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TDDE18 Programming (C++)

Exam Information

Upcoming exams

See the central exam date search engine for TDDE18.

Prolonged exam time

If you have some disability and are granted prolonged exam time, make sure your coordinator inform exam services and examiner early so this can be handled properly.

Exam signup

You sign up in the student portal at least ten working days before the exam. You can read more about examination at the examination office.

Exam location

This course have a computer exam, not an ordinary written exam. The exam take place in the same rooms, on the same computers, as you performed the labs (SU10-18).

Computer exam procedure

Demonstration occasion

Information about the computer exam, as well as a demonstration of the exam system will be given at a special occasion toward the end of the course.

Log on

When you arrive on the exam day you report your presence to the exam invigilator as usual and will be shown to a computer room. You should log on to a special exam account, not your own account. You will now be presented with a new logon screen. Enter your information and select your exam. The supervisor will check your identity as usual, and hand you a "one time password" you can use to log on to the exam. The exam paper is handed out once the exam starts. It is suitable to arrive early in order to have time to log on (and possibly customize the environment if you know how).

Communication client

When logged on to the exam you will have access to the tools you need and a communication client. It is very important to start the communication client. You can use it to ask questions to the examiner (similar to email) and to hand in solutions to the exercises. If you accidentally close it you should start it again. If you fail to notice clarifications and hints sent to you through the communication client you have to blame yourself.


If you despite all get stuck on something administrative (not concerning an assignment, questions regarding assignments should and must be sent with the communication client), get the attention of the invigilator, he/she will notify someone that will help you.


Correction is live, so you will know if an assignment passed or failed after some time. The correction is done in steps.

First step is to compile and run your solution to see if it seems to work. If it do not work at this step it will be given the grade Returned or Fail (see below).

Second step is to look at your source code. It is important it looks nice and tidy and you apply all your knowledge to make it so. If the code fulfil all particular requirements set in the assignment and all requirements set in general** you receive the Pass assignment grade.
** Specifically you did not enumerate all possible cases with a particular solution for each case, but applied a real (general) algorithm as far as possible, and you structured the code in reasonable sub-problems and formatted your code nicely.

Assignment grades ("Swedish word")

  • Pass ("Godkänd"). Your solution is acceptable. Start on the next (you should not wait for the assignment to be corrected, but start on the next immediately, or you will waste time).
  • Returned ("Kompletteras"). Your solution is not acceptable, we found some test case that do not work, your code do not meet the set quality or efficiency requirements, or you forgot to send some source file. Fix the error, test that it works, and hand in again (or start on a new assignment).
  • Fail ("Underkänd"). Your solution is not close to handling even the test cases shown in the assignment text. If it become evident you do not bother to test your solution (testing is the most natural and important task a programmer have, it is crucial to be confident a solution is correct to be able to use it for anything) you may receive this serious assignment grade. The assignment is lost, but the exam is not. Start work on a new assignment. Fail is very rare.

Grading and Bonus time

Once you have passed enough assignments to pass the entire exam you will be graded. When you see that you have received a grade you may either leave or stay to try for a higher grade (you will never loose a correctly set grade, no matter how many mistakes you do later). Even if you passed enough assignments to pass the exam, do not leave until you are graded. This is to be sure of no human omissions or mistakes.

Grading is based on how many assignments you solve. Solve four assignments for grade 5 (ECTS A), solve three for grade 4 (ECTS B) and solve two for grade 3 (ECTS C). This shall be done within 4 hours. If you have gained bonus time during the course this time is added to the 4 hours up to at most 4 hours and 35 minutes. In addition two special rules apply:

  • You always have 5 hours to attain grade 3.
  • You can attain grade 5 if you solve 2 assignments sufficiently fast, within 2.5 hours. If you have gained bonus time it is added to the 2.5 hours.

There may be complementary written questions corrected and graded as any written exam (in practice this is very rare).

Last minute hand-in

Very often many students send their assignments for correction during the last minute of the exam. If you do this you do not have time to wait for the reply, since you have to leave when the exam ends. We hope you have understanding for this. You should also know that most of the last minute correction requests fail (about 98%) due to not reaching the set requirements. We beg you to not send your code for correction when it is obvious that it do not work. Nevertheless this situation makes the examiner very busy at the end of the exam, and you can not expect to meet with him until earliest the next day.

Exam view

Since you have direct contact with the examiner during the exam, and receive "immediate" feedback (pass/fail) on your assignments there is usually no need for a specific scheduled exam view. Solution proposals is posted on the home page. If you despite this need to discuss something you may schedule a time (send email) with the examiner.

Page responsible: Sam Le
Last updated: 2018-08-14