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729G22 Interaction Design

User Research Report Template

Submission details

Name the file you send in: 729G22Group[groupNo]UserResearch[Year]
Replacing groupNo with your group number and Year with current year. Use pdf format. Submissions in English or Swedish are accepted.

Put the following information on the first page:
User research report 729G22
Group no:
Members: [names and liu-id]

Project plan

Include your current version of the project plan

Summary of data collection techniques

Describe how data collection (e.g. interviews, observations) was carried out, this includes a description of the context (where and how), the people, and the activities or questions. Include references to literature.

Insights: A summary of the main insights from each technique. Try to make the results as visual and accessible as possible.

Data modelling techniques

Here, the group presents (citing relevant sources):

  • Personas: Include your personas and show how the underlying data supports them.
  • Flow: Visualize the current use or flow of events using e.g. scenario, storyboard, flow chart etcetera.
  • Other visualizations or models: Include other ways in which your research data is analyzed and/or presented.

Design goals

Describe the design goals (different names for design goals can be found in the literature) for the design and how they are based on the user research.


Only references to literature, not lectures or meetings.


Include all relevant material from user research, such as interview guides and summary of responses, observation templates and notes, sketches, discarded visualizations etc.

Page responsible: Mattias Arvola
Last updated: 2018-08-28