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TDTS06 Computer Networks


Examination items

The course has the following examination items:

LAB1 - Laboration - 3 ECTS
TEN1 - Written examination - 3 ECTS

Solving an optional assignment during the course can render you up to 4 extra points to be used for the written examination.

The exam is graded with fail, 3, 4, or 5. To get a pass on the exam you need at least to reach grade 3.

The labs will be graded Pass/Fail (Godkänd/Underkänd).

Exam format

After Covid-19, the exam is back to in-person 4h hand writing format. Exam questions (5) are chosen randomly from this set, with possible minor changes.

Exam times

There are three exam opportunities per year, check the dates here

N.B.: LiU does not allow remote participation to exams. Therefore it is especially important for exchange students to pass the first exam after the course!

Page responsible: Andrei Gurtov
Last updated: 2024-07-16