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TDDD50 Green Computing

Search of related work

The report that must be written for the final assessment of the course includes a related work section. As the name indicates, this is a section that collects some existing work that has some relation with the article presented. Finding related work is a process that requires some practice, time, and patience. The aim of this page is to guide you through the process of finding this related work and give you some useful tools for it.

Note the detailed guidelines mentioned under seminar 0 and at the end of lecture 2 referring to "Search of related works".


To find additional work in a topic, the most important aspect is to select a relevant set of keywords to search. For example, to find related works for the article presented in the Seminar 0, a possible set of key words could be: power monitoring, building in ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, or Google Scholar linked below. Read your article and try to identify the most convenient keywords!

These keywords will be used in subsets of them or all-together in specific tools or engines to search for information. The user will decide which of the entries obtained are relevant to what she/he is searching for. Notice that this is not an easy point and it improves with experience.

In case of scientific articles, we recommend to choose the entries by the title and then read the abstract. The abstract is the part of the article at the beginning that summarises its content and contributions. In this way you will be able to quickly identify if the work is relevant to what you are searching for.


There are several tools that you can use to search information on-line using your sets of keywords. The most classical is the general Google search engine. Nevertheless, if you want to search information in a more scientific context, there are other specific search engines that we list in the next paragraphs.

Google Scholar

Description: This is a search engine provided by Google to find scientific articles. It is easy to use and has the advantage that includes articles of several sources. To do the searches you just need to type your keywords.
URL: http://scholar.google.com


Description: This is a search engine provided by IEEE association. This association is one of the main editors of articles and has an extensive database of them. The search engine, that is restricted to their database, features powerful searches and it is highly parametrisable. To do the searches you just need to type your keywords, but you can specify filters such as year, specific journal, and so on.
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/

ACM Digital Library

Description: This is a search engine provided by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The search engine is also restricted to their database. To do the searches you have to type your keywords in the "Search" space.
URL: http://portal.acm.org

Science Direct

Description: This is a search engine provided by the Elsevier editorial. The search engine is also restricted to their database. To do the searches you have to type your keywords in the "All fields" space.
URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com

Springer Link

Description: This is a search engine provided by the Springer Verlag editor. The search engine is also restricted to their database. To do the searches you have to type your keywords and the "Search for" space.
URL: http://www.springerlink.com

Page responsible: Rodrigo Moraes
Last updated: 2017-01-13