TDDD50 Green Computing
General examination rules
The examination of the course is based on the following activities carried out in the context of the seminars: seminar presentation and leadership, attendance and participation in the discussions, and a written report based on the articles presented in the seminars. The course examination is divided in two main parts:
1. Seminar presentation and leadership (1 ECTS)
For this part of the course you are required satisfy the following two requirements:
- Satisfactory presentation and satisfactory leading of discussion at the seminar where the assigned paper is presented by the student.
How to interpret "satisfactory" above will be demonstrated in seminar 0, attendance of which is compulsory.
This part of the course is pass or fail (i.e., there is no grade).
2. Active participation in seminar and written report based on seminar articles (3 ECTS)
The incremental requirements for the different grades for this part of the course are:- Attend all seminar sessions and participate in all the discussions satisfactorily, i.e. with at least 2 questions prepared in advance and take part in discussion in turn.
- Write a report based on the seminar article assigned to you.
Grade 3
- Write a report about the paper assigned to you. Use the provided template (pdf, doc) and follow the submission process. In order to find related works required for your article report, you can refer to Information Search guidelines and ask the teachers for help if needed.
Grade 4
- Report should contain detailed reference to any evidence (source/page/subsection) which supports any statement/claim in your report.
- Prepared activity in the seminar discussion, resulting in deeper questions wrt content and answering other students questions.
Grade 5
Extended report, including the following points:- Proposal of alternative ideas on the paper solution
- Extended related work with at least one more reference
- Many learning goals are reached in the seminars and discussions, hence the attendance of seminars is compulsory. You should contact your teacher at least one day before in case of legitimate reason to skip a session but you need to compensate for it later.
- When you miss a a seminar (including seminar 0) you need to do a compensation assignment. We expect a summary and discussion of the paper(s) that you missed. This should be using the same instructions as the main article summary (described in seminar 0 slides), which focuses more on methods and outcomes of the missed paper, but a shorter version (one page altogether, 50% summary, 50% discussion). No related works are needed.
- Low activity in discussions will result in feedback by the teacher after the session and the student will be encouraged to be more active, followed by closer monitoring in next seminars.
- Non-satisfactory or not well-timed presentation results in a retake session that will be separately arranged by the teachers.
The reexamination of written reports and presentations will take place during June and August. For written reports see the more detailed information.
Page responsible: Willem Meijer
Last updated: 2025-01-30