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TDDD07 Real Time Systems


Reading guidelines can be found under "Lectures and lessons".

Recommended text books

    The following two text books are considered as useful for a broad knowledge in real-time systems, each covering about half of the material in this course (partially overlapping). You can choose to read selected chapters from any of these, but in both cases this should be combined with the articles/e-books mentioned below.
  • Jan Carlson et al., Real-time Systems Compendium from MRTC, available for purchase at LiU Servicecenter, Building A, entrance 19 C (opposite to LiU print) for 255SEK, with Ref number A2059. It is also possible to order it online (You need to create a student account and there is an extra fee for shipping). Errata and selected print improvements.
  • A. Burns and A. Wellings: Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages (Fourth Edition), Addison-Wesley. 
    An earlier version of this book can be found in Google Books as preview material. For students that are willing to share a borrowed book, we have 6 copies of earlier versions of this book that we can lend on a FCFS basis (contact the course assistant!).

Articles and Bookchapters

The pdf files of the articles listed below you can access directly from the University. If accessing from home you need to provide username and password for your LiU student account .

  • Z. Xiao, W. Song, and Q. Chen, Dynamic resource allocation using virtual machines for cloud computing environment, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distrubuted Systems, Vol. 24, Nr. 6, June 2013. (pdf)
  • S. Poledna, H. Kopetz, and W. Steiner Deterministic System Design with Time-triggered Technology, Proceedings of Microelectronics Systems Symposium, 2014 (pdf).
  • Kopetz, H., Bauer, G. The time-triggered architecture, Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 91, issue 1, pages 112 - 126, 2003 (pdf)
  • Attiya, H.,Welch, J. Distributed Computing : Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced Topics (2nd Edition), Chapter 6: Causality and time, John Wiley & Sons, 2004, electronic resource
  • R. I. Davis, A. Burns, R. J. Bril, J. J. Lukkien, Controller Area Network (CAN) schedulability analysis, Refuted, revisited, and revised, Journal of Real-time Systems, Elsevier, January 2007. (pdf)
  • El-Gendy, M., Bose, A., and Shin, K. Evolution of the InternetQoS and Support for Soft Real-Time Applications, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 91, Number 7, July 2003 (pdf)
  • A. Avizienis, J.-C. Laprie, B. Randell, and C. Landwehr Basic Concepts and Taxonomy of Dependable and Secure Computing,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.11-33, 2004. (pdf)
  • J. Huang, J. Voeten, A. Ventevogel and L. van Bokhoven. Platform-independent Design for Embedded Real-Time Systems In Proceedings of FDL'03, pp. 318-329, 2003. (pdf)
  • Example on a case study from platform-independent to platform-specific model (UML-MARTE): Ralph Weissnegger, Markus Pistauer, Christian Kreiner, Kay Romer, Christian Steger. A Novel Design Method for Automotive Safety-Critical Systems based on UML/MARTE, Forum on specification & Design Languages, 2015. (pdf)
  • Baskiyar, S. and Meghanathan, N. A Survery of Contemporary Real-time Operating Systems, Informatica No. 29, 2005. (click on "Download this pdf file")

Background reading

If you need to refresh your knowledge of processes, concurrent programming and deadlocks, read:
  • Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, Operating Systems & Concepts, Sixth Edition, Wiley, 2003.
    chapters 4, 7, and 8.
  • Burns and Wellings, Real-time Systems and their programming languages, Addison
    Welsey, 2001, chapters 7-8.

Extra reading

  • Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Rate monotonic vs. EDF: judgment day Real-Time Syst. 29, 1 (January 2005) (pdf)
  • Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Hard Real-time Computing Systems, Kluwer Academic publishers, 1997, Chapter 4: Periodic task scheduling.Online resource (third edition, 2011)
  • H. Kopetz, W. Steiner, Real-time Communication, Springer, 2022, Chapter 6: Dependability. Online resource
  • M. Lohstroh, Í. Romeo, A. Goens, P. Derler, J. Castrillon, E. A. Lee, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Reactors: A Deterministic Model for Composable Reactive Systems , Proceedings of workshop on Embedded systems and Cyber-physical systems Education (WESE,CyPhy), 2019 (pdf).
  • M. Joseph, P. Pandya, Finding Response Times in a Real-Time System, The Computer Journal, Volume 29, Issue 5, 1986, Pages 390–395. (pdf).

Page responsible: Simin Nadjm-Tehrani
Last updated: 2023-10-31