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TDDE18 Programming (C++)

Allowed Aids

Allowed aids

You are allowed to use any of the following items during the exam:

  • One C++ book, it may be the 5000 page C++ bible or any C++ book you choose. If it is your book, you may have minor notes in it. It must be a real pocket/hardcover book. Printed/copied books are not allowed. Neither are electronic books, since no electronic devices whatsoever is allowed (except the computer environment we provide.)
  • One A4 page with any notes you may have notes on both sides of the page.
  • Dictionary to/from your native language. Again it shall be a real pocket/hardcover book.
  • Pen/eraser/ruler for any notes, figures, drawings or measurements you may find useful to explore solution ideas. The invigilators can supply empty papers for you to use.

You are specifically NOT allowed any of the following items during the exam:

  • Electronic devices. No phones, calculators, translators, e-books etc. Place any such things according to instructions from invigilators, probably in your bag or jacket a long way from your seat. Make sure your phone is off.
  • Papers with notes (except the allowed page).

Things provided on exam

The following resources will be provided by us. If you do not know how to handle the tools below you will not pass the exam.

  • Computer: A computer with UNIX environment.
  • Environment: A standard shell with standard commands (ls, cp, mv)
  • Programming tools: g++, emacs, make
  • Manual pages: Through standard shell command 'man'
  • Empty papers for any notes, figures or drawings you may need to visualize your algorithms and solution ideas.

Page responsible: Christoffer Holm
Last updated: 2023-08-21