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TDDE68 Concurrent programming and Operating Systems (6 ECTS)

VT1 2025

Welcome to the course Concurrent programming and operating systems! This course provides an introduction to concurrency, both theoretically and how to program concurrent systems, as well as to principles of operating systems. The course is organized with lectures that present the theory, and a demanding but rewarding lab series where students extend and modify the Pintos operating system. At the end of the course there is a written exam.

The course is given with two different course codes, TDDE68 is a 6hp version of the course given as a mandatory course to students in the D and U programmes and as an elective course for several other programmes (and for international exchange students). TDDE47 is a 8hp version of the course given to students in the IT programme. The main difference between the two versions is that TDDE47 does not have C++ and pointer programming as a prerequisite and that the TDDE47 also makes use of problem-based learning (with a focus on the low-level programming part). Most of the information in these web pages is replicated across the two course web sites, and most of the course infrastructure is shared.

Latest News...

2025‑01‑19  Welcome to the course

Welcome to the first lecture 20/1 at 10:15 in A1

2024‑06‑24  August demonstrations

If you want to demonstrate your solutions to the lab series in June, sign up here. You will then be contacted to arrange a date. Deadline to sign up: August 12.

2024‑05‑29  June demonstrations

If you want to demonstrate your solutions to the lab series in June, sign up here. You will then be contacted to arrange a date. Deadline to sign up: June 3.

Page responsible: Klas Arvidsson
Last updated: 2025-02-09