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Degree project proposal

Visualization of ice hockey data

This project is offered within a cooperation between the Sports Analytics group at LiU and Linköping Hockey Club (LHC).

In this project the aim is to implement a visualization system for ice hockey data that is particularly targeted to goalkeepers. The input to the system will be different kinds of data with a focus on play-by-play data. The system needs to be able to visualize different kinds of input data and their correlations, allow for filtering according to different features and enable comparisons. An analysis of suitable techniques is part of the thesis work. The data will be provided by LHC and LHC personell will also evaluate the system.

In addition to be able to apply knowledge in visualization, data management and user interfaces gained during earlier studies, the students have the opportunity to get insight in the workings of an elite sports team in Sweden.

The thesis is available for pairs of BSc students or for (pairs of) MSc students.

Contact: Patrick Lambrix (LiU), Niklas Carlsson (LiU)

Page responsible: Patrick Lambrix
Last updated: 2021-01-27