She received her M.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the University of Zagreb, Croatia in 1995 and Ph.D. degree in engineering from the K.U. Leuven in 2005. She also worked for three years as a cryptographer for SafeNet B.V. in The Netherlands. Her research interests include efficient arithmetic for cryptography, secure implementations of cryptographic algorithms, side-channel security, lightweight cryptography e.g. crypto for RFIDs, sensor networks, etc.
Compositional Predictability Analysis of Mixed Critical Real Time Systems
Dr. Abdeljalil Boudjadar, RTSLAB, Linköping University, Sweden
Monday, 5 October 2015, 10:15, room Alan Turing
Predicatability has been identified as a related input
sensitive requirement which ascertains that the externally observable
behaviour of a component remains the same despite internal
non-determinism while removing external non-determinism (i.e., keeping
the inputs to the component and their timing unchanged). Proving the
predictability means that the system analysis is successfully passed
regarding both data flow and time-constrained behavior under any
execution assumption. Different techniques have introduced to analyze
the predictability of real-time systems, where the analysis does not
leverage system structure and systems are analyzed monolithically.
This may lead to a state space explosion, making large systems
non-analyzable. In this talk, I will introduce a compositional
framework for analyzing the predictability of component based embedded
real-time systems and show how to support the predictability through
certain design restrictions. The framework utilizes automated analysis
of tasks and communication architectures to provide insight on the
schedulability and data flow. The system architecture we consider in
this paper is structured in terms of components having different
criticality levels.
Speaker's profile:
Abdeljalil Boudjadar just started his postdoc with RTSLAB, Linköping University.
He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse-France where he worked on "Compositional Semantics and Refinement of Timed systems". He continued with a postdoc at Aalborg University-Danmark followed by another postdoc at Queen's University-Canada.
Constraint Programming in Code Generation for Custom Computing Platforms
Prof. Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Lund University, Sweden
Thursday, 23 April 2015, 10:30, room Alan Turing
Custom processor architectures are often proposed as more
efficient alternatives to general purpose processors in terms of
performance and power. They are often multi-core computing platforms
with specialized processors offering often data-level
parallelism. This makes it difficult to program them, and it is often
too expensive to develop specialized compilers. Constraint programming
offers a quick way to define architectural constraints together with
program constraints in a single model. Solutions to such models
deliver executable code.
In this talk, we will introduce quickly basics of constraint
programming and an example of a custom architecture. We will
then concentrate on mapping and code generation problems and show
several possible solutions and results.
The presented results are part of the "HiPEC: High Performance Embedded
Computing" project funded by SSF.
Speaker's profile:
Krzysztof Kuchcinski holds a chair in Computer Science at
Lund Institute of Technology (LTH), Lund, Sweden.
His main research interests include different aspects of digital
system analysis and synthesis as well as applications of constraint programming.
See his home page at
Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica - ITA: the challenges of its expansion
Celso Hirata, Associate professor, Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Brazil
Wednesday, 1 April 2015, 13:15, room Alan Turing
Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica - ITA is a higher
education institute of Brazil whose mission is to conduct research and
teaching activities to develop the Brazilian aerospace sector. After
65 years of activities, the most prominent result of ITA is Embraer.
Embraer, a Brazilian company, is the third largest commercial aviation
manufacturer in the world. ITA is claimed to have helped to accomplish
several other Brazil's strategic programs, such as the organization of
the telecommunications sector, the Brazilian aviation infrastructure,
R&D in the space sector, and the creation of the defense industry. The
reasons of the successes of the institute have been attributed to two
educational factors: very competitive admission process of students
and strict teaching system. However, there is an understanding that
those factors are not sufficient. Currently ITA is undertaking an
expansion program whose initial goal is to double the number of
students in five years horizon. Additionally to the infrastructure
development and human resources' hiring, the ITA's expansion is an
opportunity to re-think the institute and consider other factors. The
expansion is being seen as challenges in three areas: engineering
education - adoption of more effective and stimulating models of
education in engineering; research - improvement of effectiveness of
research; and innovation - improvement of interactions between ITA
and strategic sectors to generate innovation.
In the talk, I will present and discuss how ITA is facing these challenges.
Resource Contention Management in Virtualized Systems
Diwakar Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada
Friday, 13 March 2015, 13:15, room Alan Turing
Remark: This seminar is a joint SaS/ADIT seminar.
Public and private cloud computing environments employ virtualization
methods to consolidate application workloads onto shared servers. Modern
servers typically have one or more sockets each with one or more
computing cores, a multi-level caching hierarchy, a memory subsystem,
and an interconnect to the memory of other sockets. While resource
management methods may manage application performance by controlling the
sharing of processing time and input-output rates, there is generally no
management of contention for virtualization kernel resources or for the
memory hierarchy and subsystems. Yet such contention can have a
significant impact on application performance. Hardware platform
specific counters have been used for detecting such contention. In this
talk, we show that such counters alone may not be always sufficient for
detecting contention. We propose a software probe based approach for
detecting and mitigating contention for shared platform resources.
Results from a private cloud and a public cloud show that the probe imposes a low
overhead and is remarkably effective at detecting and mitigating
performance degradations due to resource contention over a wide variety
of workload scenarios and platform architectures.
Diwakar Krishnamurthy is currently an associate professor and director
of the software engineering program in the department of electrical and
computer engineering at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. His
research interests are broadly focused on computer systems performance
evaluation. In the past, his research team has contributed techniques
to test, model, optimize, and manage the performance of enterprise
application systems. He is currently involved in projects related to
runtime management of cloud systems, simulation techniques for studying
healthcare systems, and big data systems. His research has been
supported by HP Labs and SAP Research.
Combating Unpredictability in Multicores through the Multi-Resource Server
Dr. Rafia Inam, Mälardalen Univ., Sweden
Wednesday, 25 Feb. 2015, 13:15, room John von Neumann
This seminar presents challenges that hinder the predictable integration
and execution of real-time applications on multicore platforms.
It presents how shared resources, like CPU, memory-bus bandwidth,
caches, and memory cause unpredictability and interference.
We propose to adapt the traditional server-based scheduling approach
on the multicore platforms with additional resource-reservations
to control the shared access to such resources and present
the multi-resource server (MRS) as a solution such that
the execution of real-time applications becomes predictable.
A multi-resource server uses resource reservation for both
CPU bandwidth and memory-bus bandwidth to bound the interferences
between tasks running on the same core, as well as,
between tasks running on different cores.
The latter could, without MRS, interfere with each other
due to contention on a shared memory-bus and memory.
The results indicate that MRS can be used to "encapsulate"
legacy systems and to give them enough resources to fulfill their purpose.
Further, the compositional schedulability analysis for MRS
is also provided and an experimental study is performed to bring insight
on the correlation between the server budgets.
Keywords: Hierarchical scheduling, memory-bus bandwidth, cache coloring, memory-bank partitioning.
Speaker's bio:
Rafia Inam recently obtained a PhD degree from Mälardalen University, Sweden.
Her PhD research was on hierarchical scheduling for real-time embedded systems.
A main focus of her work is on predictable execution of real-time systems
for unicore and multicore platforms.
Network Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems
Prof. Luis Almeida, U. Porto, Portugal, and Mälardalen Univ., Sweden
Tuesday, 27 Jan. 2015, 13:15, room John von Neumann
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) frequently rely on networking infrastructures. These necessarily play a central role in supporting the needed system-wide properties, being timeliness a particularly important one as dictated by the dynamics of the associated physical processes. In this talk, we present the case for flexible channel reservation-based communication as a means to provide scalable, open and adaptive latency-constrained communication and thus enable an efficient design of emerging CPS applications, such as Remote Interactions, Collaborative Robotics and other CPS applications with variable and unanticipated bandwidth requirements.
Speaker's bio:
Luis Almeida is an associate professor at the ECE Dep. of the University of Porto and a member of the Institute of Telecommunications in Porto where he coordinates the Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems group, working in real-time communication protocols and middleware for embedded systems and cooperative robotics. Currently he is also guest professor at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering of Mälardalen University, in the Embedded Systems Division.
Previous SaS Seminars
Page responsible: Christoph Kessler
Last updated: 2016-03-01