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TDDD89 Scientific Method (6 ECTS)

HT2 2023

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2024‑06‑14  Exjobb and course information 2024 for final-year master students (D, U, IT) 3/10/2024

In the master thesis project information meeting on 3/10/2024 for all D/U/IT final-year students, we will give a short introduction to the coming instance of this course and inform about useful preparations in order to easier meet the first-week submission deadline.

2024‑01‑29  Kursvalinformation för Y:are ang. TDDD89 HT2024

Från och med HT2024 är TDDD89 valbar även för Y i Termin 9, enligt studiehandboken. Detta kan passa bra i enstaka fall, dock inte generellt för Y. Vi vill påpeka att kursen TDDD89 är avsedd för studenter med ett datavetenskapligt fördjupningsområde (främst från CS, D, U, IT, Idata) som ska skriva ett master-examensarbete i detta fördjupningsområde. Kursinnehållet och materialet är upplagt för denna målgrupp.

  For 2023/24:

2024‑01‑29  UPG1 results reported

The results of the UPG1 submissions of 11/1 have been reported to Ladok.

2024‑01‑04  UPG1 submission deadline approaching

The submission deadline for UPG1 is 11 January 2024.
Reporting of UPG1 results can be expected for end of January.

2023‑12‑07  AE feedback on introductions available tonight

The Academic English feedback for all introductions that were submitted on time (17/11) will become available on Lisam tonight.
Explanations will be given in tomorrow's lecture (8 december 15:15 on zoom).
Lisam's numerical grades map to grading-rubric colors as follows: 1 = red, 2 = orange, 3 = yellow, 5 = green.
NB No resubmission is required for Academic English feedback (even if red or orange). This grade is for information only - use it for revising your ETP before submitting for UPG1 in January.
If anything should still be unclear: In the final lecture on 8 december, we offer you the opportunity during the extended break to ask individual questions to Shelley and Brittany who corrected the submitted introductions (see the Lisam/PDF comments who corrected yours).

The second half of this final lecture of 8 december, starting at 16:00 sharp, will, among other things, explain the upcoming IDA wexupp registration deadline for spring 2024 thesis projects.

2023‑11‑23  Seminar group G: Feedback seminar moved to 24/11 15:15

For seminar group G (Jose Antonio), the feedback seminar had to be moved at short notice to Friday 24/11 15:15, due to an urgent emergency situation. Our apologies for this inconvenience. We hope that the new time works for all in group G (it is within the same TekFak schedule block, so there should not be any clashes with mandatory courses). If attending is not possible for someone, please contact the seminar leader. TimeEdit is updated with the new time.

2023‑11‑22  Feedback on introductions from seminar leaders now available

If not emailed directly by your seminar leader, you can find the feedback on the submitted introduction in the Lisam cooperative workspace under "FeedbackSeminar-FBfromSeminarLeaders" in your subgroup's folder. There you can also find the agenda for the Feedback Seminar (23/11).
Unless everything is GREEN, you are expected to attend the feedback seminar, as explained last week.

2023‑11‑16  Introduction submission link on Lisam now open, deadline on friday 17/11

Please note the upcoming deadline friday 17/11 23:59 for submitting your revised introduction via the first Lisam submission link, which opened today 16/11 at 10:00.
NB this submission is mandatory and a prerequisite for further following the course.
You will receive feedback from two sources: on Academic English by 8/12 on Lisam from our Academic English experts, and separately on contents (motivation/aims/research questions) from your seminar leader on 22/11.
The latter will be the basis for the feedback seminar on 23/11.

Addendum: We received some questions if there is a page limit for submitted introductions. No, there is none. Aim for 2-3 pages plus references. Longer introductions are permitted, but you would then receive Academic English feedback only on the first 2-3 pages.

2022‑11‑05  Seminar group division announced

The division of seminar groups is now available in the Lisam cooperative area.
Please check the PDF file seminargroups-TDDD89-ht23-by-LiuID.pdf (requires Lisam login) for looking up your seminar group, your group's theme (topic/method area, i.e., the sample thesis to read) and your seminar group leader.
Seminar group names (A1-A4, B1-B4, ..., G1-G4) match the group names in TimeEdit (A, B, ..., G) for the seminar sessions.
You can easily find the other teams in your seminar group in the PDF file seminargroups-TDDD89-ht23-by-group.pdf (requires Lisam login).
Group folders (Seminar1/A1 - G4) for collecting the preparatory material for Seminar 1 have been created in the cooperative area.
The Zoom links for the seminar sessions (groups A ... G) can be found on Lisam, too.
In the next days I will sign you up in webreg for UPG2.

2023‑10‑17  Find a team mate for the seminars

A shared spreadsheet for finding a team mate for the seminars has been set up in the Lisam cooperative area for the course (login required). Information will be given in the first lecture.

2023‑10‑10  Course HT2023 given in hybrid mode / Course web page being updated for HT2/2023

As listed in the course syllabus, the mandatory-attendance seminars and two of the lectures will be given entirely on distance (zoom) also in HT2/2023, due to more convenient group work on text documents via screen sharing in zoom and due to shortage of rooms that would be suitable for the seminars.
Lectures and seminars will be given live and will not be recorded.

We started updating the course web pages for the coming instance of TDDD89 HT2/2023.
By and large, the 2023 course will follow the same structure as 2022.
All course information and instructions will be given here on the course web page. We use Lisam only for group cooperation in the seminars and for submission, and for non-public documents (e.g., zoom session links).

Page responsible: Christoph Kessler
Last updated: 2023-10-17