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Research Methodology Reading Instructions

Introduction to
Methodology of Research in Computer Science


Reading instructions, Fall 2000 (Preliminary!).


A.F. Chalmers: Whats is this thing called Science? Latest ed., Open University Press, (Previous edition can be used if the course leader is informed before the examination.).
Read carefully. Examination will cover the contents of this book.

P.J. Denning et al. Computing as a Discipline. Comm of the ACM, vol 32, no 1, January 1989.
Read and contemplate. No examination.

S. Hägglund (ed.): Selected term papers on Methodology of Research in Computer Science, Vol II, Lecture Notes, IDA, LiTH, 1997:
Scan this volume and select a few papers for careful reading.Try to identify some topics of crucial importance for methodology of  esearch in computer science treated in the term papers and form your own opinion. During the seminar November 18 (participation required), you might be asked to present and discuss a paper (of your choice) from the Lecture Notes.

ACM Self Assessment Procedure XXII: Ethics, CACM, vol 33, no 11, November 1990:
Read this paper carefully and complete the assignments. No examination or check, but you will be required to fill in a "self declaration" stating that you have done this assignment.

Ned Kock. A Case of Academic Plagiarism. Comm of the ACM, vol 42, no 7, July 1999.
Read and contemplate. No examination.

A.J. Smith: The task of the referee, IEEE Computer, vol 23, no 4, April 1990.
Read and contemplate. No examination.

More reading material will be added during the course.




Sture Hägglund, Inst f datavetenskap, Linköpings universitet, 581 83  LINKÖPING

Tel: 013 - 281431, Fax: 013 - 142231, Email: StuHa@ida.liu.se

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Sidansvarig: Sture H
Senast uppdaterad: 2000-08-26