TDTS08 Advanced Computer Architecture (2024)
Course information
The aim of the course is to present how modern computer systems work and are built. The students should learn the advanced concepts and principle of computer architecture and organization, as well as methods developed in order to improve the performance of current microprocessors and parallel systems. The students, when finishing the course, should be able to analyze a computer to extract its basic architectural features, and understand how its components work together to accomplish the computation tasks efficiently.
TSEA19/20 (Computer Hardware and Architecture)
Course organization
The course is organized as a set of lectures and labs.
Course content
Cache organization, memory management and hierarchy, pipelining techniques, branch prediction, RISC architectures, VLIW architectures and specific compiling techniques, superscalar architectures, out of order execution, parallel architectures and multiprocessors, SIMD and MIMD architectures, cache coherence in parallel computers, graphics processing units, and low-power architectures.
Course syllabus
Please, see LiU Study Guide.Course literature
Stallings, William: Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance, 11th edition, Pearson Education. (You can use older editions of this book, or any other book covering the same subjects.)
Nvidia Tesla: A Unified Graphics and Computing Architecture (PDF)
Written examination, 4 ECTS.
Laboratory work, 2 ECTS.
This course is given in English.
Page responsible: Zebo Peng
Last updated: 2024-08-26