TDDD81 Database Technology (6 ECTS)
VT 2025
Learning objectives
- L1. Design relational databases for different types of example domains by first creating a conceptual schema using the Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) model and then translating this schema into a corresponding logical schema captured in the relational data model.
- L2. Analyze and improve the quality of given relational database schemas based on the formal measure of normal forms.
- L3. Employ the database language SQL to query and to modify several example relational databases, as well as to create such a database with a given relational database schema.
- L4. Explain and apply basic concepts and techniques that database management systems (DBMSs) use internally to provide their main functionalities, which are the persistent storage and efficient retrieval of data, the efficient processing of queries, and the handling of concurrent access to a database.
Scheduled times
12 lectures, 9 lab sessions, and 1 teaching session.
Before each lecture
Watch the corresponding video lecture!
Before the first lab session
You need to register for the course, so that you get a database account to do the mandatory labs, get the right to write the exam, and belong to the mailing list used by the teachers to send important notifications.
In addition to registering for the course, you also need to register for the labs. Check the labs section for more information.
Written exam and assignments.
Course book
- Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S. B. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison Wesley. The most recent edition of this book is the 7th. However, you may also use an earlier edition.
- Swedish-speaking students may also want to check this online course.
Page responsible: Olaf Hartig
Last updated: 2024-10-25