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TDDE41 Software Architectures


Seminar 1: Architecture and design decisions

Groups: randomly assigned groups of about 10

At the beginning of the seminar you will be given the specification of the architecture you are supposed to design. Lena, Henrik and Felipe will play the role of clients. You will be given a grid design and a specified number of blocks. The task is to places blocks on a grid while fulfilling architectural requirements.

You will work is sub-groups of 2 each with its own task:

  • There will be 3 modules with 1 sub-group in charge of each module.
  • 1 sub-group will be in charge of coordinating the work and communicating with the client
  • 1 sub-group will be in scharge of budget and sustainability score for the whole project
The seminar schedule will be as follows:
  • 10 minutes to read the rules and break down into sub-teams
  • 5 min /group to discuss task with clien
  • 25 minutes to develop a first solution
  • 20 minutes discussion with customer / break (10 minutes/ team) - they might have some feedback or updated requirements
  • 20 minutes to adjust solution
  • 20 minutes to pitch the solution to everyone (5 minutes/team) – the pitch will include arguments on cost-efficiency and sustainability
  • 10 minutes discussion and lessons learned

After the seminar

Each team submits a short 2 page report explaining
  • The design strategy initially, any changes to strategy in progress
  • Evaluation of how well the strategy worked, what compromises had to be made in the design
  • What could have been done differntly

Page responsible: Lena Buffoni
Last updated: 2021-03-30