TDDE41 Software Architectures
There is no written examination in the course.
To complete the unit you need to complete and present you lab assignemets to your lab assistant. The assignements are submitted in groups, but the grades are individual, therefore questions during labs will be used to evaluate the participation level of each member of the group.UPG1 3 ECTS
You will be asked to complete several assignement for the seminars and to prepare a poster presenting the work you have done in the labs. The posters are submitted in project groups (6-8 people), but the grades are individual, therefore questions during seminars will be used to evaluate the participation level of each member of the group. You will also submit a report describing your implementation, citing your sources and discussing your design decisions. To complete the unit you need to attend all the seminars, complete all the assignements and the poster.Grading
The grading of your reports and posters will be based on specific grading criteria.
Page responsible: Lena Buffoni
Last updated: 2022-03-23