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TDDD88 Logic


Rules for quiz-based exams


  • You can use your own copy of compendium without any notes on it. However, you can color text, underline it, mark particular parts, etc. (but without writing a word). To find the compendium, please login to the Lisam course service, select 'Course documents' at the left-hand menu, and then click on the 'TDDD88' folder. The compendium is located there in a pdf file 'tddd88-compendium.pdf'.


  • The quiz consists of 30 multichoice questions what gives, on average, 10 minutes per question. Each fully correct answer (all correct choices) gives 1 point.
  • For each question:
    • there are 4 possible choices;
    • a reward for marking a correct choice is 1/k, where k is the number of correct choices that can be made;
    • a penalty for each incorrect choice is 0.3.

    That is, assuming that:
    • there are 'k' possible correct choices (k=1,2,3),
    • 'c' correct choices are marked,
    • 'i' incorrect choices are marked,
    the result (in points) is R=max{0.0, c/k - 0.3*i}. In particular, 0 ≤ R ≤ 1.
  • For example, with k=2 available correct choices:
    • c=0 (no correct choices marked) gives 0.0 points,
    • c=1 and i=1 (one correct and one incorrect choice marked) gives 1/2-0.3*1 = 0.2 points,
    • c=2 and i=2 (two correct and two incorrect choices marked, i.e., all choices marked) gives 2*(1/2)-0.3*2 = 0.4 points.


number of points (N) Swedish grade ECTS grade
25 ≤ N ≤ 30 5 A
20 ≤ N < 25 4 B
15 ≤ N < 20 3 C
0 ≤ N < 15 U (not passed) F (not passed)

Page responsible: Andrzej Szalas
Last updated: 2024-01-12