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TDDE49 Databases and Information Security for Bioinformatics


No examination found in the course database.

Structure and organization of the written exam

The exam is a closed-book sit-in exam written on campus, by each student individually, where "closed-book" means that no aids are allowed.

The exam consists of a total of five questions on the following topics:

  • Question 1: Data modeling with an EER Diagram
  • Question 2: EER diagram and Relational Schema
  • Question 3: SQL
  • Question 4: Information Security
  • Question 5: Database Security

For all questions together, you can get a maximum of 30 points. To pass the exam you need to achieve at least 15 points.

Relevant links and material

  • Find the dates for the written exams (TEN1)
  • A complete old exam: part 1part 2example solutions and grading remarks (these documents are accessible only to people at LiU)
    Do you wonder why the exam consists of two parts? That's how the distance-mode exams during the Covid-19 pandemic were split up. The usual on-campus exams are not split up into two parts (the total number of points that can be achieved in these on-campus exams is also 30, and you need at least 15 points to pass).
    Attention: While I am provide solutions here, I strongly suggest you look at these solutions only after you have solved the exam questions yourself.
  • Additionally, for some more database-related exam exercises, check the exam page of the database course. Notice, however, that this also includes questions on database-related topics that we do not cover in TDDE49. You can ignore these questions.

Rules for examination of computer lab assignments at IDA

You are expected to do lab assignments in group or individually, as instructed for a course. However, examination is always based on individual performance.

It is not allowed to hand in solutions copied from other students, or from elsewhere, even if you make changes to the solutions. If there is suspicion of such, or any other form of cheating, teachers are obliged to report it to the University Disciplinary Board.

Be prepared to answer questions about details in specific code and its connection to theory. You may also be asked to explain why you have chosen a specific solution. This applies to all group members.

If you foresee problems meeting a deadline, contact your teacher. You can then get some help and maybe the deadline can be set to a later date. It is always better to discuss problems, instead of, e.g., to cheat.

Any kind of academic dishonesty, such as cheating (e.g., plagiarism, use of unauthorized assistance, and use of prohibited AI-based assistants) and failure to comply with university examination rules, may result in the filing of a complaint to the University Disciplinary Board. The potential penalties include suspension, warning.

Policy for handing in computer lab assignments at IDA

For all IDA courses having computer lab assignments there will be one deadline during or at the end of the course. If you fail to make the deadline, you must retake the, possibly new, lab course the next time the course is given.

If a course deviates from this policy, information will be given on the course web pages.

Page responsible: Olaf Hartig
Last updated: 2023-08-16