Linköping University ::: Department of Computer and Information Science ::: Embedded Systems Laboratory
Urban Ingelsson, Ph.D.
Until 31st October 2011: Post-doctoral full-time researcher in Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESLAB)
From 1st November 2011: Embedded Systems Engineer at Semcon AB
Email: urban dot ingelsson at semcon dot com
Cell phone: 0733-253318
Interests: Manufacturing test of digital circuits, In-field test and diagnostics, Low power IC design, Fault-tolerance, Functional safety (IEC 61508, ISO 26262, ISO 13849-1), Requirements Management
Please contact me for M.Sc. thesis projects or research collaboration. Semcon can offer M.Sc. thesis projects and be an industrial partner in research funding applications if the topic is right.
Urban Ingelsson graduated with a M.Sc. degree in computer science and engineering from Linköping University in 2005, a study which involved a year as exchange student at RWTH Aachen (Germany) and an internship at Philips Research (Eindhoven, the Netherlands). In 2009, he graduated with a Ph.D. in electronics and computer science from the University of Southampton (UK). He worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Embedded Systems Laboratory, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University until October 2011 and is currently Embedded Systems Engineer at Semcon AB.
November 2011, Consultant, Semcon, Linköping, Sweden
September 2009, Post-doctoral researcher, Linköping University, Sweden
July 2009, Ph.D. Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK
May 2005, M.Sc. Computer Science and Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden
Publications and Research Presentations
Peer-reviewed conference and journal publications
- "Reusing and Retargeting On-Chip Instrument Access Procedures in IEEE P1687", by Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, EDA Industry Standards issue of IEEE Design & Test Magazine, March/April 2012
- "Test Planning for Core-based 3D Stacked ICs with Through-Silicon Vias", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson and Erik Larsson, in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on VLSI Design, Hyderabad, India, January 2012
- "Scheduling Tests for 3D Stacked Chips under Power Constraints", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson and Erik Larsson, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), volume 28, number 1, 2012
- "Access Time Analysis for IEEE P1687", by Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, in IEEE Transactions on Computers, Auguest 2011
- "Test Scheduling in an IEEE P1687 Environment with Resource and Power Constraints", by Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Golnaz Asani, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, accepted to be published at Asian Test Symposium (ATS) 2011
- "Investigation into Voltage and Variation-Aware Manufacturing Test", summary of the Ph.D. thesis, by Urban Ingelsson and Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, IEEE International Test Conference (ITC) 2011
- "Measurement Point Selection for In-Operation Wear-Out Monitoring", by Urban Ingelsson, Shih-Yen Chang and Erik Larsson, at the Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS) 2011
- "Design Automation for IEEE P1687", by Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, at Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2011
- "Scheduling Tests for 3D Stacked Chips Under Power Constraints", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson and Erik Larsson, at the International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications (DELTA) 2011
- "Test Time Analysis for IEEE P1687", by Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, at the Asian Test Symposium (ATS) 2010
- "Efficient embedding of deterministic test data", by Mudassar Majeed, Daniel Ahlström, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, at the Asian Test Symposium (ATS) 2010
- "Estimating error-probability and its application for optimizing Roll-back Recovery with Checkpointing", by Dimitar Nikolov, Urban Ingelsson, Virendra Singh and Erik Larsson, at the International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications (DELTA) 2010
- "Process Variation-Aware Test for Resistive Bridges", by Urban Ingelsson, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, S. Saqib Khursheed, Sudhakar M. Reddy and Peter Harrod, in the IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD) 2009, Volume 28, Number 8, pages 1269-1274
- "Variation Aware Analysis of Bridging Fault Testing", by Urban Ingelsson, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi and Peter Harrod, in Proceedings of the 2008 17th Asian Test Symposium (ATS) 2008, pages 206-211
- "Bridging Fault Test Method with Adaptive Power Management Awareness", by S. Saqib Khursheed, Urban Ingelsson, Paul M. Rosinger, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi and Peter Harrod, in the IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD) 2008, Volume 27, Number 6, pages 1117-1127
- "Resistive Bridging Faults DFT with Adaptive Power Management Awareness", by Urban Ingelsson, Paul Rosinger, S. Saqib Khursheed, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi and Peter Harrod, in Proceedings of the 16th Asian Test Symposium (ATS) 2007, pages 101-106
- "Test scheduling for modular SOCs in an abort-on-fail environment", by Urban Ingelsson, Sandeep Kumar Goel, Erik Larsson and Erik Jan Marinissen, in Proceedings of the European Test Symposium (ETS) 2005, pages 8-13
Workshop contributions and book chapters
- "An MPSoC Demonstrator for Faault Injection and Fault Handling in and IEEE P1687 Environment", by Kim Petersen, Dimitar Nikolov, Urban Ingelsson, Erik Larsson and Gunnar Carlsson, in European Test Symposium (ETS) 2012, Workshop paper
- "Test Tool Qualification Through Fault Injection", by Qian Wang, Andreas Wallin, Viacheslav Izosimov, Urban Ingelsson and Zebo Peng, in European Test Symposium (ETS) 2012, poster
- "Test Planning for Core-based 3D Stacked ICs under Power Constraints", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson and Erik Larsson, in IEEE International Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT 2012) Hyderabad, India, January 2012
- "Test Scheduling with Constraints for IEEE P1687" (poster), by Golnaz Asani, Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, at the IEEE International Test Conference (ITC) 2011
- "Test Planning for 3D Stacked ICs with Through-Silicon Vias", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson and Erik Larsson, Second IEEE International Workshop on Testing Three-Dimensional Stacked Integrated Circuits, Anaheim, California, USA, September 2011
- "Level of Confidence Evaluation and Its Usage for Roll-back Recovery with Checkpointing Optimization", by Dimitar Nikolov, Urban Ingelsson, Virendra Singh and Erik Larsson, 5th Workshop on Dependable and Secure Nanocomputing (WSDN '11) Hong Kong, June, 2011
- "Investigation into voltage and variation-aware manufacturing test" (presentation and poster), summary of the Ph.D. thesis, by Urban Ingelsson, at the IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) 2011
- "Level of Confidence: Reliability Metric for Roll-back Recovery with Checkpointing", by Dimitar Nikolov, Urban Ingelsson, Virendra Singh and Erik Larsson, European Test Symposium (ETS), Trondheim, Norway, May 2011. (Poster)
- "Study on the Level of Confidence for Roll-back Recovery with Checkpointing", by Dimitar Nikolov, Urban Ingelsson, Virendra Singh and Erik Larsson, Workshop on Dependability Issues in Deep-submicron technologies (DDT '11), Trondheim, Norway, May, 2011
- "Test Scheduling and Test Access Optimization for Core-Based 3D Stacked ICs with Through-Silicon Vias", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson and Erik Larsson, European Test Symposium (ETS), Trondheim, Norway, May 2011. (Poster)
- "Test Cost Modeling for 3D Stacked Chips with Through-Silicon Vias", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson, and Erik Larsson, at the Swedish SOC Conference 2011 (not reviewed, not printed)
- "Level of Confidence Study for Roll-back Recovery with Checkpointing", by Dimitar Nikolov, Urban Ingelsson, Virendra Singh and Erik Larsson, at the Swedish SOC Conference 2011 (not reviewed, not printed)
- "Automated Design for IEEE P1687", by Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, at the Swedish SOC Conference 2011 (not reviewed, not printed)
- "Cost reduction of wear-out monitoring by measurement point selection", by Urban Ingelsson, Shih-Yen Chang and Erik Larsson, at the Swedish SOC Conference 2011 (not reviewed, not printed)
- "Test Scheduling for 3D Stacked ICs under Power Constraints", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson, Erik Larsson, at the IEEE International Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT), Chennai, India, January 6-7, 2011
- "Test scheduling on IJTAG", by Erik Larsson, Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson, at the Nordic Test Forum (NTF) 2010), Drammen, Norway, Nov. 23-24, 2010
- "Power Constrained Test Scheduling for 3D Stacked Chips" (poster), by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson, Erik Larsson, at the IEEE International Workshop on Testing Three-Dimensional Stacked Integrated Circuits, Austin, TX, USA, Nov. 4-5, 2010
- "Optimizing Fault Tolerance for Multi-Processor System-on-Chip", by Dimitar Nikolov, Mikael Vayrynen, Urban Ingelsson, Erik Larsson, Virendra Singh, book chapter in Design and Test Technology for Dependable Systems-on-chip, Editors, Raimund Ubar, Jaan Raik, Heinrich Theodor Vierhous, ISBN: 978-1-6096-0212-3, 2010
- "Study on Combined Test-Data Compression and Test Planning for Testing of Modular SoCs", by Anders Larsson, Urban Ingelsson, Erik Larsson, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, book chapter in Design and Test Technology for Dependable Systems-on-chip, Editors, Raimund Ubar, Jaan Raik, Heinrich Theodor Vierhous, ISBN: 978-1-6096-0212-3, 2010
- "Vdd-Aware Model for the Voltage on Bridged Nodes", by Urban Ingelsson, at the IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) (Workshop track) (ETS) 2010
- "Vdd-Aware Bridge Defect Model", by Urban Ingelsson, at the Swedish SOC Conference 2010 (not reviewed, not printed)
- "Mapping and Scheduling of Jobs in Homogeneous NoC-based MPSoC", by Dimitar Nikolov, Erik Karlsson, Urban Ingelsson, Virendra Singh and Erik Larsson, at the Swedish SOC Conference 2010 (not reviewed, not printed)
- "Scheduling Tests for Stacked 3D Chips under Power Constraints", by Breeta SenGupta, Urban Ingelsson and Erik Larsson, at the Swedish SOC Conference 2010 (not reviewed, not printed)
- "Efficient Embedding of Deterministic Test Data", by Mudassar Majeed, Daniel Ahlström, Urban Ingelsson, Gunnar Carlsson and Erik Larsson, at the Swedish SOC Conference 2010 (not reviewed, not printed)
- "Equation-Based Vdd-Aware Model for Resistive Bridge Behavior", by Urban Ingelsson, at the IEEE International Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT) 2010
- "On-line techniques to adjust and optimize checkpointing frequency", Dimitar Nikolov, Urban Ingelsson, Virendra Singh and Erik Larsson, at the IEEE International Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT) 2010
First Place, Semi-final of TTTC's E.J. McCluskey Doctoral Thesis Award held at the European Test Symposium in Trondheim, Norway, in 2011
Third Place, Final of E.J. McCluskey Doctoral Thesis Award held at the International Test Conference, Anaheim, USA, in 2011
Best M.Sc. Thesis 2005, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University
Other Professional Activities
B.Sc. thesis project advisor, since September 2009
M.Sc. thesis project advisor, since January 2010
B.Sc. thesis project examiner, since April 2010
Session moderator, European Test Symposium 2011
Session Chair, Swedish SOC Conferense 2010
Program Committee member, IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Application (DELTA)
Program Committee member, IEEE International Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT)
Reviewer, 3 papers, International Test Symposium
Reviewer, 3 papers, International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Application (DELTA)
Reviewer, 1 article, Journal of Electronic Testing, Theory and Applications
Reviewer, 2 papers, Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE)
Reviewer, 2 articles, Transactions on Circuits and Systems II (TCAS-II)
Reviewer, 2 papers, Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
Course assistant, since Autumn 2010, Computer architectures
Demonstrator, Autumn 2008, Spring 2009, Programming courses laboratory assistant
Member IEEE since January 2007
Steward at the IEEE European Test Symposium, May 2006, Southampton, UK
Conferences Attended
IEEE International Test Conference (ITC) 2011, Anaheim, USA
IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) 2011, Trondheim, Norway
Swedish SOC Conferense (SSOCC) 2011
IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS) 2011, Cottbus, DE
International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications (DELTA) 2011, Queenstown, NZ
IEEE Asian Test Symposium 2010, Shanghai, PRC
IEEE European Test Symposium 2010, Prag, Czech Republic
Swedish SOC Conferense (SSOCC) 2010
International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID) 2010, Bangalore, India
IEEE International Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT) 2010, Bangalore, India
IEEE Asian Test Symposium 2008, Sapporo, Japan
IEEE Asian Test Symposium 2007, Beijing, PRC
IEEE European Test Symposium 2006, Southampton, UK
IEEE European Test Symposium 2005, Tallinn, Estonia