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External Resources

This section shall be becoming updated as we go forward in the course...


Lecture 1/Introductory resources

HTML beginner tutorial
HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know - Part 1
HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know - Part 2
Single-page application vs. multiple-page application
Chrome DevTools

Lecture 2/Lab 1 related resources

MDN - Introduction to CSS
CSS Tutorial from tutorialspoint.com
MDN - Javascript Guide
HTML Beginner Guide
HTML5 Developer Guide

Lecture 3/Lab 2 related resources

Python 3 - docs
Flask Homepage
RESTful Web Services With Python Flask
Using SQLite 3 with Flask
Flask: Parsing JSON Data
Postman - Sending Requests
Flask-SQLAlchemy Tutorial //Optional

Lecture 4/Lab 3 related resources

AJAX Requests
HTML5 Websockets
Simple Gevent Websocket example //Use ws.receive() instead of ws.wait()
Sharing data between Gunicorn workers - not mandatory in the course
Better performance by optimizing Gunicorn config

Project related resources

Data Visualization Principles: Lessons from Tufte
11 Amazing HTML5 Drag And Drop Examples.
Server-side vs Client-side Routing
The Pros And Cons Of Single Sign-On For Web Services
The Importance of Hashing Passwords
Common Hashing Algorithms
GUI Testing: Complete Guide
Client-Side Templating
Video Streaming with Flask
Advantages and Disadvantage of Responsive web design
Putting comments in code: the good, the bad, and the ugly.


Basic concepts of web applications, how they work and the HTTP protocol
What Is A Single Page Application?
Google Chrome Developer Tools Crash Course
The Http and the Web | Http Explained | Request-Response Cycle
HTML and CSS Tutorial for Beginners
New elements in HTML5
Javascript Tutorial for Beginner Complete Course
Creating a RESTFul API With Flask [1 of 4] - Get Requests
Creating a RESTFul API With Flask [2 of 4] - Post Requests
Creating a RESTFul API With Flask [3 of 4] - Put Requests
Creating a RESTFul API With Flask [4 of 4] - Delete Requests

Page responsible: Sahand Sadjadee
Last updated: 2024-02-08