TDDE48 Mobile Networks
The course has the following examination items:
Your final grade
To pass the course you must receive a passing grade in both parts of the course (TEN1, UPG1). The final grade will primarily be based on the exam (TEN1); however, your project (UPG1) can earn you bonus marks towards the exam.
For the project (UPG1) you will be given a grade based on (i) the seminar, (ii) the final report, and (iii) to a smaller extent your feedback reports given to other groups. To pass the project you are expected to meet all deadlines and your reports should follow the specifications. When the expected standards are not satisfied, especially with regards to the final report, you may be asked to complement the report with additional work. All deadlines, including a single hard deadline for such additional improvements, are specified on the project page.
You can only obtain a higher grade (4 or 5) on the project at the time of
the original deadline; typically not through complementing work. Such higher grade
can earn you up-to 8 bonus marks for this year's fall exam.
Note that bonus marks are only valid for the exam this term!!
(A grade 4 on the project will earn you
approximately 4 bonus marks and a grade 5 will earn you approximately 6-8 marks.
Some intermediate bonus marks may be used to distinguish
particularly strong projects from borderline projects.)
You cannot save bonus marks for later.
Furthermore, at most 2 bonus marks can be used towards a grade 3
in the course, at most 4 bonus marks can be used towards a grade 4
in the course, and at most 8 bonus marks can be used towards a grade 5 in the course.
Page responsible: Niklas Carlsson
Last updated: 2023-08-26