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TDDE48 Mobile Networks (4 ECTS)

Fall (ht1)


Course Overview

The figure above provides an overview of the course. In broad terms, the course is split into two parallel and interconnected tracks (first two columns):
  • First column (blue boxes for lectures and exam in red): Nine lectures (weeks 36-40), including both traditional lecture style and more analytical problem solving lectures. Here, we may also briefly analyze and discuss some of the scenarios from your group meetings.
  • Second column (red milestone deadlines and yellow box for the final seminars): Course project with regular milestones and a final seminar.
  • Right-most margin (white circles): Approximate schedule for PBL group meetings related to this course.
It is important to note that (by design) not all tracks will be synchronized at all times and some students (due to their individual course projects and in which order their PBL group consider different scenarios) may know more than other students about some topics. It is strongly encouraged that you leverage this heterogeneity in your PBL meetings (and project feedback), such as to help each other get as much of the meetings (and projects) as possible. In general, the expectation is that the more diverse projects you pick, the more you will learn as a student group. In the course you will be evaluated based on two components (red and yellow):
  • Exam (TEN 1): Your individually written exam.
  • Project (UPG 1): Your written project reports, your feedback to other groups, the seminar, and your potential summary video.
The projects are done in pairs. The final grade in the course will primarily be based on the exam grade. See examination for details.

Page responsible: Niklas Carlsson
Last updated: 2024-09-01