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TDDE32 Professionalism in Computer Science

Course information

Lecture 1: Introduction, 2h

We introduce basic concepts such as the need for a long-term sustainable societal development, the format of the course and the assessments that we will base your grades on. You will be divided into groups of 6. You will introduce yourselves to one another, and we will introduce course web pages used for online material in the course. We will discuss what we mean by sustainable development.

What do you think that we can keep doing the same way in ten or a hundred years, and what do we have to find different solutions to?

We will introduce the concept of scientific publications, how to read and use them, for the purpose of helping you understand the topics of the course. Finally, each theme of the course is presented by those responsible for it.

Page responsible: Arne Jönsson
Last updated: 2021-08-25