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Result size estimation for Facebook's GraphQL query language

This project is designed for bachelor students, but it may also be extended into a master-student project.

Description: After developing and using it internally for three years, in 2016, Facebook released a specification and a reference implementation of a framework, called GraphQL, that introduces a new type of Web-based data access interfaces. A core component of this GraphQL framework is a query language for expressing the data retrieval requests issued to GraphQL-aware Web servers. In an ongoing research collaboration between the Universidad de Chile and Linköping University we are studying this new query language and we have developed an algorithm that can be used to determine the size of the result of a given query without having to execute the query. The goal of this thesis project is to implement this algorithm and to study the behavior of the algorithm in practice by performing a few experiments.

Prerequisites: Students who want to work on this project should have read a course on Database Technology.

Contact: Olaf Hartig.

Page responsible: Olaf Hartig
Last updated: 2017-10-11