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TDDE18 Programming (C++)


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Lab signup

All lab work shall be done together with ONE fellow student. Demonstration "on your own" will not be permitted. Use the link "Lab signup" in the menu to left. You should always demonstrate labs with the student you worked together with, and that does not have to be the one you signed up with.

Lab demonstration

Finished (well tested and debugged) labs should be approved by one of the assistants. Lab demonstration is done during scheduled lab sessions. Raise your hand and tell the assistant you want to demonstrate. The assistant will randomly select one of you to do the demonstration. The selected student should be prepared to show and explain all code part of the lab, answer questions on the techniques used in the lab, and explain how the program reacts to certain input.

Lab approval

Once the assistant is happy with your demonstration you should hand in your code digitally for final approval. The assistant have a long list of common mistakes (available for preview) and will note which of them that is relevant to your solution, and which of them you must correct. Then you have to find where the mistakes are and how to fix them.

Scroll down for information about sendlab used for code hand in.

Lab BONUS on the exam

By doing your work on time you can get bonus time on the exam. Demonstrate before or during the presentation sessions in the schedule to get bonus time.

Bonus time extend the time limit of grade 4 and 5 (on computer exam in January). You will get 5 minutes for each lab deadline you meet. You can get at most 35 minutes of bonus time, no matter how many deadlines you meet.

Lab instructions

Working on labs from home

Guide to -ssh and Thinlinc.

Your responsibilities in order to learn

  • Let us know what you need from us
  • Attend lectures and ask questions
  • Read book and study examples
  • Attend lessons and participate actively and ask questions
  • Study, modify and write small eperimental programs that focus on how one particular feature of C++ works
  • Prepare lab solutions at home
  • Discuss different solution approaces with your lab partner
  • Attend labs and write lab solutions
  • And so on ...

Page responsible: Christoffer Holm
Last updated: 2017-08-20