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TDDE18 Programming (C++)



All course schedules are available in timeedit.


  • Sometimes you want to show the result of several searches (several schedules) together. Add a separator between your search items to do that.
  • Even more often you want to import your schedule to some other application (like google calendar), use the subscribe link for that and any schedule changes should be propagated automatically if you subscribe to that URL in your other tool. By default it will import two weeks into the future, you may want to change this to 10 weeks when you obtain the subscription link in timeedit.
  • Finally, "free groups" are only "free" in the sense that you pick one group at course start and stick to that, ignoring the other group.

Deadlines TDDE18

Laboration 1: 2023-09-06
Laboration 2: 2023-09-20
Laboration 3: 2023-11-02
Laboration 4: 2023-11-23
Laboration 5: 2023-12-14
Final deadline (hard): 2024-01-12
These deadlines are subject to change so be sure to check in. If they change you will be informed by E-mail.

These are the soft deadlines. On the day of the deadline for each lab we will stop prioritizing any help needed to solve that lab, meaning that if you still need help solving labX on the date of its soft deadline you may have to wait until all questions regarding the then 'current' lab is answered before you get help. This is to make sure that we can help according to our schedule. This also applies to labs that have not yet 'started'. These will also be down-prioritzied in place of the current lab.

Note: The final deadline is when all labs should be passed so make sure to send any complementary work before that date!

Meeting the soft deadlines will give you bonus on the exam. If you fail a soft deadline you will know to contact the examiner to resolve your situation, or simply work harder to catch up. If you fail a hard deadline your next chance to pass that lab will be corresponding deadline the next time the course is given (in one year's time at best).

Page responsible: Christoffer Holm
Last updated: 2023-08-23