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729A98 Risk och olycksanalys


Att läsa Läsanvisningar
Sem 1

Hedlund, J. (2000). Risky business: safety regulations, risks compensation, and individual behavior. Injury prevention, (6)2, 82-90. [Full Text PDF]

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Sem 2
Riskuppfattning: känslor och attityder

Walker, L., Williams, J., Jamrozik, K. (2006). Unsafe driving behaviour and four wheel drive vehicles: Observational study. British Medical Journal 333 (7558), 71-73. [Full Text PDF]

Ruxton, G.D. (2006). Death on the roads: No strong support for risk compensation. British Medical Journal 333 (7560), 199. [Full Text PDF]

Slovic, P., Finucane, M.L., Peters, E., MacGregor, D.G. (2004). Risk as analysis and risk as feelings: Some thoughts about affect, reason, risk, and rationality. Risk Analysis, 24 (2), 311-322. [Full Text PDF]

Klein, G.A., Calderwood, R. (1991). Decision models: Some lessons from the field. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 21 (5), 1018-1026. [Full Text PDF]

Läs gärna i samma ordning som referenserna står. Läs 'Death on the roads' endast (definitivt inte 'Tuberculosis and social exclusion')
Sem 3

Höglund, L.O., Södergren Riggare, S., Pettersson, M., Jonsson, K. (2008). Funktions- och scenarioanalys -- en metod att analysera risker ur ett långtidsperspektiv. Naturvårdsverket, rapport 5814. [Full Text PDF]

Marx, D.A., Slonim, A.D. (2003). Assessing patient safety risk before the injury occurs: An introduction to sociotechnical probabilistic risk modelling in health care. Quality and Safety in Health Care Volume 12 (suppl. 2), ii33-ii38. [Full Text PDF]

Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (2015). Riskanalys och händelseanalys (2015) [PDF] Läs kap 1-4.

Notera att SKLs handbok innehåller både riskanalys och händelse ("olycks") analys. Inför detta seminarium räcker det att läsa om riskanalys (dvs. kap 1-4).
Sem 4
Mänskliga faktorn, organisatoriska olyckor

Hollnagel, E. (1983). Human error (Position paper for NATO Conference on Human Error). Bellagio, Italy: OECD Halden Reactor Project, Norway. [PDF]

Reason, J. (2008). The human contribution: Unsafe acts, accidents and heroic recoveries. Chap 3: The nature and varieties of human error. Farnham, England: Ashgate.

Reason, J. (2008). The human contribution: Unsafe acts, accidents and heroic recoveries. Chap 4: Violations and the varieties of rule-related behavior. Farnham, England: Ashgate.

Mackenzie, C., Holmstrom, D. (2009). Investigating beyond the human machinery: A closer look at accident causation in high hazard industries. Process Safety Progress 28 (1), pp. 84-89. [Full Text PDF]

För The human contribution kap 4 räcker det med att läsa fram till s 59: Testing two models of violating behaviour.

Läs gärna Investigating beyond the human machinery sist.
Sem 5
Olycksmodeller och olycksanalys

Sklet, S. (2004). Comparison of some selected methods for accident investigation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 111(1-3), 29-37. [Full Text PDF]

Nouvel, D., Travadel, S. & Hollnagel, E. (2007). Introduction of the concept of functional resonance in the analysis of a near-accident in aviation. 33rd ESReDA Seminar: Future challenges of accident investigation. Ispra, Italy. [Full Text PDF]

Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (2015). Riskanalys och händelseanalys (2015) [Full Text PDF]

Inför detta seminarium räcker det att läsa om händelseanalys (dvs. kap 5).
Sem 6
HRO--Hur man uppnår 'resilience' (spänst)

Woods, D.D. (2006). How to design a safety organization: test case for resilience engineering. In: E. Hollnagel, D.D. Woods and N. Leveson, Editors, Resilience Engineering: Concepts and Precepts, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK. [Full Text PDF]

Reason, J. (2008). The human contribution: Unsafe acts, accidents and heroic recoveries. Chap 13: Individual and collective mindfulness. Farnham, England: Ashgate.

Reason, J. (2008). The human contribution: Unsafe acts, accidents and heroic recoveries. Chap 14: In search of safety. Farnham, England: Ashgate.

Läs gärna Woods först, och sedan The human contribution kap 13 + 14.
Sem 7

Goh, Y.M., Brown, H., Spickett, J. (2010). Applying systems thinking concepts in the analysis of major incidents and safety culture. Safety Science, 48(3), 302-309. [Full Text PDF]

Walker, G.W. (2010). A safety counterculture challenge to a "safety climate". Safety Science, 48(3), 333-341. [Full Text PDF]

Sidansvarig: Rita Kovordanyi
Senast uppdaterad: 2021-03-31