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TDDE18 Programming (C++)


Lab environment setup

The tools you need to program C++ is Visual Studio Code (for writing code), gcc (for compilation) and a console/terminal running a shell, for example bash. Some of these are standard tools in a UNIX environment and are preinstalled on our computers. Visual Studio Code is installed by following the steps described on the course website.

The standard compiler on our Linux systems are good enough for the course, yet old. We have a modern version of the compiler available as module. This version support more of the latest standard and gives significantly better error messages. You make i available in your terminal and verify success by:

module add prog/gcc/7.1.0
module initadd prog/gcc/7.1.0
gcc --version

The output should be gcc version 7.1.0

Page responsible: Christoffer Holm
Last updated: 2018-08-30