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TDDD56 Distance Teaching Information 2021

(to be updated as the course proceeds)

As of entering the running autumn term 2021, Covid-19 restrictions in Sweden only hold for non-vaccinated persons (see Public Health Agency of Sweden), and LiU has decided to switch to pandemic level P1 until further notice; see also the LiU page on Covid-19. Nevertheless we must be prepared to switch to full-distance teaching at any time.
Given this situation, we decided to give lectures and lessons in TDDD56 on distance also this autumn, while the labs are planned to be on-site (in Olympen), as long as the pandemic situation permits. Labs have mandatory presence (unless you have Covid symptoms, of course) and it is, by default, not possible to attend remotely (i.e., no hybrid labs).

Here are some rules that apply for distance teaching in TDDD56:

  • In order to reduce the load on server and network resources please keep your camera switched off during lectures and lessons.

  • In order to eliminate unnecessary sound interferences, please mute your microphone.

  • If you have a question, please use the chat channel to signal this. Questions will be answered as time permits.

  • We keep the scheduled times, i.e., start sessions on time at xx:15, and lectures will have a 15 minutes break in the middle. During the break, the lecturer will be available for answering more specific questions.

  • We use Zoom for the lectures and lessons. In order to avoid disturbance by unauthorized third persons, we do not put Zoom session links on the public web page. Instead, these will be communicated in advance via email on the course mailing list, and we also collect them under the password-protected handouts page.

  • Olympen and its computers are reserved (and paid) for our course during scheduled lab hours. Any persons not belonging to our course have to leave the room during scheduled lab hours. Remote login sessions from students not registered on TDDD56 will be aborted.

  • At LiU it is generally forbidden to record lectures or other teaching sessions, regardless whether given physically or on distance. More information can be found here. More about laws and university rules can be found here.

Page responsible: Christoph W Kessler
Last updated: 2021-10-22