Research Interests
- Communication and ID protocols for Unmanned Aircraft
- Cybersecurity of transport (air, sea, road)
- Machine Learning, AI for anomaly detection
- Industrial Internet, Cyber Physical Systems
- Applying Game Theory to computer networks and systems
- Network Security, Host Identity Protocol
- 6G/5G
- Multipath congestion control
- Peer-to-peer communication
Ongoing/Completed Projects
- Funded
- WASP NEST: Henrik Sandberg, Gyorgy Dan, Andrei Gurtov and Martina Maggio, KTH, LiU, LU: DYNamic Attack detection and mitigation for seCure autONomy (DYNACON)
- Monitoring and anomaly detection of data streams and decision processes in advanced Digital ATS (MONAD)
- AIR MOBILITY (Vinnova)
- CA22168 - Physical layer security for trustworthy and resilient 6G systems (6G-PHYSEC)
- Automation Programm II, Trafikverket/LFV
- AeronautiCal Cyber INtrusion dEtection mechanism
- ELLIIT: Secure Transparent Communications in the Industrial Internet
- Security, Management and Ownership of Data and Networks in the Industrial Internet CENIIT
- Master Thesis
- Yousef Hashem & Elmedin Zildzic, "Endpoint Intrusion Detection and Response Agents in Embedded RAN Products", LiU-Ericsson Partnership Project, 2022.
- Adrian Bystrom & Mattias Salo, "An evaluation of eXpress data path from a 5G perspective," LiU-Ericsson Partnership Project, 2022.
- Hanna Gustafsson & Hanna Kvist, "Cyber Security Demonstration using Penetration Testing on Wi-Fi Cameras," LiU-FOI Partnership Project, 2022.
- Yousef Hashem & Elmedin Zildzic, "Endpoint Intrusion Detection and Response Agents in Embedded RAN Products", LiU-Ericsson Partnership Project, 2022.
Awards and Achievements
- Best paper in Cybersecuity track, iCNS'20
- Examiner of the Best MSc thesis in Computer Science, LiU, 2018 (Mohammad Khodari)
- Adviser of the Best PhD Thesis in Computer Science in Finland, 2017 (Ilya Nikolaevskiy)
- Best paper award at IEEE CSCN'17
- IEEE Outstanding Section Membership Recruitment and Retention Performance, Finland Section, 2017
- CELTIC-PLUS Excellence Award for Network Technologies, SIGMONA Project, 2017
- IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, 2016-19
- ACM Distinguished Scientist, 2015
- Google Faculty Award, technical sponsor Vint Cerf
- Most read author of Aalto University and most cited of HIIT on ResearchGate (June 2015)
- HIP book to Best Readings in Communications and Information Systems Security, IEEE ComSoc, 2013
- CELTIC Excellence Award (SILVER Star) for MEVICO project (Partner PI), 2012
- Best paper award at IEEE Globecom'11 (1070 accepted papers), 2011
- Senior member, IEEE, 2010; Senior Life member, ACM, 2015
- Award from Alumni Association of University of Helsinki jointly with Ms. Tarja Halonen (president of Finland), 2000
- Pardeep Kumar, Associate Professor, University of Warwick, UK.
- Madhusanka Liyanage, Associate Professor, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- An Braeken, Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Corinna Schmitt, Professor, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany.
- Nils Mäurer, Chief Engineer Security, Airbus Defence and Space, Germany.
- Robert Moskowitz, HTT Consulting, USA.
- Pawani Porambage, Senior Scientist, VTT, Finland.
- Ijaz Ahmad, Senior Scientist, VTT, Finland.
- Karin Bernsmed, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Digital, Norway.
- Billy Josefsson, Senior Advisor ATM and HR, Luftfartsverket, Sweden.
- Valerio Senni, Sr Principal Engineer, Collins Aerospace, Italy.
Page responsible: Andrei Gurtov
Last updated: 2024-10-14