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TDDI07 Distributed embedded software and networks

Installing TinyOS on a virtual machine


This is a brief guid on how to get the lab environment for TDDI07 running on your own machine. It is only partially tested, if you have questions or comments send them to mikael.asplund@liu.se


This guide assumes that you are not running a Ubuntu-flavoured linux. If you are, then you can skip steps 1-5 and work directly on your machine.

  1. Get and install VirtualBox if you don't already have it.
  2. Create a new virtual machine
  3. Dowload an iso image for a linux distribution. I recommend Lubuntu as it is lightweight, but still user-friendly.
  4. Add your downloaded iso image as a removable storage media for your new virtual machine
  5. Boot up, install linux on the virtual machine and reboot
  6. Login to the machine, start a terminal window and make your user part of the dialout group: usermod -a -G dialout <user> where <user> is replaced with your user name
  7. Reboot (or logout and login again), and start a new terminal
  8. Fetch the lab files: git clone https://gitlab.liu.se/TDDI07/tinyos-lab/
  9. Enter the lab dir cd tinyos-lab
  10. Run the setup script (note the inital dot and space): . setup-on-vm.sh this will take a while
  11. Enable the settings (note the inital dot and space): . vm-settings.sh this will take a while

You should now be good to go using the lab instructions. However, instead of running the TDDI07-settings.sh every, you should run vm-settings.sh. To get the virtual machine to recognize the mote through USB you must make it available in VirtualBox. To do this, right-click on the USB symbol in the toolbar in the lower right corner and choose the TelosB device.

Page responsible: Mikael Asplund
Last updated: 2020-11-05