Computer examination
Register to computer exams the ordinary way, i.e. in "the student portal", Studentportalen.
Exam location
You will receive a message from Studentportalen about where the exam is to take place, which normally sais "IDA". Most IDA computer exams take place on IDA's Linux system (room SU00-SU18) in building B.
Exam environment on the Linux system
The exam environment is "standard" Linux, a stripped MATE Desktop Environment. You must have basic skills in working in such environment.
Emacs, gedit, and vim text editors.
Course specific utilities, e.g. a program development environment, and means of assistance.
On the exam day
Be in good time! Access is normally granted 30 minutes before the exam starts, so you have time to find a place, notice any problems with the workplace, and log in before the exam starts.
Gathering point is usually in the surroundings of room SU15-18. The exam invigilators will guide you to a room, where you normally can choose where to sit.
Logging in and out
To log on to the computer exam system, first chose Exam system from the session menu and log in with your own LiU-ID.
Thereafter log on to the exam system with your personal code, (personnummer) and a one-time password given to you by the an exam inviligator, after identity check.
Do not log out if problems arise notify the teacher on duty!
Log out first when you have decided to finish the exam. Loggin out is done in several steps, don't leave until the normal login screen shows.
Page responsible: The UPP group
Last updated: 2014-11-19