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TDTS06 Computer Networks

Course information

Course Information

TDTS06 Computer networks, 6 hp (6 ECTS credits)

For BME, COS, CS, D, IT, SOC, and Y

Computer networks are playing an increasingly important role in the society. It is predicted that there will be 50 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2020. With an enormous increase in the number of wired and wireless devices connected through the Internet, as well as improved network bandwidth and computer capabilities, we are moving towards a society in which users expect to access anything they want, whenever and wherever they are. To enable this trend and all the emerging services provided over the Internet (e.g., social networks, video streaming, and the Internet of things) it is therefore critical for today's computer science students to have a good understanding for computer networks.

TDTS06 gives a broad perspective of computer networks and Internet protocols. The course covers the basics for how a network and its applications operate; what a protocol is; how they work, and what the most important applications of the Internet are. In the labs you will learn more about the mechanisms used in some of the most important and fundamental Internet protocols. The final exam will test your understanding and knowledge of the subject.


Knowledge in operating systems and process programming equivalent to TDDB68: you ought to be able to explain resource conflicts that can occur in a computer program, and how to solve them. Also, you should be able to construct and test programs in a Unix/Solaris environment, using a language such as C, C++, or Java.

Further studies

There are several alternative continuations for your computer networks studies at LiU. For example:

Course Policy

  • Be on time: While classes are not obligatory, this does not mean that one can come and go as one likes. Think about your student friends who are trying to concentrate on the lecture.
  • Minimize disruptions: Turn off mobile phone and pager during lectures
  • Respect the instructor and course staffs office hours: You are welcome during office hours, but see whiteboard beside the office door and course mailing list for exceptions. For contact at other times than office hours, use e-mail using a subject line that starts with "TDTS06: ". Also, please use an appropriate subject title and only use characters that can be found in the 7-bit ASCII table.
  • Deadlines must be respected: The deadlines are there for a reason and we expect that you meet them.

There are also some important policies available for how to complete the assignments. Please see a separate policy document and individual assignments for additional information and details about policies and deadlines.

Course Organisation

The course consists of 22 hours of lectures (split across 11 lectures), and 16 hours of laborations (or 8 lab supervised occasions). The lectures are given in English. The theory is presented at the lectures, concentrating on networking principles. The laboration assignments focus on some of the most important aspects of computer protocols and networking that you will learn in the course, and are used to demonstrate some of the theory you learn in the lectures.

Other Information

Information about the course and lectures is available via the web, address http://www.ida.liu.se/~TDTS06/index.en.shtml

The web pages are updated continuously during the course.

Page responsible: Andrei Gurtov
Last updated: 2018-08-31