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TDDD97 Web Programming / 732A56


Course-specific instructions

In this course, you will complete a set of lab assignments. These assignments may be performed with a lab partner or alone, although you will have to form pairs yourselves. The examination of your labs is performed through a demonstration and an individual oral questioning (i.e., questions about your solution). Try to report your results to your assigned lab assistant (this is the first choice). If this is not possible, you may turn to another assistant. If you pass, the possible grade for this couse are 3, 4, or 5. The grading will be based mainly on lab 4 (project), since the earlier labs (1-3) cover basic techniques in a step-by-step manner.

If you fail to demonstrate a completed lab series, the content of which you understand well, before the final deadline you must wait until the examination period in June or August when you will be given another chance at demonstrating your labs. Below you will find the general IDA rules for labs assignments.

Rules for examination of computer lab assignments at IDA

You are expected to do lab assignments in group or individually, as instructed for a course. However, examination is always based on individual performance.

It is not allowed to hand in solutions copied from other students, or from elsewhere, even if you make changes to the solutions. If there is suspicion of such, or any other form of cheating, teachers are obliged to report it to the University Disciplinary Board.

Be prepared to answer questions about details in specific code and its connection to theory. You may also be asked to explain why you have chosen a specific solution. This applies to all group members.

If you foresee problems meeting a deadline, contact your teacher. You can then get some help and maybe the deadline can be set to a later date. It is always better to discuss problems, instead of, e.g., to cheat.

Any kind of academic dishonesty, such as cheating (e.g., plagiarism, use of unauthorized assistance, and use of prohibited AI-based assistants) and failure to comply with university examination rules, may result in the filing of a complaint to the University Disciplinary Board. The potential penalties include suspension, warning.

Policy for handing in computer lab assignments at IDA

For all IDA courses having computer lab assignments there will be one deadline during or at the end of the course. If you fail to make the deadline, you must retake the, possibly new, lab course the next time the course is given.

If a course deviates from this policy, information will be given on the course web pages.

Page responsible: Sahand Sadjadee
Last updated: 2017-01-12